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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight around the world!
The world is not what we see
The world is mostly what we can't see

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9. 12 2012




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Marko Sabothy, Natalija Polenec   24.02.2012  15:57:48 GMT
Tole, za sedeče za rač. je bilo razburljivo, in še kar nekaj takega sledi, v želji in upanju končnega cilja!S Slo., srečo vkup, Matevž nazaj domov.Naj se pišejo anale:
Steve Walters- (Colorado)   24.02.2012  15:32:09 GMT
What a cool thing to do. I look forward to seeing your data. Tail winds- Steve
Mark R   24.02.2012  15:07:11 GMT
Best wishes from the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York!
StaneA   24.02.2012  15:03:55 GMT
Matevž je res dober pilot. Njegov nizki let samo cca 300m nad vodno gladino sredi oceana je res vrhunska mojstrovina! Vse čestitke in uspešno nadaljevanje.
gp bartoli   24.02.2012  14:42:23 GMT
MEMO FOR TEAM: Rino Opera 02/23/2012 02:14:17 GMT Matevz Hello, I am a friend of GianPaolo Bartoli from Trieste following with great interest your adventures. Apparently you arrive in Auckland. When you arrive I will be 'honored to host you. Rino mob: 0275-618554, 4739671 home, office 8374039 email
captgar   24.02.2012  13:58:30 GMT
Thank you for sharing your adventure and environmental mission with us. Good luck and enjoy the view from above.
LB   24.02.2012  13:48:32 GMT
Kot je videti, je na tej zahodni strani Pacifika, kar nekaj otokov z letalskimi stezami, alternativami za pristanek. // As I can see, there are quite some islands with runways in this western part of Pacific that could be alternatives for landing
Good Luck!   24.02.2012  13:40:54 GMT
Matevz, Our father, Fred Austin, organized and flew the first flight around the world via the Polar Route in 1965. We have been watching your progress lately and wish you a safe completion to another extraordinary adventure! Very best regards, The Austin Family
Roberto   24.02.2012  12:35:02 GMT
Perfect! Many thanks Denis.
Cic   24.02.2012  12:34:00 GMT
Matevž, ambient je super! Pojdi vsaj šnorklat, če že ne greš tauhat :-) Bodi fajn!
AirGunner   24.02.2012  12:24:19 GMT
Best of luck, Matevž, as your journey continues! Fly Safe!
Denis   24.02.2012  12:10:02 GMT
@Roberto: With pleasure, on the link you have plenty of info. After opening the link you will be centered at Tahiti. Usualy then I move map and unzoom it to the current planed leg. Then on the right side (menu) usualy check box for satellite image, or if you want to check details like wind - check the box "Model data" and set model (i.e. ECMWF) - then choose map type (i.e. Wind) and on the end, check timing. There is plenty of choise, so be like Matevz and explore it. Support team GLWF uses also payable models, which we don't have. I hope it helps. 109&sat.gtt2=108&sat.type=IR4&riv=0&mm=0&hur=0
Tilen   24.02.2012  12:00:19 GMT
Congratulations, 580 or so feet in the middle of the ocean....must have been scary and I cant Imagine the feelings....
Roberto   24.02.2012  11:37:44 GMT
Good morning Denis! Could you please show (teach) me where you are checking the weather conditions. Many thanks
Petra Draskovic   24.02.2012  11:33:06 GMT
@ Samyu, 11 Year Old, Hudson, NH, USA: Dear Samyu. Matevž is an inspiration for many. Please, never give up your dreams and go for them!! Our dreams come true only if we believe in them with all our heart! I am sure you can do that, too! Best wishes to you from whole GLWF team
kura   24.02.2012  10:47:31 GMT
Mene pa zanima, če mi Matevž lahko tam na Tahitiju rezervira kak apartma. Da se tam naselim. A je to možno pa kolk stane. A Matevž samo letiš ali se tudi kaj osvežiš v morju?
