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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight around the world!
The world is not what we see
The world is mostly what we can't see

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EGON VENEZUELA   16.01.2012  12:52:26 GMT
Zelo hrabro Matevz, da si se odlocil za polet tezko ti bo skoraj do Trinidada in nad caribskim morjem bos moral voziti malo slaloma, ce se ne spremeni tokom dneva (milim da ne) SRECNO in se enkrat SRECNO, te pozdravim nad Venezuelo
Domen Grauf   16.01.2012  12:48:43 GMT
Po skrbni analizi vremena in načrta leta za danes, še posebej ob upoštevanju možnih vremenskih situacijah, se je Matevž odločil za vzlet. Veliko sreče Matevž!!!!!
Domen Grauf   16.01.2012  12:46:24 GMT
After a careful analysis of the weather and flight plan for today, especially taking into account possible special situations, Matevz decided for take off. He is back in the air, Best of luck!
marko sabothy,natalija polenec   16.01.2012  12:42:42 GMT
Izgleda,da obsežna atlantska fronta potrebuje dober dan da potegne svoj rep SE in ,da zacnejo tudi pihat ugonejši vetrovi,z manj nasicenosti.Takole prisilno čakanje, ko si navit verjetno ni enostavo. Srečno še naprej.
Domen   16.01.2012  11:51:26 GMT
Varno in navdušujoče še naprej Matevž! V mislih s teboj:-)
Rojak (Beograd)   16.01.2012  11:14:43 GMT
U mislih sem steboj. Želim ti veliko mirnega vremena.
Milank jpk STATENBERG   16.01.2012  10:28:27 GMT
Greetings from Donacka gora.......
Domen Grauf   16.01.2012  09:57:50 GMT
Again we are expecting about two hours of delay due to rain and clouds which are decreasing visibility. / Tokrat je vzlet zopet prestavljen za dve uri, predvsem zaradi močnega naliva in oblakov, ki izjemno zmanjšujejo vidljivost. Upamo, da se bo vreme izboljšalo in mu bo uspelo čimprej poleteti.
Domen Grauf   16.01.2012  09:39:21 GMT
Zadna dva dneva, sta bila zelo deževna, kar je preprečilo strnjeno nadaljevanje Matevzeve poti. Danes pricakujemo nadljevanje poleta okoli 09:00 UTC, v kolikor bodo vremenske razmere to dopuščale. Na zacetku bo letel ob obali do Guiane in se po preletu tocke DALGA usmeril direktno proti Puerto Rico. Pri vzletu je napovedan dez in veter iz severovzhodne smeri. Moznost dezja, zaradi 100% vlaznosti je 90%. Vremenska napoved pri pristanku v Puerto Ricoje obetavnejsa, vendar plohe niso izkljucene. Danasnja 5. etapa je dolga 2341 km in bo predvidoma trajala 10 ur. Matevzu zelimo varen in miren let.
Domen Grauf   16.01.2012  09:38:59 GMT
The weather cast a shadow over the latest two days. Todays flight is expected at 09:00 UTC. At the beginning he expected to fly along the coast to Guyana over the the reporting point DALGA and then proceed via Ocean to Puerto Rico. Stormy weather is expected in Cayene, variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms and wind NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain is 90% with 100 % of humidity. Weather forecast for Puerto Rico is variably cloudy. Scattered showers in the morning...then isolated showers in the afternoon. The flight is about 2341 km long and expected flight time little less that 10 hours. We wish you a safe and smooth flight.
Stanko Z   16.01.2012  08:16:49 GMT
S tem,da ste let prestavili za en dan,ste dokazali da vas skrbi za Matevža in njagovo varnost in da nočete tvegati za vsako ceno.Čestitam,srečno in še tako naprej.
Petra Draskovic   16.01.2012  07:36:46 GMT
Thank you Janez! True. This is the spirit!
Janez   16.01.2012  07:30:36 GMT
Today is another day. May all the positive energies around you and your world flight create perfect flying conditions. Be safe!
