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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight around the world!
The world is not what we see
The world is mostly what we can't see

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9. 12 2012




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S5-Ivan   23.02.2012  21:17:10 GMT
Let je lepo stabiliziran. Spet so zmagale Matevzeve izkusnje. Henderson Island in sight (ce tam ni oblakov, :) )
Domen Grauf   23.02.2012  21:11:27 GMT
Tisti zavoji in spust na nizko visino je bil posledica izogibanja nevihtnim oblakom, ki segajo vse do visine 13.000 ft. Trenutno je let stabiliziran in nadaljuje skozi predel, kjer je intenziteta padavin najmanjsa.
Tadej M   23.02.2012  21:07:19 GMT
about 750km to Totegegie airport
Denis   23.02.2012  21:07:03 GMT
Weather was definitly bad, it looks it's slowly moving out of his path
matic   23.02.2012  21:05:54 GMT
Po zadnjih parametrih se je let stabiliziral in upam, da je ven iz največjega sranja. Upam, da na destinaciji ne bodo preveliki valovi. Vso srečo, držimo palce.
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  21:04:15 GMT
@SS-Ivan, Yes I have absolute confidence in Matevz ability to find a way and look forward to be able to say congratulations to him when he lands at GMR Margareva Airport (Totegegie) ......
S5-Ivan   23.02.2012  21:01:39 GMT
It looks like that the flight has returned to normality. Fly Matevz, Fly!!!
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  20:58:10 GMT
I have checked both Wikpedia and Wiktravel and it appears that there is no airstrip on Pitcairns Islands at most some almost flat terrain around the main town of Adamstown. Anyhow Matevz is now back up at around 5000 feet and more or less back on course ....
S5-Ivan   23.02.2012  20:55:27 GMT
@Poul The island in front of him (Henderson Island) is uninhabited and covered by a forest. The Pitcairn island on his south-west is like a mountain, 50 people are living there. But, be optimistic, hope for some better weather and think about Totegegie airport, where he will land today!
Anonymous   23.02.2012  20:51:23 GMT
No airport or landing area on Pitcairn island
BeechSportBill   23.02.2012  20:45:40 GMT
Best of luck and fair winds!
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  20:45:22 GMT
Hi Domen and Jonathan (Ushuaia), Thanks for giving us the information about the weather systems. Matevz is indeed ascending and descending and altitude is now 3400 feet. Is it impossible to land on Pitcairns Islands to allow the weather fronts to pass?
Mamo   23.02.2012  20:40:01 GMT
I found the track, but is very erratic. Can someone in English eplain why?
S5-Ivan   23.02.2012  20:34:21 GMT
Ufff, ob takih manevrih in takemu znizanju mi pa postane neprijetno. Upam na lepo vreme se naprej!!!
Stanea   23.02.2012  20:33:16 GMT
Tale nizki let me preseneča!? UTC Time: 23-Feb-2012 20:08 User Time: 23-Feb-2012 20:08 Latitude: -24° 30.375 Longitude: -125° 47.826 Altitude: 554 ft Speed: 123 knots Direction: 195° T
MiSko   23.02.2012  20:31:49 GMT
Matevz prosim, ne razbijaj več 'monotonije'! Srečno!
Pižmovka LJ   23.02.2012  20:28:13 GMT
Hvala Domen Huh tole pa je malo streslo.
Charlie R   23.02.2012  20:22:52 GMT
That had my heart pounding
Jonathan (Ushuaia)   23.02.2012  20:22:38 GMT
Well defined frontal system at his position- he probably descended to avoid icing. His whole course deviation makes sense.
Domen Grauf   23.02.2012  20:22:19 GMT
All around are clouds up to 13.000 ft and he is trying to avoid clouds!
Mamo   23.02.2012  20:21:42 GMT
Is there any problem with the Spidertrack, I can not see any image of the track.?? I hope there is nothing wrong with Matevz an his fantastic plane.
Tadej M   23.02.2012  20:21:11 GMT
TC = ? Še nekaj linkov ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  20:20:38 GMT
275 degrees sorry, but now 2500 feet ....
