Janko 17.05.2013 13:46:28 GMT
Saj ni zelo praktično, ampak do Baie Comeau je 450 km in 6 ur vožnje z avtom. Če je pri roki kakšen prijatelj z letalom bo še malo hitreje... Nekoliko sramotno za veliki DHL, da za to pot rabi več dni. Ne vam pa ali je pripravljen predati paket naslovniku na vmesni postaji... Srečno Matevž! Matevž Lenarčič 17.05.2013 13:01:55 GMT
Hi everybody,
Just received information form DHL in Montreal that shipment has been stucked in Baie Comeau which is close to Sept Illes and is not going to be delivered before Wednesday.This is true disaster for our project, so any idea is highly appreciated. Cheers Matevz IgorG 17.05.2013 12:15:08 GMT
@GLWF team:What is Pipistrel`s theory wich might work to resolv Matevž`s problem? Ali je DHL že kje na obzorju? Katere rez. dele bo dostavil? (če niso poslovne zadeve) . Matevžu držimo pesti in čestitamo za uspelo predstavitev na ICAO v Montrealu in SREČNO čez `lužo´ domov IgorG 17.05.2013 12:15:07 GMT
@GLWF team:What is Pipistrel`s theory wich might work to resolv Matevž`s problem? Ali je DHL že kje na obzorju? Katere rez. dele bo dostavil? (če niso poslovne zadeve) . Matevžu držimo pesti in čestitamo za uspelo predstavitev na ICAO v Montrealu in SREČNO čez `lužo´ domov Alojz Demšar 17.05.2013 09:09:03 GMT
Matevževa predstavitev v Montrealu,ICAO Symposium, "Destination Green" 13.-16. 5. 2013:
http://www.icao.int/Meetings/Green/Documents/DAY%202/Day%202%20PDF/cooperation_partnerships/6-Lanercic.pdf janez s 17.05.2013 06:38:20 GMT
samo počasi in previdno.tudi tokrat ti bo uspelo,kot vedno doslej France 17.05.2013 06:07:06 GMT
Amazing personality and great power.Matevž is doing extraordinary things.It's not only about flying and about caring about safe flying-he finds time and energy to switch into complete another functions and he spent "just like that"couple of days for ICAO and for his green mission.Fantastic job!
Matevž je neverjetna osebnost in velika moč.Ta človek dela neverjetne stvari.Ne samo, da se posveča svoji osnovni misiji in kljub vsem trenutnim težavam najde časa in moči, da se posveti tudi ICAO daleč proč od svoje osnovne poti.Resda je vse skupaj povezano skozi
smisel njegovega letenja čez severni pol, ampak, kapo dol.Fantastično delo, Matevž.
Srečno z iskanjem in z odpravljanjem, upam, "malih" težav z ledom, oz. z vodo- vse najboljše na poti! Matevž Lenarčič 17.05.2013 00:50:36 GMT
I was lying on the ground under the plane trying to spot cause of the vibrations when I got a telephone call from Ms Hupe from ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)in Montreal about possible presentation of North pole project to the audience of 4th environmental Symposium, Destination Green. After I received also a call from mr. Alojz Krapez, Representative of RS on the council of ICAO and ms. Irena Gril from Embassy of Slovenia in Ottawa who were actually behind the idea, I went back to Havre St.Pierre
Nothing is going to happen in next days as spare parts from Pipistrel will not be here before Friday, so I decided to go to Montreal. Everything was organized in two hours, I have to change three aircrafts King Air 100 and ATR42 with 4 stops along the way from this wild Canadian cold east right to crowded warm and green Montreal. Organization was really excellent so everything went smooth also got engine oil, filter at Daniel Sasseville Rotax service who took care of Zenair 701 and Pipistrel Sinus during my flights in 2002 and 2004. A big thank goes also to Klemen Ferjan former top slovenian judoist who now work at Slovenian ICAO office. I was back to St.Pierre early morning completed another oil change just before rain. Now I am in the hands of DHL. If Pipistrel spare parts will come tomorrow and if Pipistrel theory works also in reality I am on the road agin Saturday or Sunday. If not I am stucked here for another few days as DHL does not operate over the weekends. S5-IVAN 16.05.2013 20:46:32 GMT