Poul Brandrup   16.01.2012  06:49:36 GMT
Thanks Matevz for your detailed report. Have a good and safe flight today.
Davor (Toronto, Canada)   16.01.2012  03:27:25 GMT
I wish you clear skies, tailwind and lots of nice photos! Good luck and be safe Matevž!
Gheorghe   16.01.2012  03:09:56 GMT
Thank you so much for your account of your flight from Natal to Cayenne. I wish you blue skyes, tail winds and safe flying. And last but not least I wish you also excellent light and good visibility for allowing you to take beautiful photos.
Matevž Lenarčič   15.01.2012  22:56:05 GMT
Hi everybody, The flight from Natal, was not what I really like in aviation. After formalities at the airport, and goodbye from ms Schmid, Augusto and Tine I took of in rather good weather with nice tailwind. The visibility was not good, so not much to photograph so climbed above the clouds and remained there almost to San Luis where went down for some pictures of sand dunes by the coast. After proceeded into deteriorating weather and soon become IMC with minos showers. At FL 080 the temperature remain high so no icing problem. The rain became stronger so left the coast and headed directly over the bay of Amazon delta. After contact with Cayenne approach where reported visual condition I remained on VFR flight plan although in IMC. Just before landing the weather cleared a bit so got out of the aircraft dry. Guys from Aeroclub offered place in their hangar where I was able to check the aircraft after. Some stickers were missing, some water behind the seat otherwise OK. The whole evening I was trying to send E-Apis formulae via internet but always crashed just before completion. I called several times to Puerto Rico Custom office asked for other options but did not offer other solution. So there is no US entering without internet. Finally I gave up. The morning was again like yesterday evening, low clouds, rain. The internet was much better so finally succeed with e-apis, but could not get Custom officer at destination. It was also late, the TJIG airport only work till 23.00, so decided to postpone the flight and better try to get my bird in order. President of Aeroclub, Joachim invited me for lunch to his nice house with airport view and his two suns and two daughters. A pleasant afternoon ended back at airport with meteo, no good news for tomorrow, control and custom.
staneso   15.01.2012  20:25:58 GMT
Srecno in varen let cez mamo Zemljo!
Gapi   15.01.2012  19:34:55 GMT
Rick-Gutierrez   15.01.2012  19:32:32 GMT
Blues Skies and fair weather to you. Stay safe
AMBROŽ   15.01.2012  19:31:43 GMT
škoda da nisi ostal v sloveniji
Dušan Murovec, Maribor   15.01.2012  19:22:28 GMT
Uživaj, Matevž! Tu je 0 stopinj C, tebe pa gotovo ne zebe! Vso srečo ti želim!
lojze   15.01.2012  19:05:41 GMT
Iskrene čestitke! Pošiljam Ti CAVOC s Pokljuke. Srečno naprej.
S5-PIR   15.01.2012  15:48:00 GMT
Matevž. Mal s strani tole vse skup opazujem, pa se ne morem znebit ene misli. Sem reku, te bom kar vprašu. A sta vidva s K. Kolumbom kej v žlahti, a tekmujeta? Namreč ko to opazujem vidim, da kar en za drugim hodita. Kolumb je bil v Puerto Ricu že novembra (1493), ti boš pa zdej januarja. A ne bi bilo bolš, da se mal organizirata, pa kej skup pogruntata? Timsko delo (tko lepo poštiman, kot maš ti). Saj ko ga dobiš, mu boš razložu finto, a ne?
EGON VENEZUELA   15.01.2012  15:47:49 GMT
Veliko pocitka in nabiranja moci ti zelim Matevz, in upam, da bos imel jutri vec srece z vremenom in te pricakujem pri preletu Venezuele SRECNO
Poul Brandrup   15.01.2012  14:23:07 GMT
Hi Petra. Thanks for the update. I may be belabouring the point, but I am sure Matevz can use the extra time to rest well !
Pedro Ettedgui Virusflyer Venezuela   15.01.2012  13:43:05 GMT
Welcome to America dear friend !!!
