Marjan Kramer_(Albion Park,AUS) 27.02.2012 20:26:51 GMT
Have a safe trip Matevz. Have a relaxing time in Rarotonga as the next stage to NZ is a long one again. ___ Varno potovanje. Lepo se odpocij v Rarotonga ker je naslednji stage za NZ zopet precej dolg in sigurno naporen. jure 27.02.2012 20:23:14 GMT
Matevz letis kot komet!
Spodaj pa trije otocki s tremi letališči.
Torej si v dezeli letalcv! Srecno in dober veter! Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 27.02.2012 20:05:37 GMT
Hi Matevz, 1h45m to. I trust you enjoy the "short" flight today ! Wish you all the best and that goes for the entire GLWF team as well. S5-Ivan 27.02.2012 20:04:51 GMT
@Petra @Domen, se strinjam z Tadejem M... Lahko v kratkem odstavku poveste, kaksne "pripomocke" ima Matevz s sabo? Kaj je in kaj pije? Med poletom tudi spi ali jemlje kaksne kavne bombone?
Za "cloveske potrebe" ima resitve, ki se uporabljajo pri jadralnem letenju? gino 27.02.2012 19:59:43 GMT
Go Matevz gooo Tadej M 27.02.2012 19:58:45 GMT
Matevž in GLWF team super Si(Matevž srečno do cilja) ste hvala za prevode slike in vse opise o poti .. res pa me zanima kaj Matevž je in pije, male potrebe so mi sicer znane iz jadralnega letenja za veliko je pa problem.
ni veliko letališč na poti http://www.ourairports.com/big-map.html#lat=-19.559790136497398,lon=-154.423828125,zoom=7,type=Hibridni%20pogled,country=PF Anonymous 27.02.2012 19:44:10 GMT
Yay.... Half way to cook islands and it looks like all going well with the Rotax! StaneA 27.02.2012 19:36:04 GMT
Matevžu se mudi na kosilo (Cook islands) :-) Izgleda da ima prijeten in hiter let. S5-Ivan 27.02.2012 18:36:51 GMT
@Alyssa Svetlic, se dobro da ni rekla "ko bom velika bom Matevz Lenarcic" :) StaneA 27.02.2012 18:21:25 GMT
A je Rotax podivjal po servisu:-) UTC Time:
27-Feb-2012 18:04
User Time:
27-Feb-2012 18:04
-17° 42.921
-150° 25.046
10312 ft
162 knots
233° T Alyssa Svetlič 27.02.2012 18:06:37 GMT
Lep in varen let ti želimo vsi v naši družini. Tamala ne bo več zdravnica, zdaj bo pilot. S5-Ivan 27.02.2012 18:02:19 GMT
Srecno pot! Upamo, da bo Rotax lepo pel... Lazio 27.02.2012 17:57:41 GMT
Don't worry ! i've phone to TWR to ask freinds to wish him a good flight ! All the best for your project ! Domen Grauf 27.02.2012 17:46:50 GMT
@Lazio: sorry, I did't get Matevz on the phone to confirm the start. Petra Draskovic 27.02.2012 17:44:31 GMT
This time Matevž flies to Rarotonga, Cook Island- The estimated time of flying is 4h and 30 minutes, the distance is 1140 kms. Good luck, Matevž!
Tokrat leti Matevž na Rarotonga, Cook Island. Prdviden čas letenja je 4 h in 30 minut, razdalja pa 1140 km. Srečno, Matevž! Domen Grauf 27.02.2012 17:43:07 GMT
Here wi go, towards Cook Islands. Srecno, Matevz! Lazio 27.02.2012 17:42:13 GMT
Good flight Matevz, sorry for not being there, but no information...i'm sad. Rojak (Beograd) 27.02.2012 17:41:21 GMT
Srečno nadaljevanje Matvž Petra Draskovic 27.02.2012 17:40:37 GMT
Time to got on! Follow us again! Darwin 27.02.2012 17:36:38 GMT
Evo zgleda da gremo v akcijo. Laki 27.02.2012 17:32:44 GMT
@Tom, zadeva mi normalno deluje, čisto lepo se mi odpre 80 fotk z linki za download, Google Chrome 18.0.1025.39 beta-m Lazio 27.02.2012 16:40:06 GMT
good morning (evening!). what are the plans today ? does he need some help ? gp bartoli 27.02.2012 16:37:30 GMT
@ Domen 'man forecast': tomorrow the good weather window is not wide? will be important to the start time.... Marko Sabothy, Natalija Polenec 27.02.2012 16:27:39 GMT
Kdaj naprej, nestrpno čakamo, da vemo kdaj se vsedemo za comp.. Ton 27.02.2012 15:21:38 GMT
@Administrator: opcija PR oz. http://www.worldgreenflight.com/index.php?id=16 se "odpira", a se nič ne prikaže. Matevžu vse dobro, da bi med poletom lahko in z ekipo GLWF potekalo mirno, tudi v zadovoljstvo vseh opazovalcev. Srečno! Pilot-Novo mesto 27.02.2012 14:15:06 GMT
@Administrator and GLWF team, thank you for this generous act to share pictures with us! Matevž I wish you stressles flights.
