matic 25.03.2012 07:18:28 GMT
Matevž čestitke za do sedaj odleteno. Tudi ta let na VRH bo opravljen. Upam, da so ti administratorji zrihtali dovoljenja, potem pa rabiš samo nekaj lepega vremena, da si boš ogledal in osvojil mogočno goro in njeno mogočnost prkazal tudi nam, ki spremljamo tvoj podvig. Lp Anonymous 25.03.2012 07:11:52 GMT
Airport is saying IFR approaches only with bad cloud, haze and mist... A great job again Bostjan 25.03.2012 07:08:50 GMT
Pred poletom na vrh sveta prejmi najboljse zelje tudi od mene! Anonymous 25.03.2012 07:08:40 GMT
Hey well done, glad to see your on the ground! Tadej 25.03.2012 07:07:45 GMT
Čestitke,Matevž!Fantastično delo zadnjih dni na poti nad streho sveta.Ali je vreme dovolj dobro za nadaljevanje čez Everest?Ali si dobil naprave in bombo s kisikom?Ali poletiš nad Everest iz Kathmanduja ali iz Namče bazarja?Ali boš naredil kak višinski polet za test
pred letom nad najvišjo goro sveta? Pričakovanja so velika za veliko dejanje,pa brez zamere za firbčnost.
Vsekakor želim krasno vreme, lepe fotografije in krasen uspeh nad Everestom že vnaprej! janez 25.03.2012 06:58:02 GMT
Čestitam Matevž in si kar predstavljam kje so že vaše misli. Srečno naprej v mejah zmožnosti in razmer,sicer v vaše odločitve sploh ne dvomim. Res pa je,da me kar nekoliko stiska pri srcu, ko razmišljam o vaših nadaljnih načrtih Ernst, Rečica 25.03.2012 06:56:02 GMT
Že ves čas spremljamo tvojo pot in ti želimo veliko sreče čez Himalajo in varno pot domov! Tone 25.03.2012 06:54:10 GMT
No, pa smo tu. Sedaj se bo treba pripraviti na zalet in dober odriv, da boste preskočili Mt. Everest. Srečno. BSW 25.03.2012 06:52:25 GMT
Bravo, uspešen pristanek David 25.03.2012 06:51:53 GMT
Še malo pa bo v Ljubljani. France 25.03.2012 06:49:26 GMT
At 06 p.m. i'm "unloading myself" from the warm bed like a morning hero.Than computer shows that our Matevž
is already on the way to Kathmandu after taking off from Padna airport-this man is incredible.Was he sleeping in the Virus cabine?Right now he is riding a zig-zag flight over the mountains approaching Kathmandu valley where visibility isn't fantastic-only 4km.Let's hope he makes good photos about Himalaya stone wall in front of him anyway.My computer will be hot today awaiting some more news from GLWF team about Matevž historic ultralight flight over Sagarmatha highest peak of our big Blue! Wishing less as possible bureaucracy at
the Kathmandu airport and a good preparation for very high flight to Matevž today.Very good day,Matevž,the incredible man!Good luck! S5 KBR 25.03.2012 06:48:28 GMT
Kathmandu VNKT,METAR wind :calm,visibility:5000 m,weather:haze:clouds:few clouds at 2500 feet,temp 23 C,Dewpoint 10C,RH 44%,pressure 1018 hPa,trend:no significant changes within the next 2 hours.
280 (W) at 5 knots
6000 m
scattered clouds at 3000 feet.Matevž vso srečo naj vam bo vreme naklonjeno. Tardus 25.03.2012 06:42:14 GMT
Zavoj? Mogoče le fotografiranje in/ali pa čakanje na dovoljene za vstop v nepalski zračni prostor? Tardus 25.03.2012 06:00:28 GMT
Ali lahko kdo od letalcev / strokovnjakov napiše nekaj besed o problemih letenja v velikih višinah z uporabo kisika, posebnostih pri motorju letala o problemih zaradi mraza ter? Kakšne so rešitve pri S5-PEZ? Mož pa vztrajno leze gor proti hribom! France 25.03.2012 05:58:10 GMT
Komaj se zjutraj zložim iz tople postelje in mislim,da je to zelo zgodnje dejanje...pogledam na zaslon in naš Matevž že šiba iz Patne v Katmandu! Ravno dela zavoj čez
široko reko.Bogve,če je vreme dovolj lepo za razglede
in za lepe slike proti zidu Himalaje?Vidljivost v Katmanduju je le skromnih štiri km-torej počakama na Matevževe slike.Srečen pristanek in čim manj birokracije v Katmanduju.Potem pa čakamo na novice od Matevža kdaj in kako se bo začelo veliko osvajanje Sagarmathe-danes bo kompjuter aktiven ves božji dan.
