TADEJ 18.01.2012 10:32:43 GMT
Kdaj se pa dans zaÄne ? 8.9 razred 18.01.2012 10:27:08 GMT
8. in 9. razred spremlja z uÄiteljicami vaÅ¡e potovanje z velikim zanimanjem. Komaj Äakamo slike! SreÄno! Mac 18.01.2012 10:12:43 GMT
Ali je možno spremljati Matevžev let na IPhonu s pomoÄjo IOS aplikacije iSpiderviewer. Jovan Jovanovic 18.01.2012 09:07:44 GMT
Ce recem:"pogumno", ne bo dovolj za opis senzacije katero pbcutim ko berem vse detajle v zvezi z tvojo res enkratnom poti! Srecno! ERMOLAOS A. 18.01.2012 09:00:27 GMT
Good morning from Greece! I watch every flying step of you trip arround the world on live-tracking! Thank you for make us dream! Have nice landings! Domen Grauf 18.01.2012 09:00:11 GMT
TV news of the landing in Natalu (Brazil) /
TV novica o pristanku v Natalu (Brazilija)
http://in360.globo.com/rn/noticias.php?id=9938 Klaant 18.01.2012 08:54:07 GMT
Hja, papirji morajo Å¡timati. ÄŒe je Å¡el gor, mora tudi dol, a ne ? Fantje tam doli imajo precej dela s tamalimi letalnimi napravami. Pa strahu tudi, da se neki septemberski dan ne bi ponovil. .lojze 18.01.2012 08:23:05 GMT
Bravo ! Kljub vsemu je Tvoja rumena Ärta vse daljÅ¡a. Za ukvarjanje z birokracijo bi moral dobiti posebno nagrado. Želim Ti Å¡e naprej kar se da gladke živce. Gheorghe 18.01.2012 08:19:12 GMT
Thank you Matevž for taking the time, after a long busy day, to write the report of your amazing flights from Cayenne, French Guiana to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and next to Sebring FL, via Miami Intl Airport. Wish you to enjoy your much deserved day off and to keep your spirit high. Can't wait to follow your flights during the next legs of your around the world fantastic adventure! Matevž LenarÄiÄ 18.01.2012 06:37:37 GMT
Hi again, this time from the most bureaucratic country in the world. If I count all the formulars I had to fill for Visa, TSA waiver, Decal, E-Apis with all possible and impossible questions, bad internet connection during the flight it took me at least two working days to enter otherwise nice and beautiful country. Stop in Cayenne, French Guiana was wet. Intense rain early in the morning flushed my dreams of flying over the jungle. Some hours delay discussion with Domen in local pilots finally brought decision to start later in the day . I took off in rainy gray sky throughout low stratus clouds and headed straight over open water. Two dark hours brought better light and less stressful flying. Porto Rico was hidden between shower clouds but manage to stay visual all the way to the airport with extremely nice and helpful guys from MillionAir. Porto Rico is US territory so I was adviced to clear US custom right here and so it happened. In the morning before take off I was inspected again and cleared to fly directly to Sebring, Florida. First part of the flight was slow at high level and wet in low level, so I changed hights for several times zikzaking in between clouds, but no advantage. Finally cold front remained behind and blue sky and water prevailed. Further flying was like a dream all the way to Florida where I was instructed to deviate to Miami for custom control. I explained to controller that I have already cleared the custom according to official procedure E-Apis, previous notification etc but always got information that custom officer insist to get me down. After another inspection, second in one day I was free to go. Officer explained that they thought I landed somewhere between Porto Rico and Florida. Of course he could check and save me time and money. But Sebring airport is like a paradise. Michel Coates, Pipistrel USA was waiting for me, Rotax service for next day at Lockwood Aviation was also arranged, so everything in order. Thanks again for huge support from all of you. Without Domen, Petra, Vojko, Pipistrel guys and many others this flight would not be possible. Cheers!! Matevž LenarÄiÄ 18.01.2012 02:11:48 GMT
Flight plan from Miami to Sebring KSEF has been closed with Miami Center in the air 5 minutes before landing. Please review communication. Michael Coates Pipistrel USA 18.01.2012 02:06:17 GMT
Flight plane has been closed with flight service at around 8:05 PM today and I have also spoken with the civil air patrol and they have also confirmed closing the flight plan at 9:05 PM Florida time. Mark W. Olsen - Federal Aviation Administration 18.01.2012 01:46:58 GMT
Please contact us to close your KSEF flight plan. Search and Rescue has been activated. Contact Miami Flight Service to close your plan. Thanks, Mark W. Olsen Michael Coates Pipistrel USA 18.01.2012 01:37:37 GMT
Re Flight Service: I have called them and advised all OK and plane is on the ground. problems came when plane was diverted to Miami but all is now fixed up and no further action is needed. flight service 18.01.2012 00:43:24 GMT
S5PEZ is listed as overdue into Sebring. Search and rescue procedures have begun. If this is Lenarcic aircraft he needs to call flight service and close his flight plan 800-992-7433 Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 17.01.2012 23:08:38 GMT
Hi Matevz, More congratulations this time for completion of the 6th leg of your around the world adventure. Enjoy your day off. It could not be more deserved. IvoB in ekipa Pipistrela 17.01.2012 22:55:20 GMT
Bravo Matevž za še eno uspešno etapo!
