04.02.2013 |
A book about Matevz's first flight around the world was published in Russian language.
On his exciting journey that took him over Russia, Siberia, Canada, Greenland, Iceland and back home, he gets a taste of the primeval connection with the beautiful landscape, meets the natives and meditates on freedom and people’s responsibilities toward Earth. In addition to this travelogue in which the author describes the adventures and misadventurous of his heroic act, you can admire the breath-taking photographs from the flight in the photo monograph Okrog edinega sveta with comments in Russian language.
( Source: RTV SLO MMC 1.2.2013 ) Below please find the link to the video, which is showing presentation of the Russian edition of the book in Moscow. http://tvslo.si/predvajaj/matevz-lenarcic-v-moskvi/ava2.157424993/
( Source: Newspaper DELO, Polona Frelih, 2.2.2013 ) http://www.delo.si/kultura/knjizevni-listi/matevz-lenarcic-romanticnega-vzhoda-ni-pozabil.html
GLWF team |
09.12.2012 |
Fourteen years in a row editorial office of the newspaper Delo, one of the most influential Slovenian newspapers makes a selection of personalities whose work and personality most marked the ending year. They are looking for people who are an inspiration to us all and are changing the world for the better.
The editiorial office selected ten nominees, one of the nominees is Matevž Lenarčič.
Pilot, who from January till April flew around the world with an ultra-light airplane, showed that the change towards small-to-green is possible and necessary.
First, in print and in on-line edition of the newspaper, they will present a portrait of the each nominee, then you will be invited to on-line voting.
11.11.2012 |
Seven moths ago the photographer and biologist Matevz Lenarcic flew a "single-seat" airplane around the world. Between piloting the plane and collecting photographs for an upcoming book on water, Lenarcic has also collected data on black carbon, or soot, concentrations in the atmosphere. His 290-kilogram plane carries a much-lighter-than-normal Aethalometer, designed by aerosol scientist Grisa Mocnik of Aerosol in Ljubljana, Slovenia, that measures the optical absorption of the atmosphere and converts it to a rough estimate of soot concentration. Aerosol scientists such as Ryan Spackman of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado, already use much more sensitive instruments mounted on Gulf Stream jets to collect black carbon data—but such flights are expensive for scientists. Small private aircraft could help fill in a lot of data gaps, particularly at low altitudes near urban areas where soot concentrations tend to be high enough for an Aethalometer to provide very good data, Spackman says. “The fi rst few kilometers [above ground level] are the most interesting.” (Downloaded from www.sciencemag.org on March 15, 2012)
Fighting atmospheric soot is one of the easiest ways to combat global warming. On webside POPULAR SCIENCE, you can read the article By Lucas Laursen Posted 10.26.2012 |
30.10.2012 |
Z veseljem vam sporočamo, da je članek objavljen v National Geographic Slovenija prejel t. i. »best edit«, ki ga Darren Smith, urednik za oblikovanje in fotografijo, zadolžen za lokalne izdaje, podeljuje najboljšim lokalnim zgodbam, pripravljenim v skladu s standardi National Geographica.
"The Best Edit winner this week is: Slovenia, for a beautiful photo feature by Matevz Lenarcic, who flew solo around the world in a small, eco-friendly light (290-kilo) plane. This flight is as unique as it is extreme - before Lenarcic, nobody managed to fly around the world in an ultralight plane without a co-pilot and without any ground support. Between piloting the plane and shooting photographs Lenarcic has also collected data on black carbon, or soot, concentrations in the atmosphere (http://www.cgsplus.si/portals/0/WGF/wglfPage.htm). The photos are gorgeous aerials, showcasing places around the world, so the story would be relevant for any edition. Congratulations to Slovenia, Darren!"