@Administrator in ekipi GLWF, hvala za to plemenito potezo, da delite fotografije z nami! Matevž, želim ti mirne lete. KOTZI 27.02.2012 13:27:51 GMT
@andrej1967: opcija PR oz. http://www.worldgreenflight.com/index.php?id=16 andrej1967 27.02.2012 12:21:37 GMT
Kako se da na legalen način priti do fotografij, ki jih Metevž snema na poti?
Hvala, lep pozdrav in vse dobro na poti tudi naprej
Andrej Tanja 27.02.2012 10:47:47 GMT
Z občudovanjem sledim podvigu Matevža in ekipe Pipistrelčkov:) Čestitke in srečno še naprej! Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 27.02.2012 10:37:20 GMT
Good news that the problems with the engine have been fixed. Looking forward to following the continued trip with a well rested Matevz behind the stick of an amazing small plane ..... Rojak (Beograd) 27.02.2012 09:48:36 GMT
Lepo je slišati o odnosu do dela ljudi iz Rotaxa in GLWF. Tem več preseneča da je Matevž opravil več ko pol poti a da stormscope še ne fukcionira. Pozdravljen Matevž, sreča je z junaki. spyDer 27.02.2012 08:54:51 GMT
Several articles about Matevz + forum discussion:
Can't wait to see Matevz flying again, however a good rest and well working ROTAX is an absolute priority! benitomb 27.02.2012 08:10:27 GMT
hvala za informacije in srečno letenje naprej,.....maribor ma vas rad:))) lojze 27.02.2012 08:08:17 GMT
Hvala za dobre novice. Če bo še potrebna pomoč, svetujem R. Kranjca, ki zadnje čase zelo dobro leti. Z najboljšimi željami za naslednji podvig v modrem. Petra Draskovic 27.02.2012 08:04:10 GMT
In še nekaj novičk iz medijev: http://www.reporter.si/slovenija/matev%C5%BE-lenar%C4%8Di%C4%8D-po%C4%8Diva-na-tahitiju/8176, http://www.siol.net/novice/slovenija/2012/02/matevz_lenarcic_na_tahitiju.aspx, http://www.radio-kum.si/novica/matevz-lenarcic-preletel-tihi-ocean, Petra Draskovic 27.02.2012 08:01:22 GMT
Predvidena pot naprej je danes, glede na časovni razmik, bo to proti večeru. Natančno vam še sporočimo! Vojko PRAH 27.02.2012 08:01:10 GMT
Bravo Matjaž. Čestitke za dolgo in lepo pot, katero si želim, da jo biom podoživel ko se vrneš in nam kaj več poveš in pokažeš. Čestitke- Petra Draskovic 27.02.2012 08:00:12 GMT
Michael Coates 27.02.2012 02:28:28 GMT
Živjo vsem, pravkar sem dobil sporočilo od Colina, Rotax strokovnjaka, da je vse v najlepšem redu. Motor smo preverili in vse dela normalno in tako bo Matevž poletel za Cookove otoke zjutraj. Trenutno je 3.30 PM na Tahitiju in sedaj seveda prepozno, da bi lahko poletel že danes.
Dobra novica je to, da je motor popravljen in takoj ko dovimo več informacij, vam bom sporočil, kaj je narobe. Dobro je tudi to, da se bo Matevž srečal s Colinom tudi v Novi Zelandiji čez nekaj dni in bodo lahko ponovno preverili, če bo potrebno. ...... Pravkar sem dobil še eno sporočilo, kjer bi naj pregrevanje predvsem na račun slabe kvalitete goriva, ki je bilo kontaminirano. Dobre novice in naj se avantura nadaljuje! benitomb 27.02.2012 08:00:02 GMT
Kdaj Matevž odpotuje naprej proti Novi Zelandiji?A LAHKO TO KDO NAPIŠE? Petra Draskovic 27.02.2012 07:53:25 GMT
Da še nekoliko pomagamo tistim, ki niso tako vešči angleščine, je tukaj "prevod" "Update to fill you all in" -sporočila od Michaela:
Po nekaj stresnih dneh za Matevža, bom izkoristil priložnost in se oglasil v (angleščini), da pojasnim, kaj se je dogajalo. Zgleda, da gorivo, ki je bilo poslano na Antarktiko, ni bilo ravno najbolj čisto oz. je imelo dodatke, ki niso bili kompatibilni z Rotaxom 914. Zgleda, da je nekaj v tem gorivu povzročilo probleme za vplinjače, kar je pomenilo neenakomerno delovanje na različnih etapah poleta.