GLWF-prosim javljajte karkoli bo novega.Hvala lepa.
"Te pa srečno ,Matevž!!" Tone 25.03.2012 05:33:10 GMT
Lep polet proti gorovju vam želim. Bogdan 25.03.2012 05:30:11 GMT
Srečno v višave, Matevž! Tardus 25.03.2012 05:29:40 GMT
Vreme - Patna Indija: http://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/metars/index.php?submit=1&station_ids=VEPT&chk_metars=on&chk_tafs=on&hoursStr=1&std_trans=translated
Vreme Khatmandu, Nepal: http://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/metars/index.php?submit=1&station_ids=VNKT&chk_metars=on&chk_tafs=on&hoursStr=1&std_trans=translated
Matevžu ugoden let! Denis 25.03.2012 05:23:05 GMT
No pa srecno. Petra Draskovic 25.03.2012 03:34:39 GMT
Okoli 4.40 UTC je predviden polet iz Patne za Kathmandu. POlet je dolg priblizno 1 uro in 20 minut. Srecno pot Matevzu. Petra Draskovic 25.03.2012 03:31:53 GMT
At around 4.40 UTC Matevz is planning to take off towards Kathmandu! The flight is about 1h and 20 minutes long. Wishing Matevz a safe and good flight! Anonymous 25.03.2012 00:14:45 GMT
Almost sunrise in India, today is a short day so I hope Matevz can get away early and then have a well-deserved rest in the afternoon! nena 24.03.2012 20:40:01 GMT
čuvaj se!!!!! držimo pesti nena KAPnik109 24.03.2012 19:50:48 GMT
Čestitke! Države padajo kot domine! Sedaj pa srečno čez STREHO!!! justina olivos Arg. 24.03.2012 19:13:34 GMT
Bravo Matevz samo malo manjka pa bos letel cez Everest !
Vceraj sem citala vso zgodovino Everesta, nesteto zivljen je ze zahtevala ta gora !!!!! Srecno napre !!!! S5-Ivan 24.03.2012 17:31:17 GMT
Cestitam tudi za to opravljeno etapo. Sem pa jezen (sam nase), da Everesta ne bom mogel videti... V ponedeljek grem na potovanje in ne vem, ce bom imel dostop do interneta... Upam na lepe slike :) Line 24.03.2012 17:22:08 GMT
Matevz ziv!V nedeljo zjutraj bom vzletel v Singapurju proti Dubaiju in mislil nate in tvojo avanturo z varne visine mojega B747.Vsaka cast za opravljeno pot.Veliko srece v Nepalu in naprej na poti domov. Anonymous 24.03.2012 17:13:09 GMT
Matevž je uspešno zaključil polet do Patne, Indije. Iz Pattaye je potreboval 9 ur, da je dosegel Indijo. Vse je ok, čeprav je bilo kar nekaj meglic.
Jutri bo nadaljeval pot do Kathmanduja v Nepal. GLWF ekipa. Petra Draskovic 24.03.2012 16:52:25 GMT
Matevž finished his long flight to Patna, India. From Pattaya it took him 9 hours to reach the India. The flight was ok, although it was quite hazy. Tomorrow he will continue his flight to Kathmandu, Nepal.
