Petra Draskovic 21.02.2012 22:03:18 GMT
@ Michael Coates: Thank you for letting us know about it! Looks great! Michael Coates 21.02.2012 21:59:42 GMT
http://www.bydanjohnson.com/ article on Matevz Administrator 21.02.2012 21:56:18 GMT
Danes je Matevža pri njegovem podvigu spremljalo že več kot 4.300 obiskovalcev. Rekord smo dosegli 12.1. s 4957 ogledi, ko je Matevž preletel Atlantik. / Today more than 4.300 visitors monitored Matevž's adventure on our site. So far we reached the record at 4957 visitors on 12.1. when Matevž was crossing the Atlantic Ocean. @ TineT 21.02.2012 21:29:36 GMT
isn't it past your bedtime ?, you are staying up late as I am sure most of team Pipistrel are. BigM 21.02.2012 21:27:49 GMT
After a good nights sleep to me I went to bed watching Matevz takeoff and get into the first hour of flight and now I wake and he is still flying. Incredible endurance by Matevz in a small aircraft with testing conditions and what looks like a good 20 or 30 kn headwind! Another first for aviation with Matevz visiting the most isolated airport in the world. I doubt there have been many light aircraft able to fly to this location because of its remoteness. I hope the last few hours pass quickly for you and that you enjoy a good rest on arrival. Roberto 21.02.2012 21:11:31 GMT
Many thanks for the reply.
Great work from the team. Congratulation.
Bravo Matevz! Domen Grauf 21.02.2012 21:07:13 GMT
With average GS of 123 kts, he will need 3,5 hours to the end. / Do konca je se 3,5 ure, pri povprecni hitrosti 123 kts. Tardus 21.02.2012 21:06:43 GMT
Pričakoval bi, da je v tej smeri stalna ruta komercialnih potniških letal, saj je letališče na RapaNui eno redkih z dokaj dolgo stezo (in je bilo njega dni tudi rezerva za Space Shuttle). Ali komercialna letala "vidijo" Matevža na radarju (čeprav letijo veliko višje) in so o preletu obveščena ? TineT 21.02.2012 21:04:16 GMT
@Roberto: in areas so remote, the only direct link to Matevz is via sattelite telephone. No extraordinary WX or turbulence has been reported... Domen Grauf 21.02.2012 21:03:02 GMT
@Roberto: Weather is OK, 17 kts of headwind, no turbulence, in last 4 hours was covered with clouds,... Tardus 21.02.2012 20:58:30 GMT
@Tine: Hvala lepa za info! Točno v smeri leta se na trackerju že vidi za pika - Rapa Nui! Roberto 21.02.2012 20:55:17 GMT
Does the team have any feedback from Matevz regarding the actual weather on route (wind, turbulence, etc.). If any, is it possible to access at that very interesting info? Thanks and Bravo Matevz! RICH 21.02.2012 20:48:35 GMT
How's it going ? how much further to run on this trip ?
richard stef 21.02.2012 20:46:45 GMT
V letalo ne dvomim, da ne bi zdrzalo Matevz vso sreco se naprej. Armin 21.02.2012 20:43:27 GMT
Matevž, you made good almost 80% of the actual section. I'll not go to bed before you didn't touch down safely at SCIP.
@rocky5: it seems that I've detected "your" mysterious island! The coordinates are 26°28′S, 105°28′W, its name is Sala y Gómez and belongs - like Isla de Pascua - to Chile. Dimensions are 770m in length and 500m in width, surface 0,15km².