Rottweiler   24.02.2012  10:33:07 GMT
Čestitke vsem sodelujočim v tem mega-spektaklu za uspešno opravljen prelet. Sem si zares močno oddahnil, ko je zelena pikica obmirovala na sredini letališke steze, kar je z veliko verjetnostjo pomenilo srečen pristanek. Obilo sreče v sledečih etapah želim. P.S.: Za naslednjo etapo obstaja alternativa. Možen je namreč direkten prelet na relaciji Totegegie (Mangareva) - Cook-ovi otoki (cca. 2650 km). Lahko izbirate glede na vremenske razmere.
Petra Draskovic   24.02.2012  10:18:32 GMT
@ LB: We will have more details about the flight to Tahiti later in the day! We will up-date you when we have more information!
LB   24.02.2012  10:13:44 GMT
@Houston - Is flight to Tahiti planed for today? Je let na Tahiti predviden za danes?
jurij   24.02.2012  09:51:32 GMT
težko napisati, kaj si človek za ekranom, misli ko gleda pikico nad tisto nedoumljivo veličino in velikostjo oceana. (res veliko murje)Čestitke ekipi na suhem in seveda "železnemu" Matevžu.
Denis   24.02.2012  09:32:56 GMT
Sory ce ni bilo tako razumljeno, vsekakor je bilo pozitivno misljeno
S5 - PIR   24.02.2012  09:31:21 GMT
@Denis, 07:59 UTC. Trdno verjamem, (ker je Matevž to v preteklosti že dokazal in to tudi preudarno opravil), da mu predvidene vremenske neprilike ne bodo niti do kolen. Pozornost mi je tvoje  (verjetno nehote) segregiranje nas budnih spremljevalcev projekta na zdrave in nezdrave oz. bolehne. Omenjaš srčne bolnike. Tudi oni, tako kot mi, srčno navijajo za Matevža in celoten SLO Houston team. Zato jim tega užitka nebi odrekel. Potrebno jim je svetovati, kako prenašati obremenitve sedenja pred PC-jem in spremljanjem GLWF projekta. Npr. nekako tako: globoko dihajte, pijte pomirjevalni čaj, v tem času uživajte cvetlični med, GLWF projekt spremljajte v prijetni družbi, vsako uro si izmerite puls in tlak, ipd. Vidiš tako. Poizkusi svoje nasvete obrniti na pozitivo.
Petra Draskovic   24.02.2012  09:20:25 GMT
Yesterday Matevž continued his flight across the Pacific Ocean. The planned route was again long and extremely demanding. He left Easter Island at 13.10 UTC and after good 11h later he landed at Totegegie Airport on the Island Mangareva in French Polynesia. The flight distance was 2771 kms. The flight was very demanding and challenging due to the Northwest wind. Route was planned very very carefully but still there some weather inconvenience which resulted in little detouring and flying up and down where he tried to avoid the stormy clouds that were very difficult and were rising from the sea to the elevation of 13.000 feet. We all had a great relief seeing him landing at that little island of Mangareva in the middle of The Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia. The next stage of the flight is Tahiti. The distance to Tahiti is 1660 km and the estimated flying time is around 7 hours. Thank you all for staying with us on this adventurous and unique expedition! Yours GLWF
Petra Draskovic   24.02.2012  09:15:29 GMT
Matevž je včeraj, kot ste zvesto spremljali, nadaljeval svoj polet čez Pacifik. Polet je bil ponovno zelo dolg in izjemno zahteven. Velikonočni otok je zapustil ob 13.10 UTC and po dobrih 11 urah kasneje pristal na letatlišču Toetegegie na otoku Mangareva v Francoski Polynesiji. Dolžina poleta je znašala 2771 km. Zahtevnost poleta in nevarnost je bila predvsem zaradi močnih severozahodnih vetrov. Kljub temu, da je bil let planiran zelo natančno, je bilo vmes nekaj manjših krajših zavojev iz planirane poti, predvsem zaradi vremenskih neprilik. Močna nevihtna fronta, ki je segala od morja pa do višine 13.000 ft, je ovirala polet, a se ji je Matevž s pomočjo ekipe WGLF spretno izognil. Vsi smo si oddahnili, ko je mali Pipistrelov Virus SW914 končno pristal na trdnih tleh sredi Tihega ocena Francoske Polinezije. Čeprav v španščini Pacifiko pomeni miren, pa kot smo lahko sledili Tihi ocean ni vedno prav miren. Naslednja etapa je polet do Tahitija. Matevža čaka 1660 km poti in predvidoma dobrih 7 ur letenja. Hvala, da nam sledite in nas tako zvesto spremljate na tej razburljivi in neponovljivi pustolovščini. Vaša ekipa GLWF
A L E R O N   24.02.2012  08:40:10 GMT
BRAVO Tardus. Na naslovnici 24. KUR je zopet, ne vem klikokrat že Severina, je rodila sina Aleksandra, pred porodom redno telovadila, se zravo prehanjevala, itd. itd. nobuloze. S kako bedo filajo ta narod.To kar se dogaja tu, pa je manj kot Severina neomembe vredno.Ali se bo kdo kdaj zamislil nad tem podnom od podna ????
