S5-Ivan 16.04.2012 14:02:20 GMT
Kako gre pa z dovoljenji? Je urejeno s Cadom in Tunizijo/Malto?
Hehe, stormscope pa se pokvarjen vozi ze celo pot okoli sveta :)
Se malo vec kot 500km in bomo v Port Noire! Domen Grauf 16.04.2012 13:03:23 GMT
@matic: Stormscope niso popravili. Vreme je danes v primerjavi z vceraj in v naslednjih dneh se najboljse, napoved ni tako slaba. matic 16.04.2012 12:53:35 GMT
@Domen, vreme se kar dela. Ali so stormoskop kaj uredili? Veliko sreče z vremenom in lp Slovenian Tourist Board 16.04.2012 11:50:31 GMT
Good luck Matevž! I feel Slovenia is with you! Denis 16.04.2012 10:26:12 GMT
It is nice to see how weather cooperate, speed was increased from 120 to 135kt. // Lepo je videt, ko je iz zacetnih 220km/h prisel na 250km/h. Tudi nivo leta je rahlo dvignil, vreme kot kaze se sodeluje in cim lazje garanje mu lahko zelimo. Petra Draskovic 16.04.2012 09:44:48 GMT
To Point Pointe Noire/Congo is about 8h and 30 minutes of flying and the distance to destination is 2284 km. /// Do Pointe Noire /Congo je približno 8h in 30 minut letenja, razdalja do destinacije pa 2284 km. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.04.2012 09:29:24 GMT
Hi Matevz, Have a nice and safe flight. I will follow you here with the help of Spidertrack for another almost 7 hours. (P.S. A kind fellow blogger on this page has sent me an e-mail and explained that I in some contributions have confused Turbine for Turbo Charger - I apologize, I do know the all important difference). Greetings Jerry 16.04.2012 09:26:00 GMT
Matevž - vso srečo! Danes bomo skorajda na ekvatorju.
Potem pa še trije leti - v četrtek se vidimo na Brniku! Good luck - see you on Thursday! Ljubljančan 16.04.2012 09:07:08 GMT
Najboljše želje S5-Ivan 16.04.2012 09:04:32 GMT
Heading North. Z vsako miljo/kilometrom je Brnk blizji! Nekateri ze cakamo... BenjaminS 16.04.2012 08:45:50 GMT
Matevž, srečno na poti do Brnika. Rottweiler 16.04.2012 08:22:09 GMT
Srečno, Matevž. Naj se tehnika že neha upirati (se obnaša kot kakšen slovenski sindikat javnega sektorja: kar naprej ji nekaj ni prav). Veliko uspeha pri iskanju varne in mirne poti med nevihtami v drugi polovici etape. Lep pozdrav tudi neumornemu Houston Team-u. Andrej J 16.04.2012 08:06:13 GMT
Uspešen let želim!! Janez 16.04.2012 07:59:41 GMT
Premika se! Vsaka nova pikica vas bliža domu. Veliki človek,pilot Matevž bodite zbrani in skoncentrirani še na preostanek poti SREČNO ! Domen Grauf 16.04.2012 07:57:13 GMT
@Denis Destinacija je FCPP. Peter,ŠK.Loka 16.04.2012 07:55:58 GMT
Srečno! Primož Sev 16.04.2012 07:53:51 GMT
@Pete. You are right, here is the point! Hello Matevž! See you again in the air. Good luck and good weather. @Pete imate prav. Tu je srž problema. Halo Matevž spet vas vidimo v zraku. Srečno in lepo vreme Denis 16.04.2012 07:53:48 GMT
Domen destinacija ? Tone 16.04.2012 07:47:26 GMT
Premikamo se. Bravo gremo v Kongo. Srečno. Domen Grauf 16.04.2012 07:47:14 GMT
Here we go! Good Luck Matevz! // Srecen let! Primož Sev 16.04.2012 07:44:51 GMT
Matevžu in ostalim lep pozdrav in uspešno nadaljevanje poleta. Vsak dan spremljam polet in bloge, posebej še komentarje v zvezi s TC. Po mojih izkušnjah z olji za prenos toplote vidim glavni problem v kvaliteti olja, ki se pri visoki temperaturi koksa in zabije cevi. Prah in nizke zimske temperature so tudi pri nas, zato mislim, da to ni glavni razlog odpovedi......My best regards to Matevz and other bloggers and succesfull continue of the flight. I am following every day the flight and bloggs and comments concerning the TC. According to my experience with thermal oils used for heat transfer, I see the main problem in oil quality which cokes at elevated temperature blocking te tubes. Dust and low winter temperatures are common also in Slovenia, so I don't think that these are the main reason for troubles. bull-dogg 16.04.2012 07:11:11 GMT
Re: AopaAz
Ne izumljaj tople vode saj to, kar si napisal tukaj mora vedeti vsak letalski mehanik (oprostite-tehnik),.vsak profesor na letalskih šolah, vsak slo ovner, vsak instant pilot in vsak zagnan klubovec.
