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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž LenarÄiÄ on his flight around the world!
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AMBROŽ   14.01.2012  19:59:13 GMT
Do kam boš jutri letel?   14.01.2012  19:57:51 GMT
Matevž, Äestitamo za to etapo. Peter
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  19:54:39 GMT
Once again, congratulations to Matevž! BRAVO! After finishing 4th stage, he is starting tomorrow morning at 9. 00 UTC from Cayenne to PuertoRico. No day off at the moment, but at least some rest of course! Tomorrow is another long flying day! But soon the service is also sheduled!
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  19:50:23 GMT
Å¡e enkrat, Bravo, Matevž! Po uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄeni 4. etapi, se jutri zjutraj ob 9:00 UTC, Matevž odpravlja naprej iz Cayenne v PuertoRico. Zaenkrat poÄitka, tistega daljÅ¡ega Å¡e ne bo. Jutri je spet dolga etapa. Kmalu pa pride na vrsto tudi servis.
Jože   14.01.2012  19:16:26 GMT
Bravo. Ali Matevž planira tudi kakÅ¡na dva tri dni poÄitka? Najprej, da se odpoÄije, nato da malo pregledajo letalo, nato pa da bi imel malo Äasa, da tudi nas razveseli z vtisi, fotografijami, plani.
S5-PIR   14.01.2012  19:13:36 GMT
Lahko reÄem le Å¡e BRAVO. Vidi se ti, da si na letalskem travniku "gor zrastel". Kar si si zamislil, to preprosto tudi nardiÅ¡. Just do it!!
KOTZI   14.01.2012  18:53:23 GMT
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  18:43:26 GMT
Happy landing! Uspešen pristanek! Bravo. Matevž!
IvoB in ekipa Pipistrela   14.01.2012  18:33:48 GMT
Evo se ena etapa je za nami! Bravo in hvala Matevz!
IvoB in ekipa Pipistrela   14.01.2012  18:33:47 GMT
Evo se ena etapa je za nami! Bravo in hvala Matevz!
Robi Rijeka   14.01.2012  18:27:09 GMT
Touchdown.... !!! bravo...
EGON VENEZUELA   14.01.2012  18:26:41 GMT
Uspesen pristanek in se en velik uspeh Matevz, ta 4 etapa je bila zelo dinamicna in CESTITKE ceprav mislim, da se ti je zadnjih 400km nekoliko mudilo ali ne
LjubljanÄan   14.01.2012  18:21:31 GMT
Čestitam za uspešen prelet in pristanek.
Zala in Matevž   14.01.2012  18:19:25 GMT
We wish you good landing... and congratulations for great succes!!! Bravooooo!!!
Adriana L   14.01.2012  17:27:26 GMT
Namaste, Mr.Matevž, from a Flight Information Services Air Traffic Controller from Bucharest, Romania! Enjoy your amazing adventure and Tashi Delek-May Good Fortune follow you!
AopaAZ   14.01.2012  17:24:35 GMT
Seveda ga. Petra, najprej varnost. Res modra odloÄitev, da se je izognil enkratni priložnosti. Matevž Äestitke.
VMK   14.01.2012  17:22:37 GMT
Spremljamo vaÅ¡ Äudovit podvig in želimo vso sreÄo.
Poul Brandrup   14.01.2012  16:53:19 GMT
Thank you Petra for your comments. I assume you are Matevz's partner (or close family)? I certainly share the wishes of everyone and am ever so grateful for the opportunity to follow this great adventure. I do hope that Matevz takes the rest he needs .... As you say you really need to be able to perform at your peek under challenging circumstances. He has, however much more relevant experience than me, so I am sure he knows what he is doing. Once again my very best wishes and thanks for keeping us updated.
S5-PIR   14.01.2012  16:49:47 GMT
Matevž pazi, na otoku Kourou Francozi iz svojga departmaja z raketami streljajo.
Lincoln BH - Brasil   14.01.2012  16:49:35 GMT
Good luck, man!!!
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  16:46:54 GMT
Matevž se naglo približuje Francoski Gvajani!! Med tem smo za vas pripravili nekaj novih fantastiÄnih fotografij iz prvega dela etape. /// Matevž is aproaching fast to French Guiana! While waiting have a look at some amazing photographs we have uploaded from the first stage Green Light World Flight!
Denis   14.01.2012  16:09:46 GMT
Around 50 miles of stormy weather on Google Earth. And he is on 3/4 of this.
