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GreenLight WorldFlight | North Pole - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight to the North Pole!
The world is not what we see
The world is mostly what we can't see

10. 07 2013


Matevžev projekt za "Svet, kot ti je všeč, s podnebjem, kot ti je všeč"

Projekt merjenja koncentracij črnega ogljika v ozračju na letu okoli sveta konkurira na razpisu Generalnega direktorata za podnebno politiko pri Evropski komisiji

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1. 07 2013




V petek je v Portorož v formaciji 5 portoroških letal, ki so ga pričakala na Črnem kalu, na Aerodrom Portorož priletel Matevž Lenarčič - svetovni pilot leta 2013.

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Matevž's “Aerial view” books



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OldProf   26.05.2013  09:58:55 GMT
Čestitam, si ravno letel čez našo hišo na Lukovici! Matjaž G.
Stane   26.05.2013  09:58:18 GMT
Toooo, še malo, bravo Matevž...
Marjana   26.05.2013  09:47:57 GMT
Ravnokar cez Ajdovscino Srecno
mozetic darjo   26.05.2013  09:47:00 GMT
Oj amigo...lepo te je spet videt v zivo...ravnokar sem te gledal tam nekje nad Trsteljem...hasta la vista in cestitkeee!
BSW   26.05.2013  09:46:46 GMT
JaniS   26.05.2013  09:45:22 GMT
Wajdoušna ! ! !
MiSek   26.05.2013  09:43:36 GMT
Iskrene čestitke Matevžu in ekipi GLWF.
TM   26.05.2013  09:41:02 GMT
Čestitam za uspeh!!
Anonymous   26.05.2013  09:38:42 GMT
še nekaj minut pa bo v sloveniji
BSW   26.05.2013  09:38:00 GMT
Pozdravljen doma
mark   26.05.2013  09:35:52 GMT
bravo !!!
Anonymous   26.05.2013  08:56:56 GMT
srečen pristanek ti želim
HP   26.05.2013  08:31:28 GMT
Happy flight back home. It seems that route is over Verona, where we with friends once were listening to Aida. The candles lighted the Arena. It was a great experience. This "month" tour around circumpolar area has been a great and exciting experinece to pe part as a "passenger", so good wishes for the whole team!
Jože   26.05.2013  08:07:35 GMT
Matevž je precej znižal višino leta, kot da se počasi pripravlja za "nizki prelet" pipistrelovega letališča v Ajdovščini (na dveh metrih) :) - od tam bi pa lahko dobil družbo do Brnika :)
Moravčan   26.05.2013  07:10:38 GMT
Tudi jaz grem pozdravit našega junaka na Brnik
Michael   26.05.2013  06:53:50 GMT
Go Go Go Matevz again what a wonderful adventure. You inspire me from my office everytime you fly. I hope there is a big greeting in LJE when you arrive and a belated birthday celebration. You have again inspired all of us with the adventures.
Martina   26.05.2013  06:34:51 GMT
Srečno Matevž še teh zadnjih par sto kilometrov, miren let in varen pristanek ti želimo. Ponosni smo nate!
Domen Grauf   26.05.2013  05:44:27 GMT
Pozdravleni. Trenutni cas prihoda na letalisce v Ljubljani kaze 11:50 lokalno. Lp, GLWF Team
ramolov   26.05.2013  05:17:35 GMT
Ker sem od Brnika oddaljen ca. 200 km (po cesti, pa še državna meja je vmes!) in ne vozim Virusa, se nažalost ne morem pridružiti ljubljančanu - ostal bom prikovan ob zaslon do tvojega pristanka na Brniku, Matevž, tebi pa vso srečo!
viam   26.05.2013  05:06:13 GMT
Srečno še do doma
ljubljančan   26.05.2013  04:47:35 GMT
Evo se že pripravljam, britje pa kravata pa gremo na Brnik
Domen Grauf   26.05.2013  04:36:13 GMT
Here We Go Home! Srecno!
janez s   25.05.2013  20:00:39 GMT
srečno še v zadni etapi
Administrator   25.05.2013  19:55:12 GMT
Sporočamo, da je prihod Matevža Lenarčiča in s tem zaključek uspešnega preleta severnega tečaja predviden v nedeljo, 26 maja ob 15.00 uri na brniško letališče (Center splošnega letalstva). V primeru, da zjutraj v Nantesu, kjer se trenutno nahaja, ne bo megle, bo poletel že nekaj po 6. uri in bo na Brnik priletel že ob 12.00 ali 13.00. Zadnja informacija bo podana zjutraj, ko bo dejansko vzletel. Ekipa GLWF
Great Report   25.05.2013  10:35:11 GMT
Good luck on the final leg on Sunday. Hope the weather improves and thanks for the extra information on your crossing, Great Read !
Dejan   25.05.2013  07:49:10 GMT
