Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/pinkrpos/public_html/glwf2012/includes/db_error_report.php on line 162 GreenLight WorldFlight - News
Book award 2011 on ITB for the Monograph "The Alps"
After receiving prestigious awards in Canada and Slovenia, the excellent book "The Alps-A Bird's Eye View" won another recognition within the biggest world international turistic fair ITB - Berlin in Germany. The jury select this unique book as best book in the category of "Reise-Bildband".
"Wunderbare Fotos! Auch in Zeiten allgegenwärtiger Bilderfluten nimmt man sich für dieses Buch gerne die Zeit zum Blättern. Ein wuchtiges Werk, für das nicht nur Alpen-Fans einen Ehrenplatz im Buchregal schaffen sollten."
After years of planning flying ultralight aircraft over the South pole we realize that is not worth spending so much money and valuable time just to fight bureaucratic barriers made by national scientific lobbies in officially No Man's Land - Antarctic. One more example how money kills adventure. We are now preparing a new project, a new flight around the world - the "GreenLight WorldFlight" - that will demonstrate environmentally friendly way of flying in remote areas of the world and show the invisible face of global waters.