GLWF team Denis 24.03.2012 15:53:10 GMT
As Domen said, the next few days will be very difficult to Matevz in conquering the mountain. Matevz will be very well tied :-)) when he will tried to conquer the mountain. At the right time, Slo Houston will publish info. mquirozt 24.03.2012 15:37:27 GMT
OK Dennis Denis 24.03.2012 15:30:41 GMT
@mquirozt: Sorry time is limited, I have much work to do outdoor. Gopi P, Hudson, NH, USA 24.03.2012 15:18:48 GMT
Wonderful Matevz! You inspire all of us and we are all with you throughout the journey. I am awestruck at your determination and will power and I cannot Thank you enough for inspiring lot of others throughout the world. My daughter who sent you some messages before has been following very closely. I am originally from India and I am glad to see that you are there right now. Keep it going & keep inspiring others. Fly safe. Pipistrel Thailand - Neil / PattayaAirpark 24.03.2012 14:47:43 GMT
Looks like you had a nice smooth flight to Patna. Pretty good for the average of 140 knots. We had a real nice flying in Pattaya yesterday. After I sent you at U-Tapao then I had 2 flights for parachute jump at Pattaya Airpark then it rained a little bit in the afternoon. Wishing you all the best for the rest of your journey :) mquirozt 24.03.2012 14:06:11 GMT
Excellent, another leg fulfilled, my gratulations again, tomorrow I´ll be glued to my notebook watching the position dots Matevz, by the way thanks to your fascinating adventure I´d have extended my geographical knowledge a lot and also by this powerful tool, google earth....and I miss the comments of Domen and Dennis, they´re so interesting and clarifying to understand better the different aspects of the trip... Dejan 24.03.2012 13:31:20 GMT
Čestitke za osvojitev Patne. Prej sem se zmotil, ker sem napisal Patta, ko sem na hitro pogledal v itinerary. Res dolga pot. Mene že po dveh urah vožnje vse boli. Mi si sploh ne moremo predtavljati kakšen napor je sedeti tako dolgo časa v letalu. Res izjemno in že toliko časa. Tone 24.03.2012 11:49:48 GMT
Čestitam za Patno. Nisem stalno pred zaslonom, a držim pesti. Srečno. Zvone Kmetec 24.03.2012 11:02:15 GMT
Bravo Matevž!!
Houston, dobro jutro, kaj še spite ali kaj? Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 24.03.2012 10:11:42 GMT
Hi Matevz, Safe landing at JLP Airport, Patna as of course expected, but good to have it confirmed. Congratulations – you have done it again, again! Now almost at the foot of the Himalayas! My calculations based on incomplete information proved wrong. Landing was not at 14:40 as calculated but (incl. correction for wrong time zone) at 16:11. I imagine that you will be well and warmly received in Northern Indian tradition by members of the Bihar Flying Club and that someone will ensure you get fuel of the best quality (sometimes a real problem in India). Tomorrow will be a most exiting day. One of the true thrills of my life has been flying (as a passenger) in the Himalays up to Mount Everest from Kathmandu and back again, absolutely breathtaking. So I am sure you look foward to tomorrow, but before then relax and have a good rest. All of us following you here look forward to your accounts and more of your fabulous photos. Thans once again for all (also to the GLWF team) and stay well …… Big M 24.03.2012 09:37:28 GMT
Another big day, well done Matevz! Dejan 24.03.2012 08:58:01 GMT
Veter je dober znak za lepo vreme. Verjamem, da Matevža premetava zaradi močnega vetra. Smer je prava, točno na letališče v Patti. Za jutri je napoved za Patto jasno. Napad na Everset. Srečno Duša Arsovska (ArsAnima) 24.03.2012 08:57:55 GMT
Predvidevam, da bo pred Everestom še postanek.. Ja?? Kje?? Vso srečo! Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 24.03.2012 08:13:32 GMT
Hi Matevz, One can tell now from the information that Spidertrack provides that you must be facing strong headwinds as the speed is down to 120 knots from earlier around 160. Wiith just 325 km to go I would expect you to land in just 1hour 30 minutes or 09:40 UTC or 14:40 local time? Enjoy the rest of your flight and as always looking forward to your account. Greetings to all Dejan 24.03.2012 08:10:11 GMT
Bravo Matevž, Everest je vse bliže. Upamo, da bo vreme lepo za slikanje. Srečno še naprej. France 24.03.2012 07:32:34 GMT
Povsem zgrešeno pričakovanje."Mislil sem",včeraj,da bo Matevž vzel vsaj dan počitka na plažah Pattaye.Zdajle sem pričakoval slike s plaže in kaj ugledam?Na pajkovi sledi je jasno,da je Matevž preletel Burmo in ,da že zapušča deželo okrog Chittagonga v Bangladešu.To je,čez prst,3/3 poti do Katmanduja...Himalaja bi se morala že videti iz Virusove klabine.Leteti nizko nad ravninami in rečnimi deltami naravnost v najvišje zidovje skal in vršacev na svetu mora biti nekaj izredno lepega.Nebeško lepa kulisa,srečni mož Matevž!Srečen pristanek pod Himalajo,čakamo vesti kdaj in kako bo tekel polet nad Čomolungmo.Hvala ,Matevž! mquirozt 24.03.2012 07:27:51 GMT
Fly Martevz fly, we are all the time pushing with you, good luck, wish you the best for you and your team..... France 24.03.2012 07:23:30 GMT
Expectations? Yes,i "was sure" yesterday that Matevž will take a solid free & swimming Pattaya beaches break!