Članek v obliki PDF si lahko preberete TUKAJ. |
THE ALPS - A BIRD'S EYE VIEW exhibition in Bern |
03.06.2012 |
The open air exhibition has been opened on afternoon of June 2nd 2012 in front of Center Paul Klee, Monument im Fruchland 3, Bern. This is 5th installation of 100 Matevž Lenarčič aerial photographs and text panels written by Janez Bizjak. More informations about the project you can find at www.panalp.net
Bern installation of the exhibition was organized by City of Bern and Slovenian Embassy in Bern with help of sponsors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slovenia, Studio Moderna from Lugano, Slovensko planinsko društvo Triglav from Zurich, JYL from Sion, NLB Interfinanz from Zurich, Coristal AG from Rudolfstetten, Schnetzer Puskaks Ingenieure from Basel.
The Alps - A Bird's Eye View exhibition |
22.05.2012 |
Bern city in Switzerland is hosted open air exhibition The Alps - A Bird's Eye View. The fifth European installation of this popular exhibition www.panalp.net is opening on afternoon June 1.st 2012 at Zentrum Paul Klee and will be on display for three months. Special thanks to slovenian ambassador mag. Bojan Grobovšek from Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije, Schwanengasse 9/II, 3011 Bern for all his support during organization of exihibition. |
02.05.2012 |
Matevž Lenarčič Končnost vsega in vsakogar je pripeljala tudi projekt GreenLight WorldFlight do srečnega zaključka. V dobrih treh mesecih je bilo življenje na 95.000 km dolgem poletu preko vseh celin in Mont Everesta resnično intenzivno. Svet je resnično lep, zaradi narave in ljudi ki tam živijo. Prostora, hrane in vode je za vse nas več kot dovolj. S poletom smo dokazali, da je sprememba miselnosti v smeri MAJHNO-LAHKO-ZELENO mogoča in nujno potrebna. Zahvaljujem se v prvi vrsti neverjetni ekipi GLWF, sponzorjem, ki so skupaj z nami začutili sporočilnost poleta in vsem podpornikom na dolgi poti, ki so nas dnevno reševali iz številnih zapletov.
Ivo Boscarol ter kolektiv Pipistrel Izjemno ponosni smo, da vam lahko sporočimo, da je ekstremni pilot Matevž Lenarčič uspešno obletel svet s Pipistrelovim letalom Virus SW 914 Turbo in to na najzahtevnejši možen način! Matevž Lenarčič je s tem podvigom dokazal, da je Pipistrelovo letalo Virus SW 914 Turbo sposobno preleteti tako Atlantski in Indijski ocean kot tudi cel Pacifik, sposobno preleteti Mt. Everest in kljubovati ekstremno nizkim temperaturam na Antarktiki ter ekstremno visokim temperaturam in vlagi nad ekvatorjem. Bravo Matevž, vsi v Pipistrelu smo zelo ponosni nate in smo ti hvaležni! Iskrene čestitke in še enkrat hvala!
mag. Tomaž Berločnik, predsednik uprave Petrola "V Matevža in njegovo ekipo smo brez kančka dvoma verjeli od samega začetka, prav tako kot je bilo nedvomno sodelovanje Petrola pri tem projektu. Presrečni smo, da smo bili del te širše ekipe in Matevžu poleg najkakovostnejšega goriva tudi dobro svetovali z napotki za oskrbo z gorivom na njegovi poti okoli sveta".
mag. Maja Pak, direktorica Slovenske turistične organizacije Projekt zelenega poleta okoli sveta je združil slovensko inovativnost in znanje z zavezo naše države k trajnostnemu razvoju. Zato za Slovensko turistično organizacijo ni bilo vprašanje, ali pristopiti k projektu ali ne, temveč le vprašanje, kako s projektom čim bolj odmevno v svet ponesti sporočilo o majhni in zeleni državi v srcu Evrope, zavezani k trajnostnemu razvoju. Slovenija je z uresničitvijo pionirskega podviga Matevža Lenarčiča z majhnim, lahkim in trajnostnim letalom uglednega slovenskega proizvajalca Pipistrel naredila nov korak naprej k povečanju prepoznavnosti Slovenije, ki je lahko drugim državam vzor na področju ohranjanja in varovanja okolja. Edinstveni polet Matevža Lenarčiča okoli sveta z minimalnim ogljičnim odtisom je vzbudil veliko pozornost tujih medijih od Argentine do Maroka in v svet ponesel tudi jedro sporočila nacionalne znamke I feel Slovenia.
