Iztok Škornik 12.01.2012 12:49:53 GMT
Matevž, pravkar sem govoril z Vojcem in mi je povedal za tvojo trenutno lokacijo. Želim ti vse naj in čim manj zapletov. Carlos Costa 12.01.2012 12:33:09 GMT
Half way through the Atlantic!
Epic Flight!
Godspeed! Zak 12.01.2012 12:32:57 GMT
zak@arc.sn Bory 12.01.2012 12:14:22 GMT
Ni mi jasno, a ne gre v tank 100 litrov goriva? To je za 6 ur letenja... 1500km. ?? Čez Atantik pa je 3500 najmanj?? Srečno Matevž! marjan.bauer@finance.si 12.01.2012 12:08:15 GMT
Matevž, vidim, da si že čez polovico. Bravo! marko sabothy,natalija polenec 12.01.2012 12:03:44 GMT
Samo se 3H pa vidiš obalo,ne morem od rač..Verjetno boš prej na cilju, kot si planiral. In zadovoljivo rezervo goriva.Tole je podvig.Danes sledim do Natala.
Srecno do etapnega cilja. Dejan 12.01.2012 11:56:11 GMT
Držita se, junaka - Matevž in Virus SW! Slovenian Tourist Board 12.01.2012 11:28:10 GMT
For Twitter users: All the latest updates are available at @SloeveniaInfo ! Please write your tweet with hashtag #GreenLightWorldFlight and keep your fingers crossed for Matevz Lenarcic! Jože 12.01.2012 11:25:53 GMT
Hej, prihaja ekvator. Poul Brandrup 12.01.2012 11:19:30 GMT
Fascinating. I agree a timeline would be helpful, but anyhow thanks for allowing us to follow this adventure minute by minute. Continued safe flight ..... Fortuna 12.01.2012 11:16:26 GMT
have a good journey and on arrival in Brazil, take a good shot of "caipirinha". Ljubljančan 12.01.2012 10:43:28 GMT
Ali je kdo našel kakšno live kamero letališča Natal? lojze 12.01.2012 10:36:54 GMT
Ta kurs mi je že bolj všeč. Vso srečo na vaji v modrem. marko sabothy,natalija polenec 12.01.2012 10:24:31 GMT
da bi tale komponenta vetra od zadaj držala vecino precenja, pasati po meteo naj bi bili ugodni vecino tega dela atlantika.skoraj 300 na uro. Naj gre naprej tako dobro ,srecno. Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 10:18:10 GMT
Weather http://www.intercitycharters.com/Weather/Full.html Miloš 12.01.2012 10:12:39 GMT
zanima me, ali boste leteli preko Atlantika v enem kosu oz. kolikšen je max. doseg.
Pa še, s čim si pomagate proti utrujenosti in zaspanosti. Ima vaše letalo kak avtopilot in radar ?
Želim vam miren polet in mirne vremenske pogoje.
Lep pozdrav,
Miloš Večaj Angus 12.01.2012 10:10:28 GMT
I wish the tracking would also show total flight time since takeoff Michael 12.01.2012 10:01:05 GMT
At 9.50 UTC he has changed direction more to the west, picked up a little tail wind also. Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 09:56:14 GMT
Dear Augusto, thank you for your help! I'm sorry again to disturb you in the middle of the night. Best regards, domen TineT 12.01.2012 09:50:15 GMT
The current heading is a result of weather avoidance. Matevz is flying through the equatorial convergence zone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intertropical_Convergence_Zone. Forecast winds were in the order of 10-15 kts tailwind component.