Kako bo z nadaljevanjem poleta? Je kaj novic? JUSTINA OLIVOS ARG. 15.05.2013 23:31:53 GMT
Srecno do konca zelim Matevzu !! janez s 15.05.2013 04:02:26 GMT
hvala za pojasnilo in čestitke vsem .prepričan sem da vam je uspelo .veliko sreče in uspešno nadaljevanje viam 15.05.2013 03:50:50 GMT
hvala za info. kaj je s spidertrackom? IvoB & Pipistrel Team 14.05.2013 20:41:39 GMT
Z motorjem je sedaj vse v redu. Upamo da smo z Matevzevo in Tomazevo (AlbatrossFly) pomocjo ugotovili in odpravili tudi vzrok vibracije na repu pri velikih hitrostih. Izgleda da je napihan droben sneg med sneznimi nevihtami prodrl v smerno krmilo in voda, ki je nastala po otoplitvi je premaknila masno sredisce nazaj tako, da prihaja do vzburjenja smernega krmila. Matevz je uspel narediti na krmilu drenazo in odstraniti vodo. Predvidevamo da ni strukturnih poskodb. S pregledom letala ter s testiranji v zraku da preveri ce je z letalom vse v redu bo nadaljeval v cetrtek, saj sedaj odhaja v Montrel kjer ima na ICAO-ju predstavitev projekta. The engine is okay now. We hope that we managed to find out, with Matevz's and Tomaz's (Albatross Fly) help, the reason for the vibrations on the tail at high speeds; and also remedied it. It looks like very fine snow managed to enter into rudder during the snow storms and the water which resulted from it melting shifted the center of gravity backwards so that is upset the rudder. Matevz managed to drain the liquid from the rudder. We presume there is no structural damage, but Matevz will continue with checks and tests of the aircraft on Thursday to see if everything is all right. Now he is leaving for Montreal, where he will have a presentation of his project at ICAO. S5-IVAN 14.05.2013 20:02:02 GMT
@Jože, res, pozabil sem pogledati na uro! Jože 14.05.2013 19:40:49 GMT
Ivan, zdi se, da prva točka ni bila beležena. Tele Matevževe poti so res prava stvar - z zelo različnih vidikov. S5-IVAN 14.05.2013 17:19:59 GMT
Je kaj novega? Spidertrack ni zabelezil zadnje tocke... Domen Grauf 14.05.2013 15:11:56 GMT
Dear all! Regarding to the test flights ,which was performed by Matevz in the last days, will try to explain by himself very soon. Also the engineers from Pipistrel company will try to explain their findings. GLWF team. Domen Grauf 14.05.2013 14:58:18 GMT
Spostovani! Matevz ali inzenirji iz podjetja Pipistrel bodo objasnili rezultate opravljenih testnih poletov. Vsi se trudijo po svojih moceh, vkljucno z Matevzem, da bi se projekt cimprej nadaljeval uspesno in varno, kot je potekal do sedaj. GLWF team. janez s 14.05.2013 14:49:11 GMT
danes pa bomo mogoče izvedeli kako potekajo dela na odpravi vibraci ramolov 14.05.2013 06:14:05 GMT
Samo 11 min v zraku - še iščemo vzrok vibracijam? Upajmo in želimo da bo šlo vse skupaj srečno naprej!! joco balant 14.05.2013 01:47:57 GMT
šele sedaj sem se priklopil,ker sem bil na terenu
Matevž,rešil si že mnogo težjih problemov,pa boš
tudi tega in srečno nadaljeval
pozdrav vsem spremljevalcem za mizo Moravčan 13.05.2013 21:04:17 GMT
Kaj vse je mogoče,da letalo nagaja.Voda,ki se nabere po raznih delih in kotih.Sam sem si mislilkaj če je propeler dobil "luft"zaradi takšnih temperaturnih nihanj.Mi "trpimo"tukaj za računalniki,matevž pa gara tam na mrazu.Dobro da ima tako voljo in izvrstne strokovnjake za pomoč.Držim pesti in sem vesel Matevževih dosežkov.Srečno. S5-IVAN 13.05.2013 21:02:17 GMT
Kako potekajo novi testi? JUSTINA OLIVOS ARG. 13.05.2013 19:55:51 GMT
Srecno nadaljevanje in cestitke !!sn4wf5 janez s 13.05.2013 19:50:53 GMT
upam da je bil uspešen preizkus AERO PROPULSION TECHNOLOGIES INC. 13.05.2013 16:32:22 GMT
I am ready to do all I can to help you get out of this please contac me to explane situation.