Zvone Kmetec   24.02.2012  08:27:18 GMT
Bravo! kje pa je sedaj avion parkiran. Ne vidim nobenega hangerja. A v mesto te pa peljejo z ladjo?
BSW   24.02.2012  08:17:52 GMT
Denis   24.02.2012  07:59:14 GMT
I checked weather situation and looks like Matevz is going to do some giant slalom, and substitutes for sticks will be CB. So for people with heart situation I do not recommend to look next part. // Ker vremenska prognoza nad območjem ni najlepša, in ker bo moral Matevž spet slalomirat med nevihtami, odsvetujem ogled naslednje etape vsem, ki imajo težave s srcem. Matevž sigurno ne želi da bi koga infarkt.
Tardus   24.02.2012  07:19:48 GMT
Ravnokar sem gledal poročila TVS3 in malo tudi posurfal - in kot običajno: "Minister Gregor pa nič..." Sprašujem se, ali ta medijska ignoranca lahko zgolj naključje, ali gre za zavestno ignoriranje podviga M.L. in LGWF? V vsaki "normalni" državi bi bila to uradna in udarna novica dneva, kot npr. vesoljski polet. Saj je tehnologije, tehnike in organizacije pri Matevževem poletu skoraj toliko! K sreči je sreča je na strani pogumnih!
Janez SLO   24.02.2012  07:05:01 GMT
Matevž bravo in hvala, ker svojo pot deliš z nami. Zadnji dve etapi sta bili najbrž vsestransko naporni a takole izza ekrana izgleda gladko in vrhunsko izpeljani. Čestitke in samo tako naprej! Respect...
Čestitke iz Trnovca!   24.02.2012  06:46:52 GMT
Pozdrav in srečno naprej! Peter in Stari!
vlad toronto   24.02.2012  04:59:15 GMT
kako vam gre ? zelim vso sreco na poti preko pacifika ! to bo izreden podvig ? naslednjic pa isto z taurusom electro, ce bodo baterije dovolj zmogljive...
Lazio   24.02.2012  03:22:07 GMT
Matevz told us it was due to weather...then back on direct track, well done !
Joe Serdynski   24.02.2012  02:42:05 GMT
Welcome, logged on just in time to see you land. Just for curiosity, what was the turn you did after passing the small island. Thanks for the wonderful adventure to follow you on. Joe Serdynski
IvoB & Pipistrel Team   24.02.2012  02:15:01 GMT
Evo, ponovno gremo srečni in zadovoljni spat. Hvala dragi Matevž!   24.02.2012  01:46:23 GMT
Današnji let je bil naporen tudi za nas na tleh, kaj šele za Matevža. Iskrene čestitke celotnemu GLWF timu.
Samyu, 11 Year Old, Hudson, NH, USA   24.02.2012  01:23:50 GMT
You really inspired me.I wish I can be just like you. You are awseome. FLY SAFE!
lojze   24.02.2012  00:40:30 GMT
Iskrene čestitke. Nepredstavljivo se nadaljuje. To je pa hujśe kot mate. Tale otok mi je postal prav všeč. Lahko noč.