Smer leta je posledica izogibanja vremenskim motnjam. Matevž leti skozi ekvatorialno vremensko zono: http://www.4ocean.si/transat/?p=48 Michael 12.01.2012 09:46:41 GMT
I see now there is an image showing weather and he is heading south to get around the weather. Also should get a good tail wind in the last few hours. Mat 12.01.2012 09:44:19 GMT
Best of luck for this crossing and my the winds be with you. Jaka 12.01.2012 09:41:02 GMT
Srečno pot! Michael 12.01.2012 09:19:38 GMT
Seems to be averaging just under 150 knots TAS. Looks to be heading much further south than a straight line but he might be flying a great circle route or similar looking for better winds ? BORIS IVANOVSKI 12.01.2012 09:09:49 GMT
All the best Slovenian pilot Alyssa Svetlic 12.01.2012 09:07:01 GMT
Že vidim, da bom morala tudi danes prečepeti celi dan pred računalnikom. Srečo Matevž, znanja maš itak dovolj. Pa kakšno fotko gor obesi ! vadya 12.01.2012 08:32:04 GMT
GOOD LUCK Jože 12.01.2012 08:29:43 GMT
195 stopinj (true); ali ni Natal malce bolj desno (čeprav je zemlja okrogla)? Augusto Barrozo 12.01.2012 08:26:35 GMT
Dear Matevz and Domen,
Eventually the AIS room phone number in Natal is 84/30871440 and they already have the information of that flight from Dakar. No problem there, just arrive!... Let me know please if you have any additional need during the flight. kotzi 12.01.2012 08:24:33 GMT
Ali TineT lahko pojasni visualizacijo poleta na tiny.cc.......Matevžu pa "mirno morje" in all the best!! Ljubljančan 12.01.2012 08:05:17 GMT
Ej, to je pa tako napeto... Rok 12.01.2012 07:58:54 GMT
Dober veter, dober rotax in kanček sreče, v glavi imaš pa že tako vse "zrihtano"! Jeff de Brugge 12.01.2012 07:49:16 GMT
May the force be with you Matevz Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 06:44:52 GMT
Za vsakega pilota, letalca je bil in se vedno je poseben izziv, kako preleteti Atlantik z manjšim letalom. Predvsem zaradi vremena in velike razdalje, ki jo je potrebno premagati , pri čemer skoraj da ni alternativnih točk, kjer bi lahko pristali.
Atlantski ocean je tako predstavljal oviro za letalske pionirje v 19. in začetku 20. stoletja. Prva letala niso imela dovolj zanesljivih motorjev in moči, ter rešitev za shranjevanje potrebne količine goriva. Poleg tega, so imeli težave z navigacijo, kajti morje se razteza tisoče kilometrov daleč. Od sredine 20. Stoletja dalje, so se čezatlantski leti začeli odvijati rutinsko predvsem za komercialne, vojaške, diplomatske, in druge namene. Preleti v majhnih letalih še vedno predstavljajo tehnološke izzive za »čezatlantske letalce« Matevžu je podjetje Pipistrel, z vsemi strokovnjaki izdelalo vrhunsko letalo, ki zmore tovrstne podvige. Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 06:44:35 GMT
Flight over the Atlantic presented challenges for aviators due to weather and the huge distances involved coupled with the lack of stopping points.
The Atlantic Ocean stood as a significant obstacle to the aviation pioneers of the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The first aircraft engines did not have sufficient reliability necessary for the crossing, nor sufficient power to lift the required fuel. Additionally, there are difficulties navigating over featureless expanses of water for thousands of miles, and the weather. Since the middle of the 20th century, however, transatlantic flight has been routine and common, for commercial, military, diplomatic, and other purposes. Experimental flights (in small aircraft, etc.) still present technological challenges for transatlantic fliers. AopaAZ 12.01.2012 06:11:05 GMT
Srečno in motorček naj prede, prede... G 12.01.2012 06:11:02 GMT
Veter v hrbet in naj Rotax dobro brni! 9A- UZZ 12.01.2012 05:48:37 GMT
Sretno Matevž!!! Uz tebe smo!!!! Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 05:35:58 GMT
He is back in the air, Best of luck also from me ;) Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 05:34:16 GMT
The line-up and take-off instructions from the tower controller are expected in next minutes. TineT 12.01.2012 05:32:06 GMT
Srečno, Matevž!!! Za tiste, ki bi želeli vizualizacijo današnjega poleta (približno): http://tiny.cc/qhwxv
Best of luck, Matevž!!! Today's flight visualisation (approx.): http://tiny.cc/qhwxv Domen Grauf 12.01.2012 05:30:11 GMT
Good morning, Matevz is stil on the ground, moving via taxiways to the line-up position.