Letenje ni hec, ni fora v tem, da sedeš v plovilo, obrneš ključ, opraviš poletanje in si vesel, če ti pod trupom visi dol en sam betonski blok za privez letal, namesto dveh ; v vsakem kejsu si džek. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.04.2012 05:55:52 GMT
@Big M, I have worked in Afghanistan and seen the Predators MQ1, but was unaware that they use the lightweight Rotax 914 Turbo. So it seems you have a point. Greetings AopaAz 16.04.2012 05:29:26 GMT
Matevž najprej vso srečo in pamet še naprej do Brnika. Prepričan sem, da boš uspel.
Še nekaj o poletu in tem forumu.
Američani pravijo, da navodila za npr. eksploatacijo letal pišejo advokati, ne tehniki. Če se držiš teh, skoraj ne more priti do odškodninskih tožb proti proizvajalcem.
A letenje ni vedno mogoče samo v "standardni atmosferi". Poleg tega pa so na svetu vedno ljudje kot je Matevž, ki premikajo meje. Za take pa je prispevek g. Egona neprecenljiv. Kaj bi lahko že danes potegnili iz Matevževega poleta:
1. Če je kvaliteta goriva problematična, je potrebno čiščenje.
2. Po letenju na izjemnih višinah, ki niso vsak dan, je potreben natančen pregled motorja. Izjemna pazljivost pa je potrebna še posebej pri velikih temperaturnih razlikah že na nižjih višinah.
3.Letenje v območju puščavskega peska zahteva boljše filtre ali vsaj večkratno menjavo.
Vsi piloti (posebno mi neprofiji) se lahko zahvalimo Matevžu, podpornemu teamu GLWF, Egonu in podobnim prispevkom, saj veliko prispevajo k varnosti letenja. Denis 16.04.2012 04:44:51 GMT
@Big M: good question, on the other hand, they are designed for high altitude flights. Pete 16.04.2012 04:26:29 GMT
I have seen photos from car engines. Totally distroyed, because pirat copy Castrol Edge, Mobil 1 or something! All the best! Big M 16.04.2012 01:24:24 GMT
What about the Rotax 914 in the predators, they are 30,000 feet each flight ? James 15.04.2012 23:28:04 GMT
Great to see you're back in the air! Good luck for the home leg! Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 15.04.2012 22:21:57 GMT
@Denis, Thanks for the translation. Your version gives many more details than I had from my own attempts. I have been focussing on the quality of the fuels and maybe the lubricants as in my experience (cars - not aircraft) you very often run into substandard fuels and lubricants around the world. High yielding engines (and turbines) surely are dependent on fuels and lubricants to the highest specifications. So maybe this has played a role as well, along with the extreme use of the engine and turbine (no criticism of anyone intended). OK, i hope someone with real knowledge of these matters will help ensure that the lessons are drawn. Good Night from Copenhagen ........ Denis 15.04.2012 21:03:58 GMT
@Poul Brandrup (Denmark); and yes Paul, you get the point. Regards to Denmark Denis 15.04.2012 21:01:20 GMT
Not realy proffesional translation, but I hope it helps.