Daniel Sasseville ljubljančan 13.05.2013 13:34:58 GMT
Matevž na koncu ga ne bo večjega strokovnjaka za težave z ultralahkimi letali na svetu, kot si ti. S toliko izzivi si že bil soočen... Vse dobro še naprej. Matevž Lenarčič 13.05.2013 12:50:17 GMT
St Pierre is quite remote place close to vast wilderness of Labrador. So I was very lucky that Hugo Elias, local bush pilot on Beaver, float plane, appeared at the airport. He speaks english what is very strange in this part of the Canada. He helped me out in many ways. We went looking for engine oil, than he gave me a lift to the airport although his car was without brakes, he was with me servicing the engine, changing oil and draining possibly bad fuel from Iqaluit….
So without him, my life here would be much more difficult.
Than I made first test flight. Engine was running well, but vibrations were still there. But they appeared when speed of the aircraft went over 129 kt indicated and went away when I slowed the aircraft down. So it looks that vibrations are not related to the engine.
After I removed the rudder and found water in it. As soon as draining it out I was back in the air, but the ceiling of the clouds went down to 400 feet so I was not able to test under the same conditions, but there was no vibrations any more. I have to wait for more test flights after weather improve. We have had long discussions with Leon and Ivo from Pipistrel, Niall from Ontario, my friend Colin Alexander from New Zealand, Samo from Yellowknife, Domen and some others about situation and possible explanation would be, that I had two independent problems. First engine might run on bad fuel from Iqaluit what induce oil spill over the oil reservoir, vibration might come from water in the rudder, which could come with snow during Eureka blizzard and melted down here in wormer climate. More tests will show whether we are right or wrong. At the moment we are in the fog with light drizzle, so not much we can do about. IgorG 13.05.2013 11:54:47 GMT
@GLWF Team. Ali se je ugotovil-odpravil vzrok vibracij?Kako je Matevž zadovoljen z `Test Flight´-om,kaj meni mojster Leon? Lep pozdrav in dobre želje vsem ki se trudite! CumulusAB 13.05.2013 07:23:42 GMT
Hi Matevz, I hope you are on your way soon. Maybe you would like to divert via Spain to warm up from your adventure? (LELH). Our Sinus gets its freeze in the mountain waves, but usually only an hour or two each time! One again wishing you a speedy repair and safe onward journey. Happy Landings. Alan Anonymous 12.05.2013 18:47:38 GMT
Ta test track me spominja na teto,ki je rada štrikala:Ena leva,ena desna pa ena dol podelana ;) Sedaj pa resno:USPEŠNO POPRAVILO IN SREČNO V LINDBERGHOVI SMERI!!! Domen Grauf 12.05.2013 17:49:42 GMT
Matevz je naredil nekaj manjsih stvari na motorju po navodilih strokovnakov iz podjetja Pipistrel in opravil testni let. Test Flight is the result. GLWF Team janez s 12.05.2013 17:15:41 GMT
čudovito,upam da prav vidim.veliko sreče IgorG 12.05.2013 15:23:01 GMT
Hvala Matevž, da ste si vzeli čas, za obširno poročilo. Še čitajoč `dela´krče v želodcu,kam pa ne v zbilji.....