Problem je bil preverjen v Čilu in mislili so, da je odpravljen, a se je stopnjajoče poslabševalo med različnimi etapami preostalega poleta. Zgleda, da je motor deloval zelo na trdo na poti do Tahitija in ko je pristal, je ekipa Pipistrel zavzela bojne položaje. Po zelo zaskrbljenih 12 urah na telefonu, kjer smo klicali po celem svetu, dokler nismo dobili predstavnika, gospoda Colin Alexandra, ki je priletel na Tahiti iz Nove Zelandije. Prispel je prejšnji večer, pozno ponoči, in sedaj okoli 10.00 dopoldan je na Tahitiju in že »vzel narazen« dele in dela na vplinjačih.
Govoril sem tudi z Matevžem in ta je zelo srečen, da je Colin tam, ker se resnično spozna na svoje delo. Resnično je zelo pomembno, da imamo najboljše ljudi,resnično najboljše, ki delajo posege na tem avionu med poletom, kajti zadnja stvar, ki jo zares potrebujemo je, to, da so nastopijo problemi dobrih 1000 km pred celino.
Načrtovano je, da v kolikor bo vse urejeno, bo lahko Matevž poletel s Tahitija takoj naslednje jutro in se odpravil proti Cookovim otokom in nato proti Novi Zelandiji.
Ničesar ni omenil, ali želi to narediti v enem ali dveh ločenih korakih, tako da vam zaenkrat ne morem več povedati.
Deloval je zelo utrujeno, a v zelo dobrem razpoloženju. Trenutno še ima probleme s stormskopom, ki je iz neznanega vzroka odpovedal. V tem hipu sem tudi v kontaktu s proizvajalcem v ZDA, kjer upam, da bom lahko dobil zamenjavo.
Kot ste lahko prebrali v prejšnjih sporočilih, je to res ključna stvar za letenje skozi tropsko nevihtno območje v Pacifiku in tudi za preostale dele poti skozi Azijo. Vse ostalo na avionu dela odlično, pravzaprav nad pričakovanji.
Matevž je še omenil en manjši problem, vendar ga nisem povsem razumel. Slišalo se je kot »elevator tape«, ki povezuje med horizontalnim stabilizatorji in »elevator« je odpoveda l (tukaj nisem povsem iz stroke, zato morda ni prav točno prevedeno (opomba Petre).
To bil lahko pričakovali zaradi zelo nizkih temperatur, kjer je letel v tropskih nevihtnah. Če sem prav razumel, je Pipistrel poslal zamenjavo v Avstralijo, kjer bodo lahko tudi to uredili . V nekaj urah bomo izvedeli, če je Colin popravil motor, Resnično upam, da bo popravljen in da bo tekel boljše kot kdajkoli in da bo lahko Matevž nadaljeval s svojim poletom.