Pozdravi Michaela Coatesa, Randa Volmerja in celo našo ekipo Pipistrel USA na letalski prireditvi! Pošiljamo vam lepo vreme in najlepše želje za naprej bsw 17.01.2012 22:34:05 GMT
le tako naprej bravo marko sabothy,natalija polenec 17.01.2012 22:18:59 GMT
Vejetno je bilo lažje preiti GREBDNILgu, kot se tebi danes sporazumet se lokal oblastmi.ÄŒe vreme je so vedno paÄ druge omejitve.Prvobitnost je ideja pro. Petra Draskovic 17.01.2012 22:16:24 GMT
Again brilliant day of flying! Bravo, Matevž! Tomorrow is a day off. Time for rest and service of the plane. We will post some more photos. Thank you all for this wonderful atmosphere and positive thoughts! Sweet dreams to you all and see you here again! S5 - PIR 17.01.2012 21:59:27 GMT
Alyssia SvetliÄ: Tvoji komentarji so mi vÅ¡eÄ, ker so realni. Amiji ne poznajo kaj drugega kot le sebe. Slovenija je za njih Å¡e vedno eksotika (kje je že?).
Andro: Na zdravje in za zdravje Matevža! klaant 17.01.2012 21:51:21 GMT
Ko bo Microsoft delal naslednjo verzijo Flight Simulatorja te bo vzel za podlago. In Pipistrela namesto Boeinga. Zaželi mi lahko noÄ, jaz pa tebi eno hladno pivo. Carlos Costa 17.01.2012 21:47:33 GMT
Congratulations Matevž!
I believe you must have had a spectacular scenario flying over the Carabean Sea.
Fantastic! ferdo 17.01.2012 21:41:50 GMT
Lahko noÄ Matevž Domen Grauf 17.01.2012 21:39:39 GMT
Matevz has shown exceptional skill, which a pilot needs when entering a very busy airport. Congratulations for your flight today from GLWF Team. Bravo Matevz!!!! / Danes je pokazal, kako dobro obvlada letenje in komunikacijo na letaliscu, kjer je letalski promet zelooo gost. Iskrene cestitke od ekipe GLWF. Duša Arsovska (ArsAnima) 17.01.2012 21:39:23 GMT
Prijeten poÄitek ti želim! LjubljanÄan 17.01.2012 21:36:51 GMT
Braaavooo Matevž. Ponos Slovenije. Denis 17.01.2012 21:35:50 GMT
Yes, finaly, very good, Matevz. Janez 17.01.2012 21:35:25 GMT
ÄŒestitke za Å¡e eno dovrÅ¡eno etapo. Iz varnega domaÄega zavetja za ekranom je izgledalo gladko, profesionalno. Bravo! Upamo, da bo zdaj kakÅ¡na minutka na voljo za opis iz zornega kota pilota. Andro 17.01.2012 21:33:04 GMT
Zdej pa lahko pivo odprem. Matevž, na zdravje. klaant 17.01.2012 21:24:50 GMT
To bi bilo pa lepo za poÄakat, da ga vidim pristat. Dober si. Ne, najboljÅ¡i si. Pika. Andro 17.01.2012 21:19:16 GMT
SreÄen pristanek ti želim v desetih minutah. stojc 17.01.2012 21:06:06 GMT
Å kratek .. priÄakujemo te v Sebringu ne pa v Serbingu. SreÄno. Denis 17.01.2012 21:00:20 GMT
Alyssa SvetliÄ: tocke ki jih belezi GPS naprava in jih mi vidimo so lahko tudi preko 10m narazen - komercialna napaka GPS naprav. Na natancnost vpliva poleg vrste GPS naprave tudi polozaj antene, ki jo lahko carinik s kaksno cunjo, radio postajo, ponvijo, ipd. pokrije zasenci in rezultat je taksen kot ga vidis.
Skratka toliko tock nic posebnega ne pomeni. Andrej 17.01.2012 20:59:59 GMT
ÄŒestitke Matevžu za do sedaj prikazano izredno psihofiziÄno kondicijo! Tak tempo bi povpreÄen Älovek Å¡e v avtomobilu težko dohajal.
Želim mu vse dobro še naprej!
(Sem opazil, da je sledenje precej natanÄno. Ko je stal v Miami-ju, so toÄke njegovega položaja vse znotraj 5 meterskega kroga.) stojc 17.01.2012 20:59:11 GMT
Matevž, paÄ Amerika. Upam, da te do Serbinga ne bodo Å¡e en parkrat spravi dol. ÄŒestitke, spremjam te Å¡e naprej. Domen Grauf 17.01.2012 20:55:35 GMT
It took only one hour to get back in the air. What I told you ;)) Denis 17.01.2012 20:54:40 GMT
Wau the best, he is back on track, only 45min delay. I was listening MIO control and I could't belive what a profesional talk. Matevz ...great job !!! Domen Grauf 17.01.2012 20:48:32 GMT
He is back in the air ;) MC 17.01.2012 20:43:08 GMT
He is away already ! EGON VENEZUELA 17.01.2012 20:36:02 GMT
Imagine this an Miami International airport;; Two imigracion cops talk:
Authorities forced landing a small UL plane, seems a little strange and currently are reviewing that happened.