Greetings, Armin (EDRY) Janko 21.02.2012 20:28:01 GMT
Matevž, mirno plovbo čez modro vesolje Tihega oceana in srečen pristanek. Zašpičeni vrhovi bodo gotovo še lepši, ko bo za tabo ocean.... gp bartoli trieste 21.02.2012 20:26:46 GMT
Domen, GLWF has headwind? landing circa at 01.30 UTC? IvoB & Pipistrel Team 21.02.2012 20:21:52 GMT
Letalo je izdelano iz drugačnih, močnejših in lažjih materialov, da je koristni tovor lahko večji. Uporabljene so najsodobnejše tehnologije, materiali in sistemi. Večina goriva je v krilih, da je obremenitev na trup čim manjša. V trupu je le 50 literski rezervoar za rezervo goriva, ki je nameščen tako da še vedno omogoča polno velikost kabine in prtljažnega prostora. Glede na to da Matevž leti sam, je od dodatne teže 300 kilogramov goriva treba odšteti težo povprečnega pilota 90 kilogramov. Na račun goriva je tako letalo težje le dobrih 200 kg, pa še to le na poletanju. Zaradi dodatne teže se sicer poveča dolžina poletanja ter seveda zmanjša največja višina, ki bi jo s polnimi rezervoarji dosegel. Za prelet Mt. Everesta seveda ne bo letel s polnimi rezervoarji..... Sicer pa ima letalo še kakšnih 100 večjih in manjših sprememb in izboljšav glede na serijsko letalo, a sedaj verjetno ni pravi trenutek da bi o tem pisal. Sploh ker vidim da zmanjšuje hitrost. Upam da je razlog za to močnejši veter in ne varčevanje z gorivom ali kakšne druge težave! Držimo pesti! Srečno Matevž! Gianni S5-PCY 21.02.2012 20:21:28 GMT
Vsak dan spremljam vsa dogajanja. Še enkrat čestitke MATEVŽU in vsem ostalim, ki so in še skrbijo za tehniko, ter logistiko.
MATEVŽ SREČNO IN SVAKA TI ČAST!!! Karel from Czech Republic 21.02.2012 20:18:27 GMT
Dear IvoB@PipistrelTeam, thanks for your answer. In case he had 350 lt, so I can go to sleep no fear for Matevž. He is the best UL pilot at this planet, and his team is working well, and: držimo pesti ! TineT 21.02.2012 20:17:23 GMT
@Liner: The fuel is 2x150 litres in the wings and 53 litres in the fuselage aft tank. Liner 21.02.2012 20:13:24 GMT
Where do you store all the extra fuel? 350 ltr is a lot to carry. Liner 21.02.2012 20:13:20 GMT
Where do you store all the extra fuel? 350 ltr is a lot to carry. didier rousset 21.02.2012 20:10:48 GMT
You did well i am lookind ypur track
the french man ypu love kamandoo.
Fo the beer you ofert mi yerteday.... i whill go to yout place to have it
only 4 haour and you are en the center of the word
Didier Rousset Buy Jože 21.02.2012 20:05:22 GMT
Spoštovani g. IvoB: Ali je mogoče na kratko navesti glavne izboljšave Matevževega letala v primerjavi z "navzven podobnim" serijskim Virusom SW, npr: vgrajeni rezervoarji skupno 350 litrov oz blizu 300 kg goriva omogoča avtonomijo 17 ur, navigacija, teže ipd. Kako se obnaša letalo ko nosi večjo teža goriva in koristnega tovora od svoje lastne teže? IvoB & Pipistrel Team 21.02.2012 20:04:29 GMT
Evo, še 1.000 kilometrov. Pri tej zemeljski hitrosti je to še približno štiri ure in pol.
Do sončnega zahoda ima še več kot pet ur. Zaenkrat vse po planu! Držimo pesti Matevž! Srečno do konca! bz-lj 21.02.2012 20:00:40 GMT
cilj je na 109,42W in 27,16S, trenutno je položaj je 99,49W in 30,35 S, torej še 10 stopinj. Dan na otoku traja do 21,15, (3,15 po našem času) Another 10 degrees of longitude to win!!! Todo el mundo esta con Senor Matevz. Est-ce qu'il y a des francais qui suivent cet evenement exceptionel? dule 21.02.2012 19:58:08 GMT
Domen Grauf 21.02.2012 09:46:53 GMT
This time he filled up the plane maximum. This is 350 liters. / Tokrat je napolnil vse tanke do vrha, kar je 350 L IvoB & Pipistrel Team 21.02.2012 19:54:36 GMT
Bojan, endurance ki ga navajaš ima serijsko izdelano letalo. Matevževo letalo je enako serijskemu le na zunaj. Njegovo ima skupaj 350 litrov kapacitete rezervoarjev, kar zadostuje za 4.500 km ali pa še več, odvisno od hitrosti leta. Karel from Czech Republic 21.02.2012 19:53:29 GMT
Dear Matevž, I wish you all the best and good landing ! Q to GWLF team: how much fuel Matevž had airborning today, and how much does he have at moment, do you have this data? I hope he has enough !! Thanks KP Bojan 21.02.2012 19:48:56 GMT
Čestitke Matevžu-držim pesti!