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  13:26:03 GMT
Polet 5. etape, ki je bil planiran za danes, je preložen na jutrišnji dan, ponedeljek 16. januarja. Deloma še vedno zaradi močnega dežja. Drug , še bolj pomemben razlog pa je dejstvo, da je 5. etapa ponovno zelo dolga (okoli 10 ur) in ob tako poznem vzletu tekom dneva ne bi prišel pravočasno do Puerto Rica, kjer se letališče zapre ob 10h zvečer, in tedaj tudi carine ni na voljo. Med tem časom se bo Matevž posvetil tudi natančnemu pregledu aviona. Se vam oglasimo ponovno jutri! Lepo nedeljo!
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  13:25:12 GMT
The flight planned for today is postponed on Monday, 16th January. It is still raining hard. The other reason for postponing is due to the length of flight, which is again around 10 hours long. Starting so late in the day today wouldn’t made it possible to arrive in time to Puerto Rico, where they close the airport at 10 pm and there is no custom available anymore. We will be back here tomorrow again! Wishing you a nice Sunday!
Anonymous   15.01.2012  13:14:53 GMT
Dear Matevz , Greetings from Nagaland , North East India , let me first salute you for the courage you have taken to undertake this tour , I came to know about you and your mission through Neil (Nawaporn Sawaetwong ) pattaya airpark ,and I was telling him why don't you tell him to touch Nagaland as nobody knows about our land , but I guess its too late now . We wish you all the best and pray to God to give you wisdom, health and protection .. God be with you ...... Next time you must visit us ... best wishes Ababe Ezung Kohima, Nagaland e-mail -
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  11:57:53 GMT
Dovoljenja za vzlet so urejena. Vendar izjemno močno dežuje, zato še ne ve, ali bo lahko vzletel. Trenutno je na poti do letališča.
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  11:57:14 GMT
The permission for take off are arranged, but due to hard rain it might not be possible to start. We will see. Matevž is on the way to the airport.
Mihec   15.01.2012  11:47:39 GMT
live cam v bližini cilja današnje etape in vremenska karta Matevž, srečno !
TADEJ   15.01.2012  11:43:29 GMT
Za enkrat se nikamor ne premakne vidim pa je ura 12:45
EGON VENEZUELA   15.01.2012  11:23:48 GMT
Andreja   15.01.2012  10:59:56 GMT
EGON VENEZUELA   15.01.2012  10:56:31 GMT
Trenutno, na radarju vremena od Cayenna do San Juana je lepo vreme brez trobskih neviht
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  10:34:18 GMT
Egon Venezuela and others: Stage 5: Cayenne /Franch Guiana towards San Juan / Puerto Rico. The flight is about 2341 km long. The departure will be with about 2 hours of delay.
EGON VENEZUELA   15.01.2012  10:30:57 GMT
Se opravicujem, smo objavljali hkrati
EGON VENEZUELA   15.01.2012  10:28:03 GMT
What,s going on we dont have any informations from stage 5??? Que pasa que no tenemos nilguna informacion de 5ta etapa
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  10:25:48 GMT
Again we are expecting about two hours of delay due to American paper standards where the application for entering the state needs to be submitted through the internet and in Cayenne the internet service is not very good. Tokrat bomo ponovno poleteli s približno dvo-urno zamudo, predvsem zaradi najave poleta, ki mora biti oddana preko interneta. Žal so spletne možnosti v Cayennu precej šibke. Upamo, da nam bo uspelo čimprej poleteti.
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  10:18:28 GMT
Denis: it will be direct - straight flight. Thanks for caring!
Tvoji občudovalci iz Kranja ( GRS in razne druge skupine !)   15.01.2012  09:48:09 GMT
Matjaž , veliko lepega vremena in čim več koristnih podatkov ti želimo
Denis   15.01.2012  09:31:04 GMT
Petra: Is he planning direct direction or near coast and near islands ?
ana   15.01.2012  09:04:22 GMT
Upam da bo let uspešen.Čim več sreče ti želim.