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  20:19:16 GMT
And now back to 175 degrees and 1800 feet - maybe Matevz just wanted to say hallo to a ship?
Jonathan (Ushuaia)   23.02.2012  20:17:38 GMT
I am in contact with a cruise ship 550 miles to the East - looks like he is perhaps having problems with weather -
Pižmovka LJ   23.02.2012  20:16:41 GMT
Huston do we have problem??? Tole je pa zelo hiter spust. Je Matevž le koga pozdravil med potjo?
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  20:15:44 GMT
From 1000 feet to 580 feet and now back to around 1000 feet. To me it is a mystery ......
Domen Grauf   23.02.2012  20:08:38 GMT
TC are all around
Bogdan   23.02.2012  20:08:36 GMT
@Houston - se mogoče ve, kaj je Matevža spodbudilo k temu manevru - spustu na 300 m? Je kaj opazil? Si kaj ogleduje?
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  20:06:18 GMT
Matevz changed course at UTC 18:12 from 280 degrees to around 320 degrees apparently to go North of Pitcairn Islands. Over the following 45 minutes Matevz has lowered the altitude to around 3500 feet from 10600 feet. Now his altitude is only around 1000 feet and he has changed direction to 175 degrees. Do we have any background information to explain these maneuvers? ...
MiSko   23.02.2012  19:36:49 GMT
Matevž se je odločil, da razbije monotonijo! Očitno dobimo fotko iz Ducide Island! Srečno Matevž!
jure   23.02.2012  19:33:57 GMT
Matevz veliko lepih posnetkov atolov in drugih lepot, vsi piloti ti zavidamo. Srečno naprej Bravo!
lojz   23.02.2012  19:30:48 GMT
Matevž špara gorivo - zmanjša je hitrost, ker je ubral nekoliko daljšo pot. Je pač ECO polet.
Charlie Russell   23.02.2012  19:30:20 GMT
I can’t get over how great it is to be able to follow Mateuz over this trackless ocean. I can see that he has turned towards the Ducide Island atoll… for a photo I guess. Thanks again team, espeally Petra, for setting this up so well so we can travel with my friend. I am blown away.
Domen Grauf   23.02.2012  19:27:06 GMT
Change of direction due to weather disturbance on the left, stretching all the way to F. Plynesia. // Sprememba smeri zaradi vremenske motnje na levi, ki se razteza vse do F. Plynesie. GLWF team   23.02.2012  19:24:43 GMT
Matevž je že naciljal Ducide Island, ki je verjetno kar vrh ugaslega ognjenika s prelepimi plažami, pa nikjer gužve. Ne bo ušel njegovemu objektivu, pa čeprav je zelo majhen. Srečno naprej, Matevž !
George   23.02.2012  19:22:16 GMT
Petra Draskovic: An article from Hungary:
Samo CYZF   23.02.2012  19:18:11 GMT
Sure looks like he's heading over to Ducide Island ,perhaps to get some nice shots from the air . God speed Matevz !
stojc   23.02.2012  19:16:52 GMT
Pravkar se Matevž približije otoku "Ducide island", ki sicer nima letališča, je pa vsaj kopno kjer bi lahko zasilno pristal, če ...
stojc   23.02.2012  19:04:48 GMT
Kaj pravi Matevž? Še vedno konstantno naprej.. Te spremljam. dokler ne pristaneš. Srečno ....
stojc   23.02.2012  18:57:35 GMT
@Tardus... spremljam na teh frekvecah, vendar sem prešvoh, da bi sodeloval. Vseeno hvala za tvoje "linke". Je kdo od S5, ki sodeluje?
Ray   23.02.2012  18:46:57 GMT
Domen or Petra, any update on the source of the engine irregularities that occurred during the flight to Concepcion?
Dule   23.02.2012  18:25:09 GMT
Danes bo pa pristajal skoraj kot na letalonosilko!
