Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 26.03.2012 11:57:46 GMT
Hi Matevz, Enjoy your days at the foot of Mount Everest, I am sure they will be a fantastic experience and have to admit that I do envy you. Your account and photos would as always be very much appreciated. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 26.03.2012 11:54:19 GMT
Hi Libis, I am not disagreeing with you. Slovenia was under a different system 20 years ago, ultra-liberal capitalism is not the solution for everything. What Nepal is going through is a difficult transition and the bureaucracy is very difficult to deal with. It has not yet been modernized to that of a more open and dynamic society - that was all I wanted to share. I am so old that I have travelled several times in what was known as East Europe and I have a nuanced view of what that was - it certainly was not all bad. I am fascinated by the enthusiasm that drives Pipistrel and the GLWF project and see that as a great credit to modern Slovenia - Written in all humility by someone from another small European country ...... LB 26.03.2012 11:46:40 GMT
@Poul : In addition to what @Libis has written - till 2006 Nepal used to be officialy a very religious country and a kingdom - far away from any communism as official system. Lately things have changed, but I believe that what we are talking about in Nepal is some kind of burocracy system which can be found worldwide, especialy in countries where some type of elite is governing. Well - most people recall "the old" system as a very social one with many benefits for all that we can only dream about today. True, there were some pressure on certain areas, there was an elite, too... but this can be found in many democratic and so called "democratic" countries, too. But, let's leave politics, this is not the place. Libis 26.03.2012 11:03:02 GMT
Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 25.03.2012 21:52:19 GMT wrote: ...The Nepalese systems are replicas of the communist systems that Slovenians may still recall? : .....
Dear Poul. As you know, the Slovenes have left the path of socialist values (and not communism where, of course, we have not been yet) for quite some time ago. Some 20 years in the past we enter the new path, the path of capitalist values which also does not lead by the shortest route to a better life (global economic crisis and two world wars in the last century as well as a modern widespread economic crisis integrated with crisis of values......) .
Finally, I hope you agree that every nation has the right to independently choose their development path and way of life ... so of course Nepali people as Slovenian too. Matevž story is instructive in some way.......
Anyhow, I congratulate Matevž for very successful work which has been done till now and wish him a lot of nice weather during the rest of flights and safe return to his home base. LjubljanÄan 26.03.2012 11:00:58 GMT
Jaz že "kisik nabiram" za veliki podvig, vsaj v mislih. Tone. 26.03.2012 08:52:30 GMT
In sedaj bo treba izkopati startne jamice za dober zalet za skok nad ÄŒomolungmo. SreÄno. LB 26.03.2012 08:17:15 GMT
Žal spletna kamera z Everestom ne deluje // Unfortunatelly Everest Webcam is experiencing technical problems. Denis 26.03.2012 08:03:24 GMT
Petra, ko ste prisli tja ste bili 4,75 ure pred nami. Ali se je tam ura tudi premaknila na poletni cas? //
Petra when you arrived you were 4,75 hour in front of Slovenian time. Was there also change to summer time ? Barun, Nepal 26.03.2012 08:01:59 GMT
Yes finally landed at pokhara airport!! Yesterday we wouldnot finished the paper work due to unavailability of office time n today everything is undercontrol!! Now he can rest n fly around pokhara with us(Avia club Nepal) barun@aviatoursnepal. Com for further info!!!!! Denis 26.03.2012 07:57:20 GMT