Matevž hvala za čudovite fotografije. Ali lahko naložite gor še kakšen video? Srečno še naprej.
Matevž Lenarčič   25.05.2013  07:41:21 GMT
ATLANTIC Gander International Airport in New Fundland was perfect place to land for me. Not too big not too crowded and very kind personnel. Extremely good service from Shell FBO, not too expensive fuel and only 30 minutes walk to the town. Brian Hicks airport general manager came to greet me, former oceanic controller, his father operate HF communication with aircrafts crossing Atlantic. The weather in this part of the world is changing very fast, just a day before I came in Gander they got 75 cm snow what haven't be a case before. Waiting for good weather in New Fundland, Ireland and all the way through the Atlantic could take weeks or months, so we had to look for acceptable compromises. Very, very difficult decisions always limited by aircraft performances and instruments on board. The main problem is icing conditions which could go from the ground up into very high altitudes. A very long cold front maintained over the middle of north Atlantic from Greenland down to US for a couple of days and didn't look it is going to move away. So we were looking for acceptable gap in the front. Weather prediction is based on weather models as there is no weather stations over the sea so might be good or bad. Being alone for final decision is difficult so it was crucial to me to have daily communication with good friend and fellow pilot Domen Grauf who was trying to find any available weather information. Along the route the front seemed to weaken a bit with some temperature rise what enable to fly in the clouds at lower levels. As the new weather system approached New Fundland rapidly from the south we decided to go. Steve from Shell picked me early in the morning and we were at the airport in dark. Rain began to fall from low clouds when I taxied for the runway 21. The light was coming through the cloud in eastern direction so I might be in better weather over the ocean. I couldn't get clearance for VRF flight higher than 5500 feet so changed it to IFR over the ocean once I was able to climb to FL100. Domen sent me information about what is waiting further into flight. When I hit the frontal clouds I decended to FL060 where the temperature rise to 8 deg, what was high enough to be away from ice. Soon after I was in the clouds luckily without turbulence. Rain was again pouring into the cabin, so better listening to music. After SMS via Iridium came from Domen that I should be out on the other side of the system what was not a case. But after about looong minutes, the clouds became brighter and when I can feel the sun above I climbed again and soon topped the clouds into beautiful blue sky. What a relief. The rest of the flight was uneventful, over the top so have not seen much of the Atlantic. Weather in Ireland was even better than forecasted so diverted from Kerry (which was closed just minutes before) to Shannon where I was greeted by very friendly personnel from Operations. Next morning back into the air headed south to France as the rest of the Europe faced bad cold frontal weather. Shannon has no avgas so my destination was St.Nazaire for refueling. Very strong tail wind of 60 kts expelled me with sometimes over 200 kts ground speed over the sea, congested London airspaces to green France. Autopilot couldn't handle strong up and downdrafts in mountain waives so had a lot of work adjusting the engine power to avoid overspending. There was no fuel for me in St Nazaire so moved to nice small light aircraft friendly airport La Baule, where I am waiting for some acceptable weather to cross the Alps along my last leg back home. It looks now the Sunday could be a day for me. All best to all supporters around.
Colin Rotax New Zealand   25.05.2013  04:56:29 GMT
Happy Birthday and may you have many more. Well done on an incredible flight. Congratulations to you and your team as well as to all at Pipistrel. Once again you have shown the capabilities of these incredible aircraft when they have a talented pilot behind the stick. Well Done.