Pomembno je dodati tudi, da Colin ni samo Rotaxov vzdrževalec v centru v Novi Zelandiji, ampak je tudi pred krakim kupil Pipistrelov Sinus, ki je bil poškodovan in ga je popolnoma popravil in mi povedal v petek zvečer, da je to najboljši avion, ki ga je kdajkoli letel. Veliko zaupanja nam daje dejstvo, da prav Rotaxov najboljši mehanik na celem Pacifiku dela in popravlja avion, ki ga pozna. Ko bom imel več informacij se vam oglasim, ker vem, koliko ljudi skrbi trenutno stanje in popravilo motorja. Lahko vam tudi zagotovim da upajmo, da problemi resnično niso tako resni, kot se zdijo, in da na osnovi informacij, ki jih dobivam, je najverjetneje vzrok prav gorivo, ki je bilo uporabljeno na Antarktiki. Hvala vsem, Michael. Stanea 27.02.2012 07:26:25 GMT
@Oto. Uporabi Firefox! in povezavo https://app.spidertracks.com/home.mvc/viewCustomTrack?sid=KdQRPXBGE4ckgmWoaorArzvRjqjX0NfdaKyS64tB_9zSDYWPIp4YtKGEJyKFozSp# Marjan Kramer, (Albion Park, AUS) 27.02.2012 06:04:13 GMT
Fantastic News, have a safe trip to NZ Matevz. pjb 27.02.2012 05:22:37 GMT
Res odlična podpora projektu Lazio 27.02.2012 04:57:27 GMT
Don't worry, i'll wait for the team to know...i'm not sure the weather is good enough to join Auckland tomorrow ? Wait and see...! thanks anyway ! @ Lazio 27.02.2012 04:25:11 GMT
Hello Lazio, my apologies but I don't know. As mentioned in a previous post I am not sure if the plane tomorrow is to fly to Cook island and then on to Auckland directly, if this is the case then I imagine it will be a very early start in the morning. If this is not the case then the duration to Cook island is only 4.5 hours so it may give Matevz a little time to stay in bed and catch up on some sleep! I am sure the proper website team will come online in about three hours and let you know exactly the program for tomorrow. Thank you for your interest and support! Lazio 27.02.2012 04:07:39 GMT
Oups ! i mean : "what" is the expeted time... Lazio 27.02.2012 04:06:07 GMT
Does the team know is the expeted time of departure, tomorrow morning Tahiti local time ? I just like to say goodbye to Matevz... IvoB & Pipistrel Team 27.02.2012 03:12:13 GMT
Yes! According our USA and Australian distributor Michael Coates informations I have received by Skype some minutes ago, the engine is again in perfect conditions. Thanks Michael, Tine, Leon. I am positive that in Australia we will be able to fix also the Storm scope instrument.
Evo, si lahko oddahnemo. Kot smo predvidevali je bil vzrok tezav kontaminirano gorivo, ki ga je Matevz natocil na Antarktiki. Po pogovoru ki sva ga imela z nasim zastopnikom za ZDA in Australijo Michaelom Coatesom po Skypu pred nekaj minutami, je sedaj z motorjem vse OK. Hvala Michael, Tine, Leon! Verjamem da bomo koncno lahko v Avstraliji resili tudi tezave s Storm scopom in ga koncno usposobili. Michael Coates 27.02.2012 02:28:28 GMT
Hello all, I have just received an SMS message from Colin the Rotax expert advising that everything is now fixed and perfect. The engine has been checked out and everything is operating normally and Matevz will leave for Cook island tomorrow. It is currently around 3:30 PM into Tahiti and too late for him to leave today. The good news is that they engine is now fixed and as soon as I get more information I will let you know what was the problem. A good thing for Matevz is he will also be catching up with Colin in New Zealand in just a few days so we can have another go if needed..... STOP PRESS... just received another message from car heat he and the problem was fuel filters and the carburettors as expected. They are checked all of the ignition and all systems are good so the problem comes back to poor quality fuel that was contaminated. Great news and let the adventure continue! Michael Coates Pipistrel USA 27.02.2012 00:31:49 GMT
Hello Poul from Denmark. As I get more information through later today from the Rotax service person I will be sure to let you know. At this stage it just looks like very contaminated fuel, Matevz has had to use avgas 100 – 130 in both Antarctica and also one of the islands. This is a problem for Rotax engines which prefer to use 93-98 octane fuel. It could simply be a problem with all of the additives in the fuel or poor storage in both very hot and very cold conditions. It looks like the majority of his problems have come shortly after using this fuel at both locations. They are still confident the problem is with the carburettors and it could be just dirty fuel, additives or something else related to the fuel. As soon as we know we will be sure to let you know, it is important to note that this is not a reflection on the Rotax engine and its reliability because they do have very strict requirements in the operations manual about the correct fuel and oil to use and if you do not follow these requirements you will have problems as we have seen in this particular case! again, as I get more information later today (Australian time) I will be sure to post it on the website, I will be calling the mechanic in about three hours from now. Many thanks Michael Klemen 26.02.2012 23:20:43 GMT
Pozdravljeni, Matevz! Nasa druzina s pet mesecnim Matevzem navija za vas! Srecno! Klemen Jevnikar Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 26.02.2012 22:59:25 GMT