Big mistake.I'm just shocked this morning while seeing that our ironman passed Burma and already left on his right side Chittagong in Bangladesh , made a 2/3 of tour to Kathmandu!Incredibile - grandissimo!
Himalayas should be seen on horizont already from Virus cabine? Fantastic part of travel from Bangladesh plains and river deltas up to mountain's biggest world stone walls and peaks! This must be unforgetable heavenly scenery! Lucky Matevž.Have a fantastic flight and safe landing! Tone 24.03.2012 06:17:12 GMT
Srečno na letu nekam pod Himalajo. janez 24.03.2012 05:48:33 GMT
Matevž občudovanja ste vredni v vseh pogledih, tako fizični pripravljenosti in psihični stabilnosti, da ne govorimo o znanju, preudarnosti, odločitvah in izkušnjah pravega pilota. Želel bi si vsaj del vašega karakteja. Želim vam lepega vremena,in miren let v majhni "lupinici ", ki pa je v vaših rokah in z vašim znanjem pravi velikan. Zgleda, da se vam že mudi - SREČNO ferdo 24.03.2012 04:09:22 GMT
Mislim, da bo kar Kathmandu. Želim lepo vreme in vse dobro Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 24.03.2012 03:59:20 GMT
Hi Matevz, Thanks for posting more photos. I liked the one with the Buddha painted on the rock and found the photo of the air pollution quite disturbing. Where was that taken? Anyhow wish you a good flight to Patna - never been to Patna but all parts of India are great adventure. Speed now at 160 knots so al seems going very well. Ton 24.03.2012 01:34:05 GMT
Matevž, srečno do današnjega cilja! DGP 24.03.2012 01:11:22 GMT
Opala, nekaj se premika! Srečno! alyssa svetlič 23.03.2012 23:20:34 GMT
Naprej Matevž. Velik si. md flyer 23.03.2012 20:08:04 GMT
Matevz, please tape a movie along your journey as to do a movie, and to edit a pics , what you are doing is epic ! best winds justina olivos arg. 23.03.2012 16:48:29 GMT
Potujem zvami in gledam slike ter vidim kako razlicen je svet !Crecno naprej !!!!! Rottweiler 23.03.2012 12:03:51 GMT
@bambi: Yeas, dear bambi. I agree with you. There are different ways how to enjoi a place. Some of them may still be usefull also for Pattaya (especially for surroundings of Pattaya). I just expressed my impression from my last short stay in Pattaya (business, not tourism). bambi 23.03.2012 10:53:49 GMT
dear rottweiler, you don t have to go to walking street, there are so many other palces also along to yomtiyen beach, laguna bay, beaches where you could be lonely as you wish. You could by hotel room for 2 eur lounch for 0,75 eur - it is cheap. Poul Brandrup (p.t. in transit Paris)) 23.03.2012 10:18:50 GMT
Hi Matevz and Team, Pattaya used to be very nice but may have changed by now - years since I was there last. Anyhow have a good rest and oil-change etc. Hoping you will find time to share details with us of your recent exploits. Wish you all the best and cannot wait to follow you further North through India to Nepal (and the Himalayas ..... mquirozt 23.03.2012 10:03:47 GMT
Wonderful, Pattaya at last, great.....
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