ÄŒe so nas ubogali, potem je vceraj bla taka festa, da rabijo vsi skupaj dan pocitka preden gredo naprej. // If they obey our suggestion, then there was such a good party yesterday, that they all together deserve a day of rest before going forward :-)) selanf 26.03.2012 07:43:33 GMT
Bravo Matevž, pristanek v Pokhari, nato naprej na ME. SreÄno, Gog bless you. LP 26.03.2012 07:42:47 GMT
Petra, kako in kdaj pa naprej? V tabeli plana poti je za danes predviden poÄitek, jutri pa svetiÅ¡Äe pod vrhom sveta. LB 26.03.2012 07:41:12 GMT
According to Google Maps, this is the exact location of the top peak of Mount Everest http://g.co/maps/aa977 (27° 59′ 17″ N, 86° 55′ 31″ E) // Da ne bomo tavali v megli, po Google Maps je tole lokacija vrha Mount Everesta - http://g.co/maps/aa977 (27° 59′ 17″ N, 86° 55′ 31″ E) Petra Draskovic 26.03.2012 07:35:05 GMT
The paperwork and custum clearing was done finished today and Matevž finally managed to fly to Pokhara. It took him only an hour to reach this paradise underneath the big mountains! Congratulations, Matevž! /// Danes se je uspeÅ¡no zakljuÄila odisejada z administracijo in carino, ter Matevž je konÄno poletel do Pokhare. Samo dobro uro je trajal polet do tega rajskega kraja pod vznožjem velikih hribov! ÄŒestitke Matevž! StaneA 26.03.2012 07:32:58 GMT
Bravo g. Matevž! Rottweiler 26.03.2012 07:03:12 GMT
Matevž, ÄŒESTITAM !!! OdliÄen napredek Äez vikend (ko sem bil "out-of-range" za spremljanje avanture). OdliÄne fotografije !!! Držim pesti, da se tale psihiÄno naporna in nevarna epizoda z Mt. Everest-om Äimprej sreÄno in uspeÅ¡no konÄa. Houston Team-u želim obilo užitkov v Nepalu in sreÄno pot nazaj domov. Lp iz Ljubljane. VM 26.03.2012 06:56:23 GMT
ÄŒestitke za velike uspehe, na tem delu poti želim krasne poglede in sreÄno TADEJ-SLO 26.03.2012 06:55:31 GMT
Pozdravljeni Matevž in ekipa. Vidim, da se odiseja nadaljuje. Se pravi, da ste uredili zadeve glede birokracije (v kar sploh nisem dvomil). Super in sreÄno Å¡e naprej. LB 26.03.2012 06:49:36 GMT
leti, leti, leti..... Matevž! France 26.03.2012 06:49:35 GMT
Matevž rula na ploÅ¡Äadi v Kathmanduju do vzletne steze za Pokharo,ali kaj? Da bi vsaj bil uspeÅ¡en krasen dan,SreÄno popotnik Matevž! France 26.03.2012 06:40:32 GMT
@Barun : Thank you very much for a good news.According to a weather prognose the Sun will shine over the Sagarmatha only a couple of next days.
Namaste.Mahadevi ki jay tumhare pas!
Have a nice day. Tadej 26.03.2012 06:08:31 GMT
@Grazia Rusjan : ÄŒestitke in hvala Vam! DobrodoÅ¡la na krovu ob vseh navduÅ¡encih in spremljevalcih velike Odisejade Matevža LenarÄiÄa in Pipistrela.Edvard Rusjan in njegov brat sta bila velika pionirja letalstva;Edvard je bil sploh peti Älovek na svetu,ki je poletel z motornim letalom.Že na zaÄetku tega projekta je nekdo zapisal,da je duh Edvarda Rusjana z njim in, da bi bil Edvard Rusjan zelo ponosen na Matevža LenarÄiÄa.In zdaj ste z Matevžem tudi Vi,spoÅ¡tovana Edvardova neÄakinja, kar je velikanskega in unikatnega pomena,zelo lepo.In sveti sluÄaj je,da
Pipistrel gradi letalsko tovarno na letaliÅ¡Äu od koder je poletal Edvard Rusjan na svojih pionirskih konstrukcijah.Krasno,navduÅ¡ujoÄe vse skupaj! TadejM 26.03.2012 04:04:25 GMT
Dober dan v Kathmandu, imate zanimiv zamik ure 9:49 pri nas pa 6:09. srecno pri birokraciji. AOPA SLO in Ravnak Peter 26.03.2012 03:59:12 GMT
ÄŒlanstvo AOPE SLO ti Äestita za dosežene uspehe in se veseli tvoje sreÄne vrnitve domov.Zdrži zbrano Å¡e ta del poti.SreÄno. Barun , Nepal 26.03.2012 03:42:52 GMT