Za WGF team pa eno vprašanje?od kje Matevžu gorivo-če je endurance njegovega letala 5.3ure-sam let pa traja pravite cc 15ur--bol natančno pa:Route between SCIE (Concepción, Región del Bío Bío, Chile) and NEIP (Isla de Pascua (Easter Island), Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua, Easter Island), Chile):
Distance along great circle: 2215.7 statute miles, 1925.4 nautical miles, 3565.8 kilometers
Initial true great circle heading: 276.8 degrees (west)
Flight time at 130 knots: 14 hours 48 minutes
Maximum segment length at 15.3 hours endurance: 1989 nm Hvala za odgovor in Matevžu Srečno! jože 21.02.2012 19:44:45 GMT
Vso srečo ti želim Matevž. Kakšno imaš vreme? Kako izgledajo "naši" problemi sredi tihega oceana?
Imej se fino in uživaj,kolikor se da ! Lukasz Grochal 21.02.2012 19:37:02 GMT
rocky5: Isla Salas y Gomez (from the names of its discoverers, not "Sala de Gomez") is located 390km east (at 80deg true). As there is no island (not in the Google Maps/Earth anyways) 10km closer to Rapa Nui (and a bit more to the north, too), I really believe what you've found is this exact rock. TineT 21.02.2012 19:34:25 GMT
@S51CP: Seveda, Yeasu FT-857 je namenjena točno temu - vzpostavljanju vez s transoceansko kontrolo letenja na kratkem valu (KV oz. HF). Bogdan 21.02.2012 19:33:13 GMT
@Houston - kako pa je kaj z obiskom teh strani, gotovo je na voljo kakšna statistika, današnji dan je, glede na dogajanje na forumu, po mojem kar dosedanja špica // what about the number of vistiors of these pages, I'm sure there must be some statistics available, folowing this forum, today could be the peak day. S51CP 21.02.2012 19:25:41 GMT
@TineT omenil si Yeasu FT-857. Sem radioamater zato me zanima ali to postajo lahko uporabi tudi za kako zvezo na KV.? TineT 21.02.2012 19:22:36 GMT
@Mamo - flying easbound (Mexico to Europe, for example) is usually faster than flying westbound (Europe to Mexico, for example), because of prevailing winds. Due to Earth's rotation the winds at high altitudes and middle latitudes mostly blow from west to east. This is why it is regarded as much more difficult to fly around the world westbound. Matevz and Virus SW 914 are doing it the hard way! S5 21.02.2012 19:13:48 GMT
RUN Forest RUN Andrej 21.02.2012 19:12:27 GMT
Zanima me, ali bo po končanju tega potovanja nastal kakšen video zapis o tem projektu?
Tako, čez palec ima Matevž 2/3 poti že pod streho. Srečno in vse dobro še naprej! pjb 21.02.2012 19:08:41 GMT
Vsi držimo pesti, Matevž, da si ne bi slučajno zaželel kopanja v Pacifiku. Iluzije lahko postanejo resničnost ali pa tudi ne. Fajtaj še naprej. Mamo 21.02.2012 18:51:13 GMT
Petra. Thank very much for your prompt answer and fine explanation. I do live in Mexico and when I fly to Europe it is shorter in time than the other way around. Comming from Europe always takes between 15 to 20 % more time, due to the wind. But thank for the explanation. My best regards. Petra Draskovic 21.02.2012 18:33:28 GMT
Dear Mamo and others: Why to fly this way? Matevž already did a world flight around the world - in 2004 and that time he was flying towards the Sun, towards East. You know, there is no point of repeating the flight again, as there are still so many challanges to accomplish... And this project has new dimensions, new mission, with care to the planet.