Hvala vsem, "dol" in "gor"da ste - landed safely -,naj več pa vam da ste vse to obvladali.Če ste porihtali "t`mavga"sredi užarjene avstralske puščave,ga boste tudi sredi tega ledu! Srečno in varno domov, vam želimo številni spremljevalci! Matevž Lenarčič 12.05.2013 14:36:46 GMT
HAVRE ST.PIERRE After snow storm Iqaluit weather in Iqaluit improved on May 9th, but it was still very windy with blowing snow around the city. The new front just hit Labrador peninsula, what made easy decision to wait in Iqaluit for another day. Next morning wather was better with just thin layers of broken clouds, which later disappeared. Mark, whose working day starts at 4. AM, was there, when I came to the hangar. Big ATR72 stood in front of “my little one” so we had to maneuver with both aircrafts to get it out. It was quite chilly outside at minus 18 so this must be a stress of 30 deg. difference for aircraft. Everything went smooth and soon I climbed out and above the clouds. I noticed that aircraft was flying uncoordinated so I must have lost plastic seal on vertical stabilizer due to the temperature difference, or between wings and cabin. It turned out to be unpleasant flight as I had to push the left rudder the whole way down. Cloud cover became broken when I flew over Ungava Bay which was covered with broken ice in icy water, so no way to lend in one piece in case of engine failure. Over the Labrador there were solid clouds with tops up to 7000 feet. It remained cloudy all the way down to the coast except around Wabush, where I was able to see airfield and mining town where I was grounded due prop failure back in 2004 during my eastbound Round the World Flight in Pipistrel Sinus. It was a real pity not to stop there, because I have a good friend there, one of them is Mike Power, who is a reporter for CBC. Domen sent me a good VFR METAR for Sept-Iles Airport so I proceed along the coast and then direct to iceland Anticosti. I descended down to 5000 feet in between the cloud layers for a while. Then I flew into solid clouds with outside temperature around 7 without any ice. Ice can build on the aircraft surface between +5 and - 15 deg C. Domen sent me information about icing conditions over Labrador from 3000 feet above the ground and higher. I had a red light, so I diverted towards Havre St. Pierre. As I was in the clouds I called Radio on 122.00 and requested change my flight from VFR to IFR, but the controller was not sure if this is possible so she had to ask somebody. I remained over the airfield at 5000 feet waiting for instructions. Finally I got info that she can’t clear me from VFR into IFR, but as this is uncontrolled airport I can do whatever I want. So I flew back to joined ILS for runway 08 with inoperative glide and I used LOC approach 08 and safely landed. After discussion with Domen regarding weather conditions over Newfoundland I was back in the air with plan to fly low level below the cloud base and south around the NF iceland. When I was about to head out over the 5 deg sea, I experienced very strong high frequency vibrations on my pedals and they did not stop for a minute or two regardless change in speed, RPM or prop pitch. I reported engine malfunction to the controller and diversion back to Havre St. Pierre. I was asked about declaring emergency. Vibrations repeated twice on my way back, but I landed safely without incident. ramolov 12.05.2013 07:07:49 GMT
hvala za posnetek najkrajšega poleta okoli Zemlje v zgodovini!!Kako pa napreduje delo na odklanjanju vzroka vibracij? S5-IVAN 11.05.2013 22:25:06 GMT
Upam da se z vibracijami vse uredi in da so te popravljive... Z Atlantikom se pac ni za hecat... Moravčan 11.05.2013 20:13:48 GMT
Tudi jaz držim pesti,da bi imel Matevž srečno roko pri iskanju napake ter nadaljevanje poti kjer nas z svojimi uspehi navdušuje.Veliko veliko previdnosti na ta malem. Recording - posnetek odhoda iz Iqaluita . by VY0HL 11.05.2013 16:15:14 GMT
Larry VY0HL - Iqaluit - je mi je poslal posnetek (*.mp3) Matevževega (S5-PEZ) odhoda ter razgovora s stolpom na letališču Iqaluit, ki ga najdete tukaj:
(Larry, TU GL CUAGN de S56FC ) France 11.05.2013 15:54:40 GMT
Wishing you very good luck while serching for vibrations cause and the same for recovery.
Želim srečno roko pri iskanju vzrokov in odpravljanju težav za vibracije. janez s 11.05.2013 15:49:28 GMT
hvala,da je le z matevžom vse v redu. IvoB & Pipistrel Team 11.05.2013 15:27:27 GMT
Vceraj so se med poletom na letalu pojavile vibracije in po pogovoru s Pipistrelovim mehanikom Leonom sta se odlocila za prekinitev poleta ter postanek v Havre Saint Pierre. Vzrok je za enkrat se neznan. Po informacijah ki jih je prejel od Matevza, Leon ocenjuje, da vibracije verjetno izhajajo iz motorja ali propelerja, a je glede na simptome potrebno izvesti dolocene preglede. Tiste najosnovnejse bo naredil kar Matevz sam po navodilih, ki smo mu jih posredovali. V kolikor pa vzroka ne bo ugotovil se bo vkljucil Rotaxov strokovnjak in zastopnik iz Kanade s katerim smo v stiku. Smola je v tem, da je precej dalec stran od Matevza oddaljen pribilizno 1200 km. Ko bo znanega kaj vec sporocimo.