Today all the permission thing will be done and he will fly to Beautiful city of Nepal "Pokhara" on time!!!! Big M 26.03.2012 03:11:56 GMT
Hi Matevz, it looks like your battery has been on all night cause spidertracks is still putting out data all night, hopefully you wont have a flat battery today. Congratulations on catching up with the rest of your team in Kathmandu, looking at the new sections and a third photo in particular which is the group shop it looks like the rest of the team are holding you up while you are sleeping! Have a good break in preparation for the coming flight over Everest. We are thinking of you and following you with excited anticipation ! Kerrie 26.03.2012 00:41:04 GMT
Matevz, you are truly inspirational. I check your website several times a day, and love hearing of your adventure. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 25.03.2012 21:52:19 GMT
Good to learn that Matevz has got support of members of the GLWF team now in Kathmandu. The Nepalese systems are replicas of the communist systems that Slovenians may still recall? Anyhow i am sure the problems will all be cleared and that the flight to the Mount Everest area can take place tomorrow. All the best from Copenhagen justina olivos arg. 25.03.2012 21:15:14 GMT
Felicitaciones Matevz !!1 India Koromandia smo rekli otroci !Zelim Vam srecno nadaljevanje !!!!!! S5-Ivan 25.03.2012 21:11:14 GMT
Lepo, da ste ga pricakali v Kathmanduju! Le tako naprej s papirji, upam da vas ne bodo prevec zivcirali... S5-Ivan 25.03.2012 21:10:27 GMT
@graziaRusjan benvenuta, sono davvero contento di vederla presente su questo forum! Penso che Edvard credeva veramente che un giorno uno Sloveno con un aereo sloveno potesse volare intorno al mondo, e compiere imprese così affascinanti! ferdo 25.03.2012 20:31:51 GMT
To je prava podpora našemu Matevžu. Ekipa GLWF v Nepalu.
Pripravite mu veselo vzduÅ¡je, ki ga znamo pripraviti le mi. Veselo in sreÄno vsem. Tadej 25.03.2012 19:47:27 GMT
@ Grazia Rusjan : Thank you very much and welcome on bord! It was said at the begin of Matevž world travel that spirit of Edvard Rusjan is proudly with him.Edvard was as representative of micro Slovenian nation as the 5th world's flyer on it's own aeroplane construction.It's a holly coincidence that Pipistrel is building a new factory on the airfield where Edvard was
testing his & brother's planes.Now we can gladly see that his nephew is joining to this historic flight.I think it's wonderfull.Bravo,Grazia!Grande! France 25.03.2012 19:31:05 GMT
Glorious idea of GLFW team to be with Matevž in Nepal!
Crazy good!
Unbeleivable majestic team spirit!
Fantastic people.
Mahadevi ki jay tumhare pas! France 25.03.2012 19:24:15 GMT
@ Dear Manang! Namaskaram & You're very kind,thank you very much.Since we have a vocabulary of Slovenian/Sanskrit we gladly can see hundreds of equal or root based words and that is a fantastic matter.
Mahadevi ki jay tumhare pas! bambi 25.03.2012 19:07:59 GMT
bili bi zelo veseli, Äe bi nam kdo malo razložil, kako bo potekal polet Äez straho sveta. We would be very happy if someone will try to explain us a little how all the flight over the MT. everest will be made? Denis 25.03.2012 18:58:52 GMT
Ce se je ze cel Slo Houston preselil v Kathmandu in so se fino najedli, potem lahko Matevza nesete tja gor, da se ne bo sam "matrau". // Since whole Slo Houston moved to Kathmandu, after good supper, my suggestion is to carry Matevz with bare hands, up there :-)) Lazio 25.03.2012 18:57:56 GMT
Very happy to know you with your great team in Katmandu ! Still impressed by your determination. I wish you good fligths to the world roof. Take care and enjoy ! manang 25.03.2012 18:13:43 GMT
Namaskaram is a Sanskrit version of namaste.