Niall   25.05.2013  01:28:01 GMT
HP   24.05.2013  18:54:04 GMT
Which part of Quebec are the pictures 7-9 and what happened to the forest, I wonder.
ljubljančan   24.05.2013  17:33:01 GMT
@Camille: At the moment just waiting for good weather.
Camille   24.05.2013  16:48:17 GMT
Please...let me know what is going on...I don't understand your language, sorry !
IgorG   24.05.2013  11:45:42 GMT
@Domen in ostali: Ko sme ze pri začasnem, "Matevz´s time out",vetru,izračunih, za intermezzo oglejte:MAKANI POWER.COM,in http// p.s.vreme pa ga ........prilika da tudi GLWF team malo `zdhne´. Lp. vsem.
France   24.05.2013  10:22:28 GMT
Hojla,Matevž! Upam, da na Francoskem ne dežuje in,da znosno prenašaš čakanje na ugodno in varno okno. Tako, mimogrede pa pozdravljam našo kleno slovensko korenino,ki se oglaša z vzpodbudami Matevžu tudi na tem podvigu, spoštovano E-znanko, gospo Justino iz Buenos Airesa.Bravo,Justina, pri Vaših zelo visokih letih-Matevžu izdajam skrivnost, da gre gospa proti devetdesetim in,da je res prava in zelo živa korenina ter zelo navdušena nad Matevževim velemojstrstvom,ki mu, ja-itak, ni para na tem planetu! Navdušujoče in zelo zgledno za nas in za prihajajoče podtriglavske rodove!
S5 KBR   24.05.2013  09:50:18 GMT
Domen Grauf   24.05.2013  09:28:28 GMT
Vsekakor je bil tukaj v pomoc veter. Planirano je bilo tako, da bo veter pomagal. Kljub temu je razdalja in poraba fantasticna. SMALL - LIGHT - GREEN
Domen Grauf   24.05.2013  09:25:19 GMT
@Sebastjan: V letalo se lahko napolni max. 350 litrov goriva. Let iz Kanade do Irske je trajal 11 ur iz Irske do Francije na trenutni polozaj pa cca 3 ure. Vseh likometrov z vijuganjem je bilo 4060.
Sebastjan   24.05.2013  09:10:26 GMT
Bravo Matevž in ekipi GLWF! Spremljam projekt in vidim, da se lepo rišejo rumene pikice na Matevževi poti .... @Domen, nekaj pa mi vseeno ni čisto jasno in sicer podatek o porabi goriva. Napisal si namreč, da je polet trajal točno 11h (Atlantik) in cca 3h (Irska - Francija) torej skupaj 14 ur. V letalu je bilo 98% goriva in da bi še lahko dodal cca 15 litrov goriva. Če prav računam gre v letalo cca 700 litrov goriva? OK. Za polet je bilo tako porabljeno cca 650 litrov (47 litrov je ostalo v letalu). In če to količino delimo z 14h je bila poraba 46 litrov na uro .... še vedno "green". PS na Pipistrelovi strani poraba 14 L/h ;) Ni kaj Matevž je CAR!
France   24.05.2013  08:26:19 GMT
Stojc, dragi trpin-Včeraj sem spet pisal njemu,Matevžu, itak. Oprosti, če je bilo "nastavljeno" na ogled tudi tebi.Preskoči, da ti na pridim lagodnega dneva in oprosti."Slovenski rod nima v sebi, da nerga"-vse dobro in ciao,nasvidenje v lepem in dobrem. Če bo pa g.Matevž kej reku, pol pa duga muzika.Itak.
France   24.05.2013  08:20:58 GMT
Res je lep deževen dan, ko, Matevž, čakaš tik pred pragom svojega doma, pa ne moreš noter. Vseeno smo s teboj in s teboj potrpimo, da se odpre okno za polet čez-ali pa-mimo Alp. Po desni,čez Španijo in Monte Carlo ali po levi čez ex.Austroogrske dežele? Tukaj je mraz in še sneg prihaja, tako, da se boš počutil kot doma na Severu... Potrpljenje je Božja žauba, mi smo zelo s teboj in se na razne načine čudimo kaj vse si naredil v zadnjih tednih! Lep pozdrav na Atlantsko obalo!
Medved   24.05.2013  06:28:42 GMT
g. Matevž Iskrene čestitke in srečno vrnitev domov iz Francije.
JUSTINA OLIVOS ARG.   24.05.2013  00:41:35 GMT
Srecno do doma ! En glasen BRAVO iz daljave!!!!
S5-IVAN   23.05.2013  19:20:38 GMT
Matevz, cestitke za se eno opravljeno etapo in odlicno porabo goriva!
S5-IVAN   23.05.2013  19:18:47 GMT
@stojc Jaz imam voljo in cas :)
S5-IVAN   23.05.2013  19:16:52 GMT
@marjeta Slovenski "mediji" so glede porocanja o tem projektu v kameni dobi. Tako namesto clanka o Matevzovem podvigu na spletni naslovnici RTV Slo dobim clanek "Najstarejse leseno kolo z osjo se prijavi", da o niti ne govorimo...
Janez   23.05.2013  17:07:50 GMT