EGON VENEZUELA   14.01.2012  15:58:12 GMT
Se pridruzujem vsem za cestitke in za neverjetni tempo poleta, za vijuganje in spuscanje na nizje visine (zaradi fotografiranja, menim) in sedaj na vecje visine zaradi tropske fronte. Zares neverjetno, CESTITKE in srecno do konca etape.
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  15:51:48 GMT
AopaAZ: Že, že, vendar je pomembeje da varno nadaljuje, kajne? Upajmo le, da ni prehuda. Hvala za spremljanje!
AopaAZ   14.01.2012  15:42:10 GMT
Å koda, da zaradi nevihte ne gre Äez ustje Amazonke. Lepe slike bi bile. SreÄno pot Å¡e naprej.
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  15:29:10 GMT
France Korošec and others: Thank you also for kind and good wishes and all your prayers. I am sure Someone hears them and safely guerd Matevz over turbulant and shaky sky. I am sure Matevz will post more words once he gets the time and arrange all the necessary things. Please try to understand that once arriving at the airport, most important first is to find fuel and get ready the plane to be in the proper shape. Also rest is much important due to all these long flying. But as he already wrote he is very happy about all your interest! we will keep you up to date.
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  15:22:57 GMT
Poul Brandrup: Thank you for good words, very true. It is amazing, and as you said remarkable achievment to be in the air for 11 h 30 min. Fully concentrated and careful at the same time! It is extremly demanding. Be sure, Matevz will be careful regarding flying. Today and two more days will be all long and very demanding. Let's all believe all is going to be fine! Your constant support and encourgment is very much appreciated! Thank you all!
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  15:15:41 GMT
Krasno napreduje Matevž! Izjemen podvig!!! Bravo! In SreÄno Å¡e naprej!
marko sabothy,natalija polenec   14.01.2012  13:07:18 GMT
kako zahteven let. Neverjetno, kakÅ¡en tempo ves Äas. Sledimo trenutnemu. Naj se tudi ta del isteÄe, kot predhodne, sreÄno do KONCA.
Zoran   14.01.2012  13:04:33 GMT
ferdo   14.01.2012  11:21:10 GMT
Ravnokar sem sinusu razlagal kot se njegov lastnik potika. Sva oba navdušenain ti želiva naklonjenost Eola. Hi
Rey Klennert, CRO, Janez Vinsek, SLO   14.01.2012  10:41:31 GMT
Matevž veliko lepih fotk in prijeten let želiva.
JaniS   14.01.2012  10:37:15 GMT
SreÄno, Matevž!
EGON VENEZUELA   14.01.2012  10:19:03 GMT
Srecno Matevz do Cayenne FG, da ne bi imel prevec bocnega vetra
Flying Cat   14.01.2012  10:02:28 GMT
Good luck, enjoy the flight Matevž
France KoroÅ¡ec   14.01.2012  09:44:48 GMT
Hi,Mr.Matevž! I'm sorry-i found your wide describtion abt.Atlantic crossing.That's why just forget my question. Wishing you all the best of the best,enjoy and be safe!
Janez   14.01.2012  09:36:51 GMT
Ugoden veter, vreme za najboljÅ¡e fotke. Z navduÅ¡enjem in v priÄakovanju vsake nove informacije spremljam vaÅ¡o pot okoli sveta. SreÄno pot Matevž!
miro   14.01.2012  09:29:06 GMT
good luck dude from czech republic... is here any page with every day map and photos / videos? :)
France KoroÅ¡ec   14.01.2012  09:04:38 GMT
God protect You,Mr.Matevž! Fantastic and great; unbeleivable job yo're doing.Even flying in a big Boeings and Airbuses over Atlantic is often turbulent, shaky and scary.I can't imagine how do you feel and survive in a thinny-magic Virus. I've been standing beside it at Ljubljana airport when you've been leaving the homeland asking myself many is following your.Our family is hungry for news from you every day.We're praying for your safe and smooth flying around our planet.Please,when finding time, describe a bit how it was while flying over the Atlantic,please.Let's Angel Varuh lead and protect you during your amazing challenge!Thank you that we can be with you. Stay well, enjoy and be well! Lep pozdrav in sreÄno!
G   14.01.2012  08:37:30 GMT
Hvala Domen.
G   14.01.2012  08:36:12 GMT
Ali je Matevž že odletel proti FG? Kaj je s spidertrackom?