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  18:23:24 GMT
The halfway mark (700 nautical miles) has just been passed. The speed continues to lower slightly (now around 130 knots). The remaining half of this leg will take longer than the first (which took just under 5 hours). Arrival still likely around 23:30 UTC .....
Karel from Czech Republic   23.02.2012  17:40:23 GMT
Wearher is OK,, I believe Rotax is working well, fuel: enough, the best pilot in command, support by perfect team, good luck Matevž !!
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  17:39:42 GMT
800 nautical miles left !!!!! It appears that Matevz have encountered stronger winds. Speed has fallen a little and his heading is not entirely constant. Estimated time of arrival will probably have slipped by at least 15 minutes by now. We will see .....
Tardus   23.02.2012  17:22:16 GMT
V tistem koncu so kar živahna amaterska kratkovalovna omrežja za jadralce: Pacific Inter-Island Net. Covers Micronesia & up to Hawaii 14.315Mhz, Pacific Seafarers Net. Covers the Pacific. 14.300Mhz Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net. Covers Pacific/worldwide. 21.412Mhz . Jadralci poslušajo skoraj neprekinjeno na teh frekvencah oz. na 14.300 USB, oglašajo pa se ob določenih urah. Pozdrav in GL!!
Petra Draskovic   23.02.2012  17:05:33 GMT
Se ena novicka iz naših medijev:,
stojc   23.02.2012  16:28:16 GMT
Matevž, v tvoji knjigi praviš, da je pomemben začetek "nečesa" ne pa cilj. Seveda, če gledamo na svoje življenje je cilj najnepomenbnejši. Ko pa si sredi oceana na tisoče kilometrov daleč od možnosti pristanka je pa cilj edina svetla točka. Naj ta svetla točka bo vselej s teboj.
stojc   23.02.2012  16:02:26 GMT
Bravo Matevž, bravo ekipa. Konstantna hitrost in višina, ter linija leta, kot bi letel ob napeti špagi ;) Naj ti vetrovi ne pokvarijo teh konstant. Srečno
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  16:01:07 GMT
1000 nautical miles to go ...... Est. time of arrival at GMR 23:20 UTC
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  16:01:06 GMT
1000 nautical miles to go ...... Est. time of arrival at GMR 23:20 UTC
oceanic   23.02.2012  15:59:49 GMT
after sauri contact tahiti control frcs pri 17904 sec 13261
Andrej   23.02.2012  15:25:36 GMT
Ob spremljanju Matjaževega poleta je kar naenkrat geografija postala zanimiva za celo družino. Starša obnavljava snov iz šole, za otroke pa je več ali manj vse novo. Matevž, srečno in vse dobro še naprej!
Bogdan   23.02.2012  14:56:20 GMT
Pri tej hitrosti bi bil Matevž na cilju današnje etape že pred 23:30 UTC. // At this speed Matevž could reach today's destination before 23:30 UTC.
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  14:51:46 GMT
Sorry 1200 nautical miles ....
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.02.2012  14:50:56 GMT
120 nautical miles to go (and thanks to Domen for the background information - you are obviously right it is all about good planning)
mquirozt antofagasta   23.02.2012  14:41:38 GMT
Domen, many thanks for the info and explanation about the flight plan and fueling needed for today. I wish the best good luck to Matevz and Virus 914, what a great team. We'll be eager to hear news from you.
Ljubljančan   23.02.2012  14:25:01 GMT
Čestitam za pretekle dosežke in srečno na današnjem poletu. In bravo Tanja Cirman, Delo za ažurnost.
bz-lj   23.02.2012  14:14:18 GMT
Velikonocni otoki so najbolj odaljen, a hkrati nastanjen kraj od Slovenije, in mnogih srednjeevropskih drzav, danes se v resnici zacenja pot nazaj. Etapa pane bo tako samotarska kot prejsnja, na poti so angleski Pitcairn otoki in glavno mesto Adamstown, res je da nimajo letalisca. Naslednje poglavlje bo pasa za oci, z celim kupom polinezijskih otockov pod nogami do Papeeteeja! Srecno!

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