Yesterday some vibrations appeared during the flight.
After the consultation with the Pipistrel mechanic Leon, he and Matevz decided to discontinue the flight and make a landing in Havre Saint Pierre. The reason for the vibrations is unknown as of yet.
According to the information he received from Matevz, Leon estimates the vibrations are probably coming from either the engine or the propeller. According to the signs it will be necessary to perform a few checks .
The very basic ones Matevz will be able to perform himself, following the instructions he received from Pipistrel. If he does not discover the reason, a Rotax distributor from Canada will have to intervene and visit Matevz. We have already contacted him. The bad luck with all this is that the expert is located very far away from Matevž, about 1200 km. As soon as we have more information, we will publish them here. IgorG 11.05.2013 13:21:23 GMT
@Domen,Petra:Write as something,"when we turn"! Jože 11.05.2013 11:48:15 GMT
Kot pravi Janez, strpno in željno čakamo novice, še kakšen video in plane za naprej. Najboljše želje in pozdrav, Jože janez s 11.05.2013 08:29:47 GMT
težko čakam novic o včerajšnem dogajanju s53aan-RADIOKLUB AJDOVŠČINA 11.05.2013 06:13:49 GMT
Carbon news today:
Keep on going, WGF KAPnikFZ 10.05.2013 20:18:12 GMT
Tudi na rumeno pikaste osmice se bomo navadili. Safety first! SREČNO! IgorG 10.05.2013 20:06:56 GMT
@Domen G. hvla za prej in sedaj,samo da je vse OK. Spočite se vsi! Primoz G. 10.05.2013 20:00:06 GMT
Glede na podatke, ki so mi na razpolago, sem prepričan, da je odreagiral pravilno.
http://www.flightradar24.com/ (v "setings" sem vključil "clouds")in si nekako predstavljam razmere na tej poti. Sigurno ima g. Domen še natančnejše podatke.
http://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/nl-24_metric_e.html Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 19:51:30 GMT
Z Matevzem je vse OK. Danes ne bo vec nadaljeval. ramolov 10.05.2013 19:49:08 GMT
Kaj se to dogaja? smo zopet na tleh!!!gg S5-IVAN 10.05.2013 19:47:11 GMT
Spet je pristal. Verjetno zaradi poslabsanja napovedi na destinaciji? Martn 10.05.2013 19:46:45 GMT
Osmica narejena (spomin na alpinistične čase) . upam, da je vse OK? Srečno! Primoz G. 10.05.2013 19:41:13 GMT
Bravo. Na prvem mestu je poleg zdravja tudi varnost. janez s 10.05.2013 19:20:27 GMT
bravo in srečno Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 19:06:23 GMT
Matevz will continue with flight toward airport CYYT. He will fly Southwest and South along Newfoundland coast. / Matevz bo nadaljeval z letom proti St. John's vzdolz jugozahodne in juzne obale Nove Fundlandije. Ker je pot nekoliko daljsa od predhodno planirane bo potreboval dobre 3.5 ure. Cirrus.si 10.05.2013 18:51:53 GMT
Matevž, upam, da je bil današnji let prijetnejši in več možnosti za fotografiranje. Iskrene čestitke Hubeljčan 10.05.2013 18:26:43 GMT
Jaz sem bil prepričan, da je Matevž naredil še en krog in pofotofrafiral tiste zanimive otoke. Škoda bi bilo zamuditi enkratno priložnost. Boste videli slike. Srečno Matevž in ekipa, držim pesti. ljubljančan 10.05.2013 18:07:23 GMT
Se mi zdi da smo kar naprej malo nestrpni, kdaj gremo naprej. Ampak se mi zdi, da bo vsega lepega še prekmalu konec :)
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