Taxiways are areas used by the aircraft to get to and from the ramp and the runway. Michael 12.01.2012 03:08:12 GMT
this is really exciting, it is just after 3 AM in Dakar and I am looking at the spider tracks map waiting for some movement in the aircraft in the next few hours. I am going to be awake all night watching the aircraft cross the Atlantic ! it's almost like being there ! if only we had a dashboard camera! Good luck Matevz ! flying cat 12.01.2012 00:09:20 GMT
thanks Domen Grauf for the detailed answer. But know I'm aphasiac ;-) 150l in each wing, I only have 60l/wing :-(
Good luck Matevz, which you clear sky and a good tailwind S5-Ivan 12.01.2012 00:08:17 GMT
Srecno na poti cez ocean, da bi motor normalno brnel!
Se vidimo v Barilochah, ce bom takrat tam... Augusto Barrozo 11.01.2012 23:44:46 GMT
Dear Matevz,
Wish you a nice flight and a happy landing in NATAL-Brazil.
I will wait for you there. Petra 11.01.2012 23:04:15 GMT
Srečno, Matevž. V mislih letimo s Tabo in verjamemo v tvoje izkušnje, izvrstno pripravljenost kot tudi na dobre vile, ki te bodo zagotovo spremljale. Zaupaj! Domen Grauf 11.01.2012 22:18:12 GMT
Matevž se bo oglasil na forumu in napisal občutke v prvi osebi. Žal trenutno nima dobre internetne povezave,kar je glavni razlog zatišja. Druga stvar so priprave na let, ki mu vzamejo precej časa. (vreme, dovoljenja, kontrole,...) Ljubljančan 11.01.2012 22:08:50 GMT
Vso srečo pri velikem skoku. Pa veseli bi bili, če se nam Matevž tule "oglasi" še v prvi osebi. Domen Grauf 11.01.2012 22:07:53 GMT
Hello flying cat, Pipistrel designed special airplane for Matevz flight. The airplane has a novel designed fuel tanks inside the wing(s) associated with a central tank that increases the total capacity of fuel by 50 liters. Central tank prevents to lose fuel during the flight. Return fuel line from all tanks is going into central tank and this hose is used also for fuel transfer from wing to fuselage tank.
Total capacity of fuel, which Matevz can take is 350 liters. Each wing can carry 150 liters of fuel. gephest 11.01.2012 21:56:16 GMT
I wish you luck and Godspeed. ADR NAV / Matjaž 11.01.2012 21:25:38 GMT
Smo steboj v mislih, večkrat na dan..... Moon 11.01.2012 21:19:36 GMT
Želim Vam veter v hrbet in sonce v obraz, SREČNO!
Jure flying cat 11.01.2012 21:07:43 GMT
Hi Domen Grauf, whate is the total fuel capacity Matevz can take with him. You are saying he will take 300l to cross the Atlantic. Where is it stored? The original capacity is 100l plus the extra wing tanks which might hold another 120 – 150l. In this case there are still 50l missing. Does he use a ferry tank?
Anyway, it’s a great challenge and I hope Matevz will have a safe landing back in Slovenia. IZTOK IZ SEŽANE 11.01.2012 21:05:14 GMT
Matevž, vedi, da je s teboj veliko prijateljev in tudi popolnih neznancev, ki verjamejo vate in tvoj stroj ! Vso srečo in uživaj ! red nose 11.01.2012 21:02:25 GMT
I hope you have autopilot ? Congratulations. Bostjan 11.01.2012 21:00:57 GMT
Te spremljam in podpiram v mislih.
Small spot on the map but great member of that spot... silvester 11.01.2012 20:53:49 GMT
Sečno! Egon Venezuela 11.01.2012 20:36:50 GMT
Srecno cez atlantik in dobrodosel na nas kontinent
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