Dear blogers and of course Matevz, Pipistrel, GLWF team and Rotax. From Glens reports of failure of the turbocharger can only conclude with certainty and I'm sure that we have absolutely right, in our analysis, what was the reason for failure of turbo. Before that, let me say that I am writing this so that everyone can understand on this website, and not only technically skilled, and this is that they also understand the complexity of Matevz venture, not only in flight but also from the technical side, for which are certainly most deserving Pipistrel and GLWF team. However, about very specific technical things: I can responsibly claim that the failure of the turbo started in Australia (flying over desert and dust particles was beginning), last point on the cake was flight over Mt. Everest (around 9.000mt). Why, if you can read the back of one of my articles and article of “Racekida” after the failure of turbo, you can read everything what can affect the functioning of the turbo, at different heights. What has happened to my mind: I will list a few facts at climbing to 9000mt. First temperature at take-off height was above +0' around +15' C , to climb to about 9000m altitude (temperature-35'C) motor for a few hours under full load, input air is thinner, motor oil (which a function of lubrication and cooling, the concentration increases), combustion in the cylinders is deteriorating due to fewer air and a mixture of fuel and oxygen is in disproportion ; Among other things in the fuel tanks starts to condensate water, when descending. I hope you understand it (and therefore excessive levels of carbon soot in the turbo). Among those factors is a very important factor also the temperature of the engine and thus all metal kits engine operating in a very critical tolerances (because they are made for an altitude under about 4.500m), this means a very rough and excessive wear of components in engine. After Glens checking compression pressure in the cylinders, it was all right (11 bar) OK, I agree as cylinders are not so loaded in this situation. But when we mean a turbocharger that has around 18,000 rpm and if the material (due to high temperature and this in a very short period of time) only to a thousandth of a mm, this means that the seals are already corrupted and therefore Glen notes that over the turbo oil was leaking throe the exhaust pipe. I hope you understand that once the seal on the turbo is corrupted, the oil leaking into the exhaust pipe and this will produce black carbon, soot, and deposited where there is least resistance. And when oil returns to the oil container from the turbo the smallest resistance was in this part of the engine. Let me also comment Glens claim that in the oil filter does not detect metal particles; Yeah, exactly and they can not detect, because as I understand Rotax works well and has no wear, but if I put oil prior to chemical analysis, I 100% believe that the analysis would shown otherwise (and they should know in Petrol, sponsors aren’t they?). After all this, let me say that Matevz has flew over India, Indian Ocean, South Africa and thanks to SOMEBODY FROM THE TOP, malfunction of the turbo was in the vicinity of an alternative airport. Nice greeting for everyone. For Matevz good luck in the upcoming (and not-so-light area, such as Africa) and happy return to the home Airport, I keep fingers crossed for you,,,, Little Prince. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 15.04.2012 20:53:12 GMT
Hi Valter, I have tried to follow your advice and used various online translaters from Slovenian to English of the text from Egon Venezuela. I am sorry to say that the translations did not come out too well and as I am not an expert at all in these matters I am afraid I may have missed the finer points. I do, however recognize that the ROTAX 914 engine with the Turbine has been put through very extreme use and that it can be said not to be fair to judge the engine installation on the basis of its use during this GLWF. As I understand Egon's text this is the major point he is making. I would still hope that all that have been involved in this flight will take the time and make the effort very carefully to analyze what has happened. Lessons should be drawn (and may very well basically be along the lines of Egon's opinion). I trust that Matevz can now safely return to Slovenia and celebrate his remarkable achievement with friends and family. I also trust that he will not put the engine through extreme use during remainder legs of flight. Greetings S5-Ivan 15.04.2012 17:42:25 GMT
Prav vesel sem, da sem lahko spremljal ta podvig od vseh priprav in zacetka. Ko zdaj manjka le se nekaj etap do zakljucka, se spominjam lanskega sejma v Friedrichshafnu, ko sem srecal Matevza Lenarcica in mu zazelel vse dobro s projektom...