Janez   15.01.2012  08:30:32 GMT
Naj bo vreme naklonjeno tako letalcu kot fotografu Matevžu! Srečen in užitkov poln polet!
Petra Draskovic   15.01.2012  07:32:47 GMT
Anonymous: Predvidoma okoli 10.00 našega časa.
Neil-Pattayaairpark   15.01.2012  05:58:01 GMT
Biggest Congratulations! Wish all your flights successful Expect to welcome you in Feb.
mafly   15.01.2012  01:11:07 GMT
Do it all, look for the impossible But my friend, Respect the sea. The wise sailor knows that He never won a storm Just and only just, It was the sea that let him pass.
Anonymous   15.01.2012  00:15:06 GMT
po našem času pa začne kdaj da vem kdaj spremljati približno zdaj sem si shranil to stran da je ne iščem potem in me samo zanima še sedaj kdaj se približno začne polet da bi danes spremlajl v živo
Carlos Costa   14.01.2012  23:56:25 GMT
Congratulations from Portugal Matevž. Enjoy the Carabean Sea!
dremair   14.01.2012  23:31:53 GMT
Congratulations and all respect dear colleague Matevž! You again performing great global job in a perfect Pipistrel flying machine, spending less fuel per distance as an average car! With such tempo you'll be back home faster than we'll got new government. Hope you collecting amazing pictures and personal impressions on this unique trip, which makes all of us happy and proud. Congratulations to Pipistrel team also. Be ready to be the first aviator to fly fast Panthera arround the globe in next years. Good luck, keep in contact!
Poul Brandrup   14.01.2012  22:28:11 GMT
Congratulations Matevz. Only respect for you taking a precautionary decision. A sailor would say only a fool does not fear the sea. Have a good rest.
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  21:34:17 GMT
Yes, this is website, where you can track MAtavz live. The green dot moving across the map is our Matevz! Now the fot is not moving anymore, of course, because Matevž is already safely at hotel. The last three hours and half were very demanding, heavy rain and storm made the flight demanding more and more. He regrets very much for not being able to fly across the mouth of Amazon river. Due to heavy rain and storm he had to detour. However, we are all glad that his wisdom and yeears- long long-flying experience lead to the right decision and took him safely to the airport and hotel.
Petra Draskovic   14.01.2012  21:29:20 GMT
Tadej: Da, to je stran, kjer se polet spremlja v živo. Zelena pika, ki potuje po zemljevidu je naš Matevž. Pika sedaj seveda miruje, saj je Matevž že varno v hotelu. Vse je ok. Zadnje 3 ure in pol ga je žal "zelo pralo" ali če drugače povem - močna nevihta in dež sta mu precej oteževala polet. Zelo zelo obžaluje, da mu ni uspelo preleteti izliva Amazonke, ki se ji je moral izogniti ravno zaradi hudega dežja. Vendar, k sreči je modrost in seveda dolgoletne izkušenje letenja v ekstremnih pogojih prevesilo tehtnico na pravo stran!
klaant   14.01.2012  20:44:35 GMT
Matevž, ko boš preletel Vrtojbo javi. Smo se vsi trije soglasno odločili da ti bomo mahali. Podpis: stari otroci iz Primorske
TADEJ   14.01.2012  20:34:53 GMT
a mi lahk pove a je to stran za spremljanje v žovo a zdej on miruje al tud v teh urah leti ker te pikice se nikamor ne premaknejo
Peter Marn   14.01.2012  20:30:23 GMT
S ponosom te spremljam. Srečno Peter
AMBROŽ   14.01.2012  20:07:55 GMT
Mislim da boš zmogel!Bravo! Si želel postati pilot, ko si bil majhen?
klaant   14.01.2012  20:05:18 GMT
Danes te nisem spremljal v živo. Sem zganjal nekaj biznisa. Bom pa zdaj podoživljal tvoj polet po pikicah na zemljevidu. Smo tukaj trije norci, skupaj jih imamo preko 150 in komentiramo kot otročki. Hvala Matevž !

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