Domen Grauf   24.02.2012  00:36:30 GMT
Congratulations, bravo!
Janez Bs. As.   24.02.2012  00:35:07 GMT
Que maestro !!!!
mquirozt   24.02.2012  00:34:07 GMT
My congratulations again, wonderful team, man and airplane, and of course all of you Petra, Domen, that kept us informed all the way mind is full of beutiful images of Mateo, Virus 914, cockpit, islands , huge ocean, and scary clouds and heavy made it again Matevz..
Mamo   24.02.2012  00:32:29 GMT
We have had our heart in the hands, we are flying with you. Congratulations for this fantastic and dangerous flight. We are very confident in God, yourself, your Team, and your Plane. Altoghether make impossibles, possibless. Congratilations. To all.
rocky5   24.02.2012  00:32:11 GMT
Welcome to French Polynesia and bravo ! Is Euthyme still the guy running fuel delivery,fire station,transport etc.? If yes , say hello to him !He helped me in 2007 at 2:oo AM to take off for Easter via Pitcairn.
bolkaj,lj   24.02.2012  00:31:42 GMT
Matevž: ne vem, če so tudi drugi porajtal: zmeraj pristaneš natanko v os pristajalne steze. Samo tako naprej.
Matjaz K.   24.02.2012  00:31:34 GMT
Zdaj pa gremo lahko mirno spat. Lahko noc vsem.
Tone   24.02.2012  00:31:26 GMT
Čestitam. Tole danes sicer ni bilo za moje živce, ampak važen je zaključek. Še enkrat čestitke.
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   24.02.2012  00:30:36 GMT
Hi Matevz (and the entire GLWF team), Congratulations for another great achievement. It is incredibly inspiring to follow you in real time thanks to technology unknown just a decade or two ago. Even my family has now come to share my enthusiasm and look at the screen regularly. You are certainly proving that you can achieve what you set out to achieve if you have enough determination and the skills. I for one (but i am sure it goes for most here) look forward to getting your own account and photos of todays flight, including of your significant detours and other maneuvers to get around the bad weather East of the Pitcairns Islands. I dare suggest (It is pretentious because you know best) that you consider getting a good rest before continuing. Anyhow once again thanks for sharing this adventure with me and everyone else here. Have a good rest. From Copenhagen it is Good Night and already past 01:29 am Friday.
matic   24.02.2012  00:29:09 GMT
Nimam pravih besed. Cel let pove vse. Čestitke tebi Matevž in vsej spremljevalni ekipi Pipistrelu in Rotaxu. Srečno tudi naprej.
Lazio   24.02.2012  00:29:02 GMT
Don't worry, i'm just french, as you can see reading my poor english !!!c7dmwp
S5-Ivan   24.02.2012  00:28:26 GMT
Po dolgih, razgibanih urah letenja se je PEZ spet dotaknil trdnih tal... CESTITAM!!!
Peter   24.02.2012  00:28:07 GMT
What to say ..congrats!!!.. and looking forward to read what was going on on 500feet after passing Ducide Isl. g/l
S5-Ivan   24.02.2012  00:27:29 GMT
@Lazio, I dont think he will proceede to the international parking at NTAA, because the flight will be domestic, not international
gp bartoli trieste   24.02.2012  00:27:07 GMT
bravo bravo very good... honor to the flag ...
BenjaminS   24.02.2012  00:26:28 GMT
Vrhunsko odpeljana etapa. Bravo!
Andrej J   24.02.2012  00:25:47 GMT
Once again a fantastic job! Bravo!! Congratulations!!
Petra Draskovic   24.02.2012  00:25:47 GMT
Bravoo Matevž, another amazing ay of flying! Congratulations!
tardus   24.02.2012  00:25:21 GMT
Bravo! Na koncu še pristanek za izpit! The best!
Matjaz K.   24.02.2012  00:24:43 GMT
Lazio   24.02.2012  00:24:27 GMT
@S5-Ivan : do you already know if he will have to proceede to international park when landing at NTAA ?
Anonymous   24.02.2012  00:24:17 GMT
Ok Europe.... you can now go to bed !

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