Says second: No, I see in news paper whats going on; PIPISTREL from Slovenia Whu won NASA chalinge past year, send one UL plane of 290 Kg with the best pilot of the word Matevz Lenarcic that can fly around the world... Ahhh...OK Andro 17.01.2012 20:34:39 GMT
Se že premika, najbrž bo poletel naprej. Si pa hitro opravil carinske zadeve. SreÄno TineT 17.01.2012 20:33:38 GMT
V obmoÄju obmejne kontrole je v ZDA po pravilih TSA (www.tsa.gov) strogo prepovedano fotografiranje ali snemanje. Tako je navseh ameriÅ¡kih letaliÅ¡Äih, sploh pa na platformah. Zato webcam akcije v živo žal ne boste doÄakali... Matevž - Äestitam, kapo dol! Gheorghe 17.01.2012 20:28:58 GMT
Congratulations Matevž! Just another amazing flight! Hopefully the customs and immigrations procedures will go smooth and speedy at Miami Intl Airport, and you will be able to fly to Sebring Airport soon. Once again Congratulations to you Matevž, and to the GLWF team! bolkaj 17.01.2012 20:27:36 GMT
Ne moreÅ¡ ti Amerike zajebavat : PredvidiÅ¡, da bi priÅ¡el z Boscarolovim Virusom v Brisbane, kjer bi radiral gume kot s kakim Porschejem ali Ferrarijem -fantje Amerikanci so pametni : ti, Matevž, pristani lepo v Miamiju! Tako se dela, Matevž. Alyssa SvetliÄ 17.01.2012 20:22:44 GMT
Kako pa si razlagate, da je kar 11 toÄk posnel satelit, ko naj bi letalo bilo pri miru ? A že carina premetava cunje in kamere ? Alyssa SvetliÄ 17.01.2012 20:18:26 GMT
So pa tipi ti AmeriÄani. Pri vsej vesoljski tehniki ne premorejo ene live webcam, da bi videli naÅ¡ega Matevža in Pipistrela. Å e pri nas na vasi je na kandelabru kamera, da vidimo kdo ilegalno paca okrog smetnjakov. Je kdo naÅ¡el kak link na kamero ? Domen Grauf 17.01.2012 20:04:41 GMT
Anyway congratulations for your flight. Bravo Matevz!!!! Dušan LJ 17.01.2012 20:03:05 GMT
Zgleda da ne bo niÄ od bejb, bo spet treba razlagat, kje je Slovenija. Z AmeriÄani res ni heca. MC 17.01.2012 20:00:15 GMT
When he flew into the USA he was required to clear customs and immigration. This is not available at Sebring Airport where i am so he was diverted to an international airport for Customs. He is now on the North side of the Miami airport in the International ramp area for private aviation. Without them knowing he was coming into Miami it could be a long delay clearing customs, time will tell. Its only 3pm here so customs people are still at work. EGON VENZUELA 17.01.2012 19:59:11 GMT
Upsss, kaj se pa je sedaj zgodilo, daje pristal v Miamiju na Int. letaliscu???? Ali j samo carinska kontrola?? Dušan LJ 17.01.2012 19:54:27 GMT
Zdej gre pa bejbe na South Beach slikat. Upam, da tud nam kakÅ¡no pokaže jutri. Uživaj Å¡e namesto nas. Alyssa SvetliÄ 17.01.2012 19:53:13 GMT
SpoÅ¡tovanje do vseh pilotov, ta velikih in tamalih, ki vedo kje pristati na takem letaliÅ¡Äu. Jaz bi se izgubila Å¡e z biciklom. With compliments Matevž, sin Slovenski (namerno z veliko zaÄetnico). Domen Grauf 17.01.2012 19:52:17 GMT
It seems, that he was diverted to Miami International airport for some reason. Planned destination was Sebring. Wait an hour or an hour and a half, maybe he will continue forward toward the expected destination. Matic 17.01.2012 19:51:12 GMT
ÄŒestitke upam, da te bodo hitro spustili dalje. Super!!!! R GIL 17.01.2012 19:50:58 GMT
BRAVO MATEVZ¡¡¡¡ Michael Coates 17.01.2012 19:50:30 GMT
He has landed at Miami Michael Coates 17.01.2012 19:48:42 GMT
He has been instructed to go to Miami International for US customs clearance, in process of landing now. Dont know how long they will hold him up. Alyssa SvetliÄ 17.01.2012 19:47:05 GMT
Je Miami bil planiran ? Gheorghe 17.01.2012 19:46:07 GMT
Is Matevž heading to Miami Intl Airport?
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