Domen Grauf   14.01.2012  08:32:52 GMT
Due to bureaucratic requirements, the intended take-off is delayed for two hours. Expected take-off at 09:40 UTC. / Zaradi birokratskih ovir, je vzlet prestavljen in bo predvidoma vzletel ob 09:40 UTC. Bodite z nami, ko se zacne 4. etapa.
Poul Brandrup   14.01.2012  08:01:16 GMT
Thank you very much for this detailed account of your flight from Dakar to Natal. You write almost ecstatic. i can imagine it must have been that. 11.33H is remarkable at average 154-155 knots. Must be some kind of record in itself! I understand that you are eager to get on with the trip, but do prioritize to be fully rested before continuing. You may very well feel tired today although you did feel fine yesterday. Aftereffects of your adventure and the adrenalin rush. Hopefully you will have less problems finding good quality fuel in Rio Grande do Norte than you had in Senegal. Having lived in Africa for a number of years I know that fuel of dubious quality is what is most on offer. Once again many thanks for your report and my very best wishes for the upcoming leg.
Damjan Bevk   14.01.2012  07:49:16 GMT
Želim ti uspešno in varno letenje še naprej!
Jože SenegaÄnik   13.01.2012  23:49:50 GMT
Bravo Matevž and Pipistrel team. Crossing Atlantic is not like eating a piece of cake. I wish you good tail winds and clear skies.
Maurizio   13.01.2012  23:29:39 GMT
I fly the Virus SW tailw. too, it's the best airplane we can fly, have a nice trip. Ciao, Mauri.
wojciech mirski   13.01.2012  21:47:19 GMT
Congratulations for Atlantic ! I know countries you are going to overfly,but what are precise airports you land ? I know many people on your way that could help with fuel,accomodation,customs etc.Let me know if you like the idea. Strong tailwinds ! Wojciech M.
S5-PIR   13.01.2012  20:17:30 GMT
EGON VENEZUELA,se strinjam s tabo. Za podporo naÅ¡i marljivi zemeljski,ekipi mal zgodovinskih dejstev in zapisov. Ko je KriÅ¡tof Kolumb pred odhodom v Indijo v vÅ¡panski luki stopil na "jedrenjaÄo" Santa Mario (v desni roki je imel Jonathan jabko, to smo že rekli)in izrekel zgodovinske besede svoji posadki: Pjebi,dost je blo! GREMO!! Je bil od svojega prvega Äastnika palube takoj vpraÅ¡an, KAM? KriÅ¡tof dvakrat globoko vgrizne v jabko, vzdihne, dvigne desno roko v smeri W, v viÅ¡ini horizonta Äez ocean in reÄe: Fantje vÄeraj na brifingu sem vam vse toÄno razložu:" REKLI SMO TJALE!!" No in ekipi je blo Å¡est mescev vse jasn in tud vpraÅ¡u ni nobeden niÄ veÄ. A sti vidu kaj pomeni seznanit zainteresirane s plani za naprej?
Gorski   13.01.2012  20:12:22 GMT
Lepi pozdravi iz Slovenije natanÄneje iz Tuhinjske doline! Pa kdaj nas preletite prosim! :D
Domen Grauf   13.01.2012  19:46:51 GMT
After a day of rest – time for new ventures Tomorrow begins a new stage of flying around the world – 4th in turn. Matevz will again fly by land, but despite this fact the flight will not be easy. He will fly along the east coast to French Guiana, stormy weather is expected and 10 hours of continuous flight, because of that exceptional durability and excellent mental preparation is needed. Departure from the airport Natal (Brazil) in the morning at 07:30 UTC in a nortwesterly direction towards the city of Cayenne (French Guiana). Landing is scheduled at 17:25 UTC at Rochambeau airport (ICAO code »SOCA«). The planned route is 2345 km long, which requires 190 gallons of fuel and reserve. Folow 4th stage of the flight around the world!