Meaning 'I am performing the utterance of the
Name of Deity'
Mahedevi ki jay tumhare pas means 'Be the
victory of the Great Godess with you'. The
language is Hindi which is somehow similar
to Nepalese Janko 25.03.2012 18:08:03 GMT
Matevž, pozdravi nam Himalajo. Čim bolj prijazne vetrove ti želimo... Petra Draskovic 25.03.2012 17:29:47 GMT
Polet do Kathmanduja je bil relativno kratek, trajal je le dobro uro, vendar je potreboval preko 4 ure, da je prisel skozi birokracijo in carino. Ker je se vedno nekaj stvari nedorecenih, je tudi jutrisnji polet do Pokhare se nejasen, zlasti, kaj se tice ure odhoda. Skozi vso birokracijo mu pomagata tudi gospa Natasha in gospod Bharun iz Avia Club Nepal. No, Matevz pa se je vendarle sprostil, ko ga je na letaliscu pricakal slovenski Hustun, ekipa GLWF (Domen, Vojko, Natasa, Andreja in Petra), ki je prisla v Nepal, da nudi Matevzu posebno podporo. Posebno dobrodoslico pa je nam vsem pripravil tudi g. Aswin Shresta, Nepalski veleposlanik v Sloveniji, ki je uredil sprejen v druzbi gospoda Bharata Regmi s tradicionalno vecerjo dobrodoslice. Hvala vsem! Namaste! Petra Draskovic 25.03.2012 17:15:09 GMT
The flight to Kathmandu was relatively short, only about an hour. But it took him more than four hours to go throught the papers and custum. It is still not set compleately, so the departure for Pokhara is still a bit uncertain, especially concerning the time of take-off. There is really a loooot of paper work, through which he is getting with the help of Mrs. Natasha and Mr. Bharun from Avia Club Nepal. But Matevz relaxed more when he was kindly greeted also by Slovenian Huston team (Domen, Vojko, Natasa, Andreja and Petra) who came to Nepal to give him a special support. We all were special guest also on behalf of Mr. Aswin Shresta, the Nepal consul in Slovenia, who arranged a welcome dinner with Mr. Bharat Regmi for all of us. Thank you all again for your support! Namaste! graziaRusjan 25.03.2012 16:50:06 GMT
I wish you a great success. Congratulations for your courage and a goodbye to the point of arrival. Grazia Rusjan, nephew of Rusjan broders France 25.03.2012 16:05:47 GMT
@manang,please: Namaskaram ,possibly:welcome,correct?
and : Mahadevi ki jay tumhare pas ; means what,please?