Lepo vas prosim dragi Slovenci, ne sproščajte svoje nestrpnosti še v tisti mali skupni pozitivni energiji. Mnogi, tudi izven namišljenih meja, se bodo vprašali, če Slovenci sploh vemo pomen podviga Velikega Matevža v mali lupinici.
Jože   23.05.2013  17:02:38 GMT
Ja, je kar res, da se postavljajo novi standardi za UL in splošno letalstvo. BRAVO
Martn   23.05.2013  13:49:57 GMT
Čestitke Matevžu. Upam, da ne boš dolgo tu, je pa v neposredni bližini čudovit naravni park de Briere. Se splača pogledat, čeprav je za nas hribovce ravnina in močvara včasih neprivlačna. Vendar - bogastvo je v pestrosti.
janez s   23.05.2013  13:20:31 GMT
pred odhodom iz kanade bi lahko natočil še 15l goriva-to bi bila še 2%.sedaj pa mi ni jasno kako je s tako težo sploh lahko vzletel in dosegel čudovite hitrosti.
Cuddly Maverick   23.05.2013  13:09:32 GMT
K spodaj napisanemu: Coriolis effect
Cuddly Maverick   23.05.2013  13:02:30 GMT
Domen, čez severni Atlantik zaradi rotacije Zemlje stalni vetrovi pihajo proti vzhodu. Google: winds earth rotation
France   23.05.2013  12:56:32 GMT
Kršenmatiček! Matevž, tale je pa silna!Člouk misl,de počivaš po zajtrku na Shanonu-po delu na vrtu,pokukam na ekran in Gospod Matevž pristaja na francoskem! Holymolly, Matevž, si pa superturbomegacoolfantomskipowerman! Neverjetno. In še to, da mušička od mega Virusa sreča kar takole in mimogrede megavelikana in dinozavrskega Antonova 225? To pa je preveč.Hudo in prekrasna naključja! Lindbergh je na koncu poti srečal le ljudstvo, gasilce,žandarje in žurnaliste. Včeraj se nisem spomnil- zatorej en vegetarijanski nazdravje k rojstnemu dnevu z kozarcem železnega terana iz Krasa! Hvala. Prihaja nam hudo čudno in mrzlo dol čez Alpe in padavinsko vreme,ne hiti,prosim.Raje se sprehajaj ob Atlanskih valovih in počakaj tapravega vremena in krasen pozdrav!Srečno! ---------------------------------------------------- Thinking today about matevž resting after his breakfast at Shannon airport - wow - it's not real-he landed in France already. Phenomenal! With concentrated expression :superturbomegacoolfantomskypowerman Matevž! And the 2nd speciality is that little megaVirus meets the biggest&powerful An-225 at Shannon - it's a bit too much.Fantastic coincidence for this historical flight!It's only Spirit of St.Louis missing there. Bad weather of very late winter over the Alps-Matevž do not hurry now,please. All the best with a glass of strong Teran wine from Kras for your ystrd. birthday! Fantastic story! Thanks, Matevž, wellcome home! Good Luck!
Domen Grauf   23.05.2013  12:37:02 GMT
Zelo zanimiva informacija. Pred odletom iz Kanade je Matevz napolnil letalo 98%. Lahko bi dodal se cca 15 L goriva. Po pristanku v Franciji je preveril in je skupno ostalo se 47 l goriva. Lp, GLWF Team
stojc   23.05.2013  12:27:27 GMT
Hura, pa smo v Franciji.... Bravo.
Domen Grauf   23.05.2013  12:02:49 GMT
Bravisimo. Congrats.
Janez   23.05.2013  12:00:56 GMT
Matevž BRAVO!!!, sedaj pa že skoraj vidite v SLO. Kakšna natančnost pri izračunu.
IgorG@   23.05.2013  11:58:26 GMT ste nas `strašil´ da v Shannonu-u ni goriva,saj ga ne rabi.....kmalu bi do doma z Kanadskim prijadral! L.p. VSEM
Domen Grauf   23.05.2013  11:37:43 GMT
We all want to own and fly the most fuel-efficient airplane. Do the laws of physics impose any limits on the efficiency of flight? The answer, is yes. But the other question is, how is it possible that Matevz still flying with same fuell which he refueled in Canada! After 3200 km of flight, todays mission have additional 700 km. This amazing fuel efficiency at Pipistrel Virus SW is really fantastic. GLWF Team
IvoB & Pipistrel Team   23.05.2013  10:52:58 GMT
Srecno Matevz se cez tole luzico! Ja tele hitrosti glede na zemljico so ze na meji verjetnega. Konkurenca spet ne bo spala...
Janez   23.05.2013  10:47:15 GMT
Škoda, da niso ugodne vremenske razmere, saj bi Veliki Matevž v mali lupinici za razvdrilo priletel do Brnika. Počasi - Ne smemo biti prezahtevni in moramo stisniti pesti tudi za zadnji del poti, da bo še za preostali del Matevž in ekipa GLWF sprejela pravilne odločitve. SREČNO MATEVŽ !!!!

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