Upam na se veliko takih projektov! Naj ta ne bo zadnji... Valter 15.04.2012 14:36:02 GMT
@ Poul Brandrup (Denmark) - Hi, Egon Venezela made a great diagnostics about engine failure.
I hope you can help yourself with some net translator on the net from slovenian to english language. Petra Draskovic 15.04.2012 14:34:59 GMT
Še nekaj medijskih objav: http://rtvslo.si/tureavanture/novice/lenarcic-caka-na-popravilo-motorja/281032 Petra Draskovic 15.04.2012 14:34:09 GMT
Spoštovani, še nekaj tisoč kilometrov ima Matevž preD sabo do doma. Verjamemo vsi, da bo tudi to uspešno izpeljal kot tudi vse predhodnje etape. Dajmo mu še stati ob strani do konca tako kot vso preleteno pot doslej, polno optimizma, radosti, veselja in lepote, ki jo znate videti vi vsi! Valter 15.04.2012 14:27:15 GMT
@ KOTZI. Spoštovani, nikogar na tem forumu ne zanima če je kakšna vejica ali velika začetnica narobe zapisana. Tu se ukvarjamo s popolnoma drugo tematiko. Konec koncev tudi v vaših prispevkih mrgoli slovničnih in tipkarskih napak, poleg tega pa še z velikimi črkami pišete, kar pomeni, da TULITE na vse prisotne. O vašem znanju oftalmologije pa ne bi niti načenjal. Dejmo raje Matevža podpirat. Franci 15.04.2012 13:09:43 GMT
@KOTZI : Tudi mene so naučili,da pisanje z velikim črkami s polno klicaji zastrašuje, privlači preveč nepotrebne pozornosti in da je nekulturelnično.Ja se čuti kot tulenje in ustrahovanje.Punce pa nikar ne obsojaj.Trapasto naskakuješ,de je še men nerod'n.Že tako jih imamo malo med seboj.Daj, preklopi na Coool.
Hvala za potrpljenje,vzemi eno fino pivo,pa kej lepzga napiš preden greš spat.Pokorno javljam,Boglonej stokrat! S5-Ivan 15.04.2012 13:02:04 GMT
@Justina Olivos Bs.Aires Arg., Hola! Po domace, vsaka cast! Mislim da bi vam morali poslat castni znak tega poleta, ker ga pri svojih 84 letih se vedno spremljate! Saludos a Buenos Aires... S5-Ivan 15.04.2012 13:00:26 GMT
@KOTZI, Janja ni privatizirala foruma, povedala je samo, da ne pisi s tiskanimi, ker se tako zdi da tulis :) KOTZI 15.04.2012 11:55:26 GMT
@spošt.g.J A N J A,hvala za poduk o računalništvu.ČLOVEK se uči celo življenje!!Preberite si nekaj o "DEGENERATIO MACULAE LUTEAE",DA SE BOSTE TUDI VI KAJ NAUČILA! p.s. ne privatizirajte forum,kateri je namenjen čemur je! ! !....ZA OBLAKI PA VEDNO POSIJE SONCE! g.MATEVŽ S R E Č N O ! France 15.04.2012 11:52:57 GMT
Ker je Nedelja,'prašam z najlepšimi nameni, kdaj ste nazadnje imeli za kosilo govejo juho z nudlni,krompir,meso iz juhe in goro solate kristalke?
Bil bi že čas ,a ne? Ampak nič hiteti,prosim.Opomba: največ tišlerjev si poreže prste ob rezanju tazadnje dilce ali tazadnjega polena...tako,prosim,ostanite budni dokler se kolesa ne zakadijo po slovenski zemlji.
Lepo Nedeljo in obilo sreče pri pridobivanju dovoljenj za prelete, dobro gorivo ob času in dobro vreme!Srečno. France 15.04.2012 11:46:24 GMT
@ Justina Olivos Bs.Aires Arg.: Bom dia/Good day Lady!