Hi Michael, I for one (and I am sure many more) really appreciate the detailed and thoughtful (and thought provoking) feedback on the current work on the ROTAX engine and the aircraft. It seems to confirm the suspicions earlier floated here. There is surely lessons to be learned and your indication that he findings will be shared is welcome. I note you write that Matevz is very tired. I have written it before and I almost hesitate to do it again: This flight is not about a time record. Being tired weakens your body physically as well as mentally, something Matevz should be supported to fully take into account in his planning ahead. Getting a full rest now and building in a few more rest days for Matevz during the remainder of this world flight makes sense. Greetings and more thanks to all in the GLWF team ...... oto 26.02.2012 22:59:14 GMT
Hvala za pojasnilo. Jaz uporabljam internet explorer, vendar ne najdem okvirčka s tistim sporočilom, ki ste ga omenil, da bi sprožil postopek.. marjan benčina 26.02.2012 22:45:30 GMT
Vso srečo še naprej ! benitomb 26.02.2012 22:42:31 GMT
bravo,respeckt,....gremo dalje na pot proti sloveniji,... Jože 26.02.2012 22:12:26 GMT
V dveh mesecih je Matevževa pot postala res velika stvar. Na začetku je bilo čutiti malce improvizacije pri reševanju nekaterih neplaniranih stvari. Danes, po nepolnih dveh mesecih, ste pravi profesionalci (še vedno s človeškim odnosom do nalog in projekta). V moji Srbiji bi rekli: Svaka čast. Bravo fantje in Petra. Administrator 26.02.2012 21:48:30 GMT
@oto: spider-track se naloži hkrati z ostalo vsebino, razen če uporabljate Internet Explorer. V tem primeru se na dnu strani pojavi okvirček s sporočilom, da je prikazana samo varna vsebina. S klikom na "Show all content/Pokaži vso vsebino" se naloži tudi Spider-track. Seveda pa zadeva deluje "v živo" samo kadar g. Lenarčič leti. Prikaz se osvežuje vsaki dve minuti. Želim vam veliko zadovoljstva ob spremljanju Matevževega podviga. S5 - PIR 26.02.2012 21:39:59 GMT
LJCE TWR Kaj pa mi navadni vrabčki? Lahko tudi kdaj priletimo v vaše na novo odprto gnezdece? Update to fill you all in 26.02.2012 21:26:37 GMT
Greetings, after a couple of stressful days for Matevz I thought I would take the opportunity to fill you in (in English) on what is happening so far. It seems that the fuel which was sent to Antarctica was somehow contaminated or had additives which were not complimentary to the running of the Rotax 914. It seems that something in this fuel has caused a problem for the carburettors which has meant erratic running at different stages of the following flights. The problem was checked out in Chile and they believe it was fixed but it has got progressively worse at different stages of the remaining flight. It sounds like the engine was very rough running on the way to Tahiti and when landing team Pipistrel went to battle stations. After a very anxious 12 hours on the phone with calls made all around the world we finally managed to get the Rotax representative for New Zealand, Mr Colin Alexander on a flight to Tahiti from New Zealand. He arrived last night late and it is currently around 10 AM in Tahiti and he has everything currently pulled apart and working on the carburettors. I have just spoken to Matevz and he is so happy to have Colin there because he really knows what he is doing. It is so important to have the absolute best people working on your aircraft during this trip, the last thing you need is a problem thousands of kilometres from land! It is expected that if everything can be fixed today that Matevz will leave Tahiti first thing tomorrow morning and head for Cook island and then New Zealand. He did not say if he was going to try and do this in one go or in 2 separate stages so I can't tell you any more than this. He sounds very tired but overall in good spirits, he is also having problems with the storm scope which for some reason has failed and I am at this time in contact with the manufacturer in the USA to see what can be done to get a replacement. As you have read in previous posts this is almost vital for flying through the tropical thunderstorm region in the Pacific and also for the rest of his trip throughout Asia. Everything else on the plane seems to be going really well with everything performing beyond expectations. Matevz did mention one other little problem but I could not completely understand it but it sounded like the elevator tape which joins the seal between the horizontal stabiliser and the elevator has come off. This would be completely expected with the many subzero temperatures he has been in along with tropical thunderstorms attacking what is basically a plastic strip held on with double sided tape. If I understood correctly Pipistrel is sending replacement tape to Australia so when he arrives it can be fitted.
In a few hours we will find out if Colin has fixed the engine, I truly expect it will be fixed and running better than ever and Matevz can continue with his trip. It is important to note that Colin is not only the Rotax maintenance centre in New Zealand but he recently brought a Pipistrel Sinus aircraft which have had an accident, he has repaired the aircraft and told me on Friday night it was the best plane he has ever flown! It gives you a lot of confidence to have the best Rotax mechanics in the whole Pacific working on a plane he is also very familiar with! As I get more information I will let you know because I understand many people are really concerned about these current problems with the engine but I can assure you it is probably not as serious as it sounds (hopefully) and I believe from the information I'm getting at the moment that it comes back to the fuel which was used in Antarctica. Many thanks Michael
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