Domen Grauf   13.01.2012  19:46:03 GMT
Po dnevu poÄitka je Äas za nove podvige Jutri se zaÄne nova etapa letenja okoli sveta, 4. po vrsti. Kljub temu, da bo Matevž tokrat letel po kopnem, letenje Å¡e zdaleÄ ne bo enostavno. Letel bo vzdolž vzhodne obale proti Francoski Gvajani, ker ga Äaka nevihtno vreme in neprekinjenih 10 ur letenja je ponovno potrebna izjemna vzdržljivost in odliÄna psihiÄna priprava. Vzletel bo z letaliÅ¡Äa Natal (Brazilija) v jutranjih urah ob 07.30 UTC, pot bo nadaljeval v severozahodni smeri proti mestu Cayenne (Francoska Gvajana), pristanek je predviden ob 17:25 UTC na letaliÅ¡Äu Rochambeau (ICAO koda »SOCA«). NaÄrtovana pot je dolga 2345 km, za katero potrebuje 190 litrov goriva in rezervo. Spremljajte 4. etapo letenja okoli sveta!
EGON VENEZUELA   13.01.2012  19:30:03 GMT
Zemljski ekipi; Ali lahko objavite bolj natancen zemljevid predvidenih rut z kraji odhodov in pristankov, da bomo vedeli od kod do kam bo letel v nadaljevanju potovanja. V naprej se vam zahvaljujem
andraž Å¡plejt   13.01.2012  19:16:11 GMT
jaz pa držim pest za vas da bote prišli nazaj varno lep pozdrav andraž šplejt 9.b
andraž Å¡plejt   13.01.2012  19:11:51 GMT
kdaj pa bote Å¡li naprej z letalom
Capt. Vibhooti Singh, India   13.01.2012  18:52:04 GMT
Congratualations Matevz, keep braving new heights, we would always be with you...
Pipistrel Mexico   13.01.2012  18:33:45 GMT
Hi Matevz !!! that was a Magical Flight !!! incredible special feeling for us, so for you it must be MEGA!!! many many congratulation and we are ready for your touch down in Manzanillo Mexico !!! let me know if you want something special for your visit to Mexico.
S5-PCD   13.01.2012  17:19:19 GMT
Bravo Matevž
Fred Rampa   13.01.2012  15:29:21 GMT
Hi Matevz, I am from the Rampa Foundation from Natal ( and we would like to meet you. My number is 8714-2868. We want to film your departure to FG. We can meet at your hotel today to talk to you. We are dedicated to Aviation History and you sure made history!
Matevž LenarÄiÄ   13.01.2012  14:58:06 GMT
Hi to everybody! It is extremely important to me looking at this forum and all your positive thoughts. The flight itself was very rewarding and with all of your support almost ecstatic. The day before departure I couldn't find good fuel. Finally I bought it in town –200 litres of 92 oct unleaded (Rotax normally needs 95 oct). But later Zak from Aerclub arrange some 180 l of Avgas, what for sure made my overwater flight less stressful. Thanks to dr. Mirski (earthrounder as well) from Switzerland for good words to president of the club. Refueling is quite complicated as the wings need to be balanced all the time and this opeartion occupied me the whole afternoon till late evening. Thanks to all guys from aeroclub. I planned to start very early to cross bad weather band as early as possible. So I started 2 hours before sunrise , very heavy at 27 OAT. I had to follow IFR procedure as night VFR is not allowed. I was climbing very slowly, because the engine was overheating, but after loooong dark and stressful climb I finally reached required FL 060. CHTs went back to normal. Dakar control required HF contact but I could' deploy HF trailing antenna so they wanted me to turn back. Landing this heavy loaded in the dark was the last thing I thought about so called them via Iridium, just to make position report and Operation normal. Finally they accepted this kind of communication which is by the way much more reliable but sadly not according to the rules. Anyway I climbed to FL105, heading almost straight south to cross bad weather as far East as possible and catched easterly trade winds. The weather was not very difficult, some minor showers and slaloming between CBS. I was lucky. Heading west direct Natal was fast with average 15-20 kts tail wind. In Natal the wind was of 14 kts from 210, so went down ILS rwy 36 through act clouds. Meeting with Augusto Barroso from Rio, Slovenian ambassador Mrs Milena Smit, Tine Motoh from Slovenian company Keter and some journalists made it eaier my going through the custom. So statistic show extremely successful flight of 1746 NM - 3234 km in only 11.33 hours with 17,9 consumption, with highest ground speed of 168 kts. Tomorrow heading north along the Brazilian coast to Cayenne in FG.
Primož   13.01.2012  13:50:26 GMT
Zdaj sem bolje pogledal zemljevid sveta in videl, da ne boÅ¡ letel Äez Rusijo in Sibirijo. Ja ja, problemi so ,bili hudi takrat, ampak fotke so bile pa super!

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