Fantastic shocks are comming from you, great surprises.
Nice to read a perfect Slovenian , incredibile to hear that you are so active even having 84golden years!It's
incredibile than that you are taking French lessons. And at the end it's unbeleivable coincidence that you've got a home work for reading the Little Prince just when we started to bring this fine story into Matevž world's flying story. It's just a fantastic detail and Matevž will maybe take it out of his memory while looking bright stars on the skies at home after he make a long rest.
--------------------- Dober dan gospa! Neverjetne povezave.Skupaj obdelujemo Malega princa in ga tkemo v Matevževo zgodbo in pravite, da Vam profesorica francoščino daje za domačo nalogo branje te knjige!
S tem, da je fenomenalno lepo, da to počnete pri 84-ih zlatih letih. Ni kaj, gospod Antoine de S.Exupery, njegov Mali princ in Matevžev Angel varuh delujejo in skrbijo za našega princa Matevža! Če že ne morete priti
domov,Vam lahko ponudim,pošljem takoj po dogodku sveže fotografije z Matevževega povratka domov! Imejte se lepo in hvala za lep dogodek! Srečno. ALERON 15.04.2012 11:39:02 GMT
Janja, sploh nisem mislil, da leti sedaj in ta trenutek proti Kongu, ampak generalno proti severu in domu. Se ti opravičujem, če nisem bil dovolj jasen
Anonymus-u pa: itak, da je vse ekstremno in da noben svetovalec tega ne bi priporočal, ampak če ne bi bilo tako potem to ne bi bil naš Matevž kolikor ga poznam.:-)
Pteri pa: Vem , da je še daleč do prihoda domov, ma a misliš, da malo Wajduščine ne bi bilo mogče če prileti z juga ??? Tako n kratek postank v domačem gnezdu sem mislu.Vsem n lep pozdrav. Ko bo konec tega vas bom prav vse pogrešal, Mtevžu pa lepo vreme. Janja 15.04.2012 11:37:47 GMT
@Laki, ne vedno. Če je ločilo nestično, ga ni. :-)
Moje sodelovanje je namenjeno predvsem v podporo Matevžu in upam, da mi odpusti napake. Tone 15.04.2012 11:29:54 GMT
To o čemer vi govorite gospod Anonimous je čista utopija, razen, če se ne mislite spremeniti v ptiča. Takrat pa vas bodo z nekimi groznimi zvoki preganjali z letališč. Sreno GLWF-ju. France 15.04.2012 11:24:34 GMT
@Egon Venezuela: Hvala za prepričljivo mnenje,ki še dopolnjuje s svojim matrično skladnostjo poročilo g.Meyerja in poskrbi za prepričljivo verjetnost v relativno visoko varnost za nadaljevanje Matevževe poti.
Zanimivo pa bo slediti uradnim razlagam od Rotaxa(ki,domnevam jih najverjetneje ne bomo izvedeli,stavimo?)Še vedno trdim,da njihovi testi,narejeni po protokolarnih predpisih,ne bodo pokazali nič presunljivega.Če bi simulacije zdaj spremenili na osnovi Meyerjevih ugotovitev in Egonovih razlag-potem pa ja. Egon, vse najboljše želje iz dežovne Slovenije v Venezuelo,kajne? Srečno.----------
Thanks Egon for your explanation on reasons and consequences after repport pf Mr.meyer. Should be good to see to interface both expertizes for those most concerns and involved.If Rotax want to get a result they should change the testings requirements,isn't it so?I'm talking about "result" which should prevent future failures by solid and precise maintenance requirements for the engine. Thanks.Best regards,Egon. France 15.04.2012 11:10:01 GMT
@ Glen Meyer: Great thank you very much for your maintenance of our Matevž flying magic box!Thank you for your repport specially.It makes as confident and trustfull that it's done the best for his historic flight last legs on the way back to his sweet home & family!Thanks a lot and all the best!----------------