Matjaž Kek, Urad vlade za informiranje Urad vlade za komuniciranje je idejo Matevža Lenarčiča o tem, da bo z ultralahkim Pipistrelovim letalom preletel svet, podpiral že od vsega začetka. Skupaj s Slovensko turistično organizacijo smo promocijska gradiva, spletno mesto in letalo opremili z znakom I FEEL SLOVENIA. Z Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve in slovenskimi veleposlaništvi v tujini pa poskrbeli, da so bili o tem izjemnem projektu obveščeni svetovni in lokalni mediji na načrtovani poti letala. Vsi, ki so sodelovali pri projektu, dokazujejo, da ni vedno nujno vztrajati na starih tirnicah; da se da tudi drugače zavzeto, drzno in realno ambiciozno– z manjšim ogljičnim odtisom, bolj zeleno in bolj trajnostno. Želeli bi si, da bi Slovenija več posameznikov vzpodbudila k temu, da bi se ukvarjali s stvarmi, ki jih veselijo. Še posebej, če s tem zgodbe o mali, a trajnostno zeleni Sloveniji ponesejo v svet in tako prispevajo k dejanski uveljavitvi načel, ki so izražene v jedru znamke Slovenije-I feel Slovenia.
Zmago Skobir, predsednik uprave Aerodroma Ljubljana, d. d. Ponosni smo, da smo lahko pospremili Matevža na pot in da smo prvi, ki smo ga po izjemnem podvigu lahko pozdravili doma. Kot sponzorji smo postali del velike zgodbe, ki je veliko večja od financnih sredstev, ki smo jih vanjo vložili. Matevža smo spremljali celo pot in zanj držali pesti v ključnih trenutkih. Gre za zgodovinski projekt, ki ga lahko uresničijo le največji in ki je znanje in hrabrost slovenskega letalstva ponesel zelo visoko in okoli celega sveta. |
21.04.2012 |
The collection of flight datas shows us incredible performance of the aircraft and the whole flight. Just for impression we add some more information about real efficiency of the achievement. Distance: 91 003 km / 49 138 NM Distance flown over water: 33 100 km /17 873 NM Total hours flown: 369 Average fuel consumption: 18,1 l/h Average engine setting at average cruise speed of 145 KTS at flight level FL100: 63% power, 4800 RPM, 30,5 MP Average ground speed: 246,62 km/h / 133,2 KTS Average head wind: 22,2 km/h / 12 KTS Total fuel used: 6679 l / 1764 USgal / 4942 kg / 10895 lbs The highest altitude: 8965 m / 29 413 feet in vicinity of M.Everest (overhead Nuptse, Lotse, South col) Highest ground speed: 352 km/h / 190 KTS
According to information we have, we can compare our GreenLight WorldFlight challenge (regarding efficiency) to incredible (also green) flight of two Swiss pilots Yannick Bovier and Francisco Agullo who successfully acomplished circumnavigation in two CTLS LSA aircraft (Flight Design) in 2010 www.azimut270.ch Please try to get beautiful book about the flight written by Yannick Bovier. They flew 232 hours distance 45926 km with average ground speed 198 km/h with average consumption of 19 litres/h. For our distance they would need 460 h and 8740 litres of fuel what means that we improve efficiency of the previous world flights for at least 30% what is astonishing number.
Please be adviced that this numbers are only indicative and might change in future if we get new informations about previous flights. Yannick, please correct our calculations if you think they are wrong!!!
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