You can see his project from year 2004 at the following link: http://www.rtvslo.si/protisoncu/ He tried a year before already (in 2003) and this was a webpage of the project: http://www.worldtranssiberia.com/ Mamo 21.02.2012 18:18:03 GMT
Petra, can yountell me the reason to fly east in this journey instead of the other way around. Why Matevz decided to fly to east instead to start the western way. Normaly at what altitude is Matevz flying when he is over the Pacific Ocean. David, Frida in Dejan 21.02.2012 18:17:57 GMT
Pogumno in srečno. Verjamemo, da bo Matevžu uspelo. Lp TineT 21.02.2012 18:01:56 GMT
@Tardus: VHF imamo na krovu: (COM1) Becker AR-4201, (COM2) Garmin GTN 750; HF (COM3) pa Yeasu FT-857, vse skupaj je povezano na Garminov integrirani Audio Panel GMA-35. Backup je še Icom A-24 handheld. TineT 21.02.2012 17:51:32 GMT
Za morda malo bolj nazoren prikaz, koliko "dneva" ima Matevž na svojem poletu še na voljo: http://www.daylightmap.com/ TineT 21.02.2012 17:51:30 GMT
Za morda malo bolj nazoren prikaz, koliko "dneva" ima Matevž na svojem poletu še na voljo: http://www.daylightmap.com/ Tardus 21.02.2012 17:49:47 GMT
WGF teamu - Lahko, prosim, napišete, katere HF in VHF/UHF radie ima Matevž v letalu
? rus 21.02.2012 17:48:12 GMT
good luck (udachi, rus) Pilot-Novo mesto 21.02.2012 17:46:25 GMT
Denis imaš prav, se opravičujem. I am sorry for the mistake, Denis has right. S5-PCD 21.02.2012 17:42:18 GMT
Matevž, danes boš pa delal nadure, glede na to, da si že 8 ur tam gori in malo čez pol poti vse čestitke pa do konca... Naj ti vreme služi. GLWF team-u prav tako čestitke za tako timsko delo, posebno tebi Domen, Pipistrelu pa kapo dol. Pokažimo svetu kje in kaj je sLOVEnija. Na vsezadnje Vas vse skupaj pričakujemo na Brniku pa čeprav v aprilu. Good luck! BIBA 2 mquirozt 21.02.2012 17:39:41 GMT
I wish you the best luck to accomplish your mission today and then on, what an incredible air exploit in such an amazing and fantastic airplane are you carry on, my best wishes for you and your professional team.
God bless you. Denis 21.02.2012 17:28:33 GMT
@Pilot-Novo mesto: Ne mi delat sramote - si ga pa pihnu mim. Po tvojih podatkih ima se slabih 9 ur dnevnega casa Pilot-Novo mesto 21.02.2012 17:11:28 GMT
On the Easter island it was 12:00 o'clock. Na velikonočnem otoku je ura 12:00. Sun set is at 20:59 local time, so you have 4 hours left to fly by day light. Sonce zahaja ob 20:59 local time, imaš še 4 ure dnevnega časa. S5-Ivan 21.02.2012 17:05:38 GMT
Dajmo, se enkrat tolko in bo mednarodni polet Ajdovscina - Rapa Nui zakljucen (z vmesnimi postanki seveda :D ) Tardus 21.02.2012 16:58:50 GMT
Po Google Earth je Matevž na pol poti. Dry feet! Denis 21.02.2012 16:53:57 GMT
Res je, pravkar je opravil s prvo polovico poti. Pilot-Novo mesto 21.02.2012 16:46:05 GMT
Bravo for the first 1000 nm, one more left. Bravo za prvih tisoč milj, še tisoč jih ostane. Have a tail wind from now. Od sedaj pa s hrbtnim vetrom! Denis 21.02.2012 16:39:32 GMT
@Alyssa Svetlič: Ka ne bi sla raje večerjo delat :-) Alyssa Svetlič 21.02.2012 16:36:55 GMT
Yes. Ne bom spraševala dalje. Bom pa gledala pikice. Pika.
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