Velika hvala za vaš delo na Matevževem stroju, ki nas dela gotove,da bo Matevž srečno prispel domov k svoji družini.Hvala in vse dobro. Anonymous 15.04.2012 11:06:42 GMT
"ker ni dovoljenja za pristanek v Kongo"
Janja :), ostalim, ki se jih tiče: ločilom sledi presledek Davorin 15.04.2012 10:52:45 GMT
Veseli me, da je sedaj z Rotax-om in seveda turbopolnilnikom (TP) vse O.K. Mimogrede sporočam g. Egonu, da je pozabil pri navedbi hitrosti vrtenja TP eno ničlo. Za TP je 18.000 obr/min namreč enako kot nič. Poleg tega olje mimo ležaja TP praviloma ne uhaja naravnost v izpušni sistem ampak se zaradi razlike v tlaku vrača v sesalni kolektor. Pojav usedlin v odvodu olja od uležajenja TP je pa tako ali tako eden pogostejših vzrokov težav pri motorjih s prisilnim polnjenjem. Problem nastanka usedlin (Sludge) je verjetno pogojen tudi z dodatnimi termičnimi obremenitvami, katerim je motorno olje izpostavljeno pri prehodu skozi ležaje TP. Morda bi se dalo temu deloma izogniti z uporabo kvalitetnejšega motornega olja, pogostejšimi intervali menjave motornega olja in optimiranjem njegovega hlajenja. Se opravičujem, če sem nekoliko zašel od bistva, to je projekta, ki ga brez v prvi vrsti Matevža L., GLWF in Pipistrela sploh nebi bilo. Držim pesti še naprej in srečno pot proti letališču Jožeta Pučnika. Anonymous 15.04.2012 10:43:48 GMT
@Robar: Če bi bil Egon svetovalec pri Matevžu ali Rotaxu, ga ta že ne bi pustil iti v take ekstremne podvige (Everest, puščavski pesek, hudi in dolgotrajni nalivi). Verjetno ima Matevža za malce preveč korajžnega pustolovca, ki si postavlja svoje življenje na kocko.
A na srečo ima SREČO. Naj tako tudi ostane še nekaj dni, ki jih ima do doma. Srečno. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 15.04.2012 10:43:41 GMT
Hi Petra, Thanks for sharing the information about the reasons for Matevz delay. I share your hope that the weather will improve and the permits come in place so Matevz can fly home soon. Greetings ..... Petra Draskovic 15.04.2012 10:29:53 GMT
@ALERON: Vas bomo obvestili o prihodu na Brnik, zaenkrat je še prezgodaj, da bi lahko napoveali točno uro in datum. Hvala za razumevanje. Janja 15.04.2012 10:28:39 GMT
@Aleron, kako veste da leti? Spidertracks kaže, da je še vedno na WVB. Pozdrav vsem Petra Draskovic 15.04.2012 10:28:37 GMT
Danes Matevž ne bo letel naprej zaradi slabega vremena na končni destinaciji in ker ni dovoljenja za pristanek v Kongo. Držimo pesti za čim mirnejšo pot do doma. Obiskovalcem foruma pa lepo nedeljo! /// Today Matevž will not take off due to bad weather at landing destination and because we are still waiting for permits for Congo! We keep fingers crossed for smooth flight toward home! Wishing you all a wonerful Sunday! ALERON 15.04.2012 10:20:21 GMT
Nisem neki strokovnjak za TP ampak mislim, da trditve
EGONA VENEZUELA pijejo vodo, torej verjetno držijo.Nič za to Matevž leti in se bliža domu. Hjuston naprošam, da pravočasno objavijo pristanek Matevža v Ajdovščini, ali na Brniku. Mislim se udeležiti sprejema in moram to vedeti predvsem KDAJ in KJE.Veselo naprej. Big M 15.04.2012 10:01:56 GMT
Housten can we have an update please ? ramolov 15.04.2012 09:31:26 GMT
pozdrav Pete 15.04.2012 09:19:25 GMT
Maybe turbo overspeed/overheat and burned lubrication oil. Is maximum manifold pressure/turbo rev limited over fl 200 or something? All the best!
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