Namaste!Thank you for following and your support to our magicflyer from Slovenia! Tadej 25.03.2012 15:53:20 GMT
Fino,lepo,vsaj piÅ¡e tako na"Mt Everest weather"-prognozira tri,celo Å¡tiri sonÄne dneve z jasnim nebom in ne hudim vetrom! Ko bi le bilo tako.Matevž potrebuje
najmanj to, pa miren let, lepo vrteÄi turbo Rotax, vse kamere na mestu in lepo delujoÄ kisik in toplo obleko!Držimo pesti in poÄakamo lepih novic,sreÄno,Matevž! Davorin 25.03.2012 15:38:37 GMT
Najlepše želje za uspešen prelet Everesta naj odletijo iz ravnega Prekmurja naravnost pod streho sveta. George 25.03.2012 15:16:21 GMT
A panorama view:
http://www.airpano.ru/files/Everest-Nepal/start_e.html bambi 25.03.2012 14:05:07 GMT
poglej Avbeljevo - svetovni prvak, zdej je pa vesela da bo hodila, humar - naj mu bo himalaja miren dom, ajerton sena - f1 mrtev;;;; ti ljudje s ukvarjajo z extremnimi Å¡porti - nikol ne pozabit da lahko kdaj tudi ne rata. S5-Ivan 25.03.2012 13:53:47 GMT
Te etape bodo za Matevza verjetno zelo zanimive, ker ljubi hribe! Vso sreco za Everest! Srinivas 25.03.2012 13:45:54 GMT
Good to know that you are in Kathmandu.... Next lukla & over the EVEREST...the 3rd POLE All the best. Tadej 25.03.2012 11:55:42 GMT
Kamen z zastavo? Halo,optimisti?Slovenci so jih prin esli mukoma na vrh kar nekaj.Ex Yu zastave so Slovenci nosili gor že davno,kdo pa je prinesel prvo slovensko,pa ne bi vedel,morda pa narbolÅ¡i smuÄar z Jezerskega,Davo KarniÄar?Saj nismo Rusi,ki zastave potapljajo pod morje,pol pa reÄejo,da je vse tisto naokol njihovo.Matevž bo imel zelo resno delo-za vtis sem si ravno ogledal nekaj videov na "mt everest flight" o leteju okoli in Äez najviÅ¡jo goro in moram reÄi,da je Äudovito in srhljivo obenem.Matevž imej lepo Nedeljo! Petra Draskovic 25.03.2012 11:09:40 GMT
Matevz just landed in Kathmandu (Nepal). Tomorrow he will continue to Pokhara.
Matevz je pravkar pristal v Kathmanduju (Nepal). Jutri bo nadaljeval pot do mesta Pokhara. Stane 25.03.2012 10:03:24 GMT
Nekaj mal ne razumem. Pokhara je cca. 150 km zakodno od Katmanduja, Everest pa cca. glih tolk vzhodno, a bo Å¡el po zalet? Kakorkoli, vso sreÄo, Matevž! manang 25.03.2012 09:05:52 GMT
Namaskaram in Nepal. Matevz, while in Pokhra do you intend to revisit the mauntaineering school near Braga, this tima to make aerial photos only.
I do not think you would want to land at NGX.
Wish you proper weather for your flight along the Himalaya range. Mahadevi ki jay tumhare pas. bambi 25.03.2012 09:01:18 GMT
jest bi prosu, da se ne preveÄ pretirava s KAMENÄŒKI in zastavami. Že sama ideja poletet na 9000 m s ultralightom je extremen iziv, mislim da "kozmetiÄni dodatki" niso potrebni. Matevž ti odleti in pridi cel nazaj, tudi brez vsega drugega bomo izredno ponosni nate. Bogdan 25.03.2012 08:50:04 GMT
Houston, je Vrh v naÄttu za jutri? Anonymous 25.03.2012 07:53:24 GMT
Following Matevz, I hope he is clear with migratory and custom papers stuff to continue his flight towards Everest mountain, meanwhile I enjoy the Malaysia Formula 1 Grand Prix, that is about to start with heavy rains.... Matevz wish you good weather conditions for your amazing flight today, marpo 25.03.2012 07:51:56 GMT
ÄŒe so Everest preleteli žerjavi ,o Virusu spoloh ne dvomim,saj si letalci delijo nebo s pticami.Lep pozdrav v viÅ¡ave in sreÄno proti domu. Andrej 25.03.2012 07:50:50 GMT
Se opraviÄujem, seveda gre za Virus. Andrej 25.03.2012 07:49:29 GMT
Si predstavljate veliÄino dogodka, ko prileti od nikoder en mali Sinus nad Everest in ravno nad vrhom se odpre malo okence in iz letalca pade en mali kamen privezan na slovensko zastavico!!! Matevž, naj bodo vetrovi umirjeni in ti tehnika služi. SreÄno in vse dobro Å¡e naprej!
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