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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight around the world!
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Matevž Lenarčič   19.02.2012  13:44:58 GMT
Greetings from Concepcion, Last three days were really demanding as the future was always a bit uncertain and dependent of weather models, actual weather conditions. But with a great help of GLWF team especially Domen who devoted his 24 h a day to the flight and Jonathan Selby and Roxanna Diaz and a lot of luck we managed to finished Antarctic episode safely. Some delay due changing flight plan from VFR into IFR got me out over Beagle channel quite late. First part in between cloud layers avoiding ice was cold, but after flew into the sun life became more optimistic. Somewhere in the middle of Drake passage Domen sent me METAR for Marambio which was in fog so soon decided to fly into my alternative Chilean military base Marsh. The weather forecast for next day was very bad so I just extended my flight along the coast toward Deception and Elephant Islands to took some photos. Flight further on was blocked with frontal clouds which was coming from SW. At Marsh nobody expected me due some misunderstanding between Argentinian and Chilean authorities what was soon solved out. Alejo Contreras legendary Antarctic explorer (Ice man) who has already spent 30 years on this frozen continent greeted me and showed where my two drums of fuel which were shipped by boat two months ago from Punta Arenas were waiting for me. After we had dinner with commander of the Base and I rally got a warm welcome from everybody. Thanks guys it was great pleasure meeting all of you. The weather is going to deteriorate tomorrow afternoon so if I don't want to be trapped in the Antarctic for another week I should fly back in the morning. After refueling with Avgas 100-130 which is not good for my engine but mixing with some healthy one is going to work, we pushed aircraft straight on the stony runway. I was soon cleared by excellent english speaking controller and headed out over freezing ocean staying low due clouds and after climbed to FL110. On the left side was a dark wall of frontal system so doors back to Marsh were closed. Right in the middle of Drake passage was a front moving to the east, so I managed to stay on the sun almost all the way to Tierra del Fuego where weather deteriorate. I had two options to try to overfly rising clouds and could get later in icing condition or going down to warmer air and looked for a window over Magellan strait. Decided for second one, pulled brakes out somewhere over Cape Horn and got at 2000 ft bellow the cloud base and 2 deg. temperature. After slaloming between deep fjords, mountains climbing descending and finally got over the Magellan strait which I followed mostly IMC (thanks to great Garmin GTN750) to Punta Arenas where the weather cleared and landed in sunny weather. With a great help of señor Nelson from DAP I prepared my flight over the Jelo Patagonico to Concepcion. Late departure due paperwork, refueling, and checking the carburetors (I found some leaks) got me out over the cloud deck straight to Torres del Paine. Amazing view were spoiled by engine problem loosing some RPM and power so turned to Calafate. After several looong minutes engine sound got back to normal so continued toward the glaciers Perito Moreno, Upsala, Viedma and Cerro Torre and Fitz Roy which were clear of clouds in almost no wind. Great views but a lot frustration as I was not confident with engine run and had a strong smell of fuel when opened the window. Soon clouds covered the glaciers and fjords and only highest peaks remained outside. At FL120 and -9 dg would be a real challenge getting the aircraft down in on peace in case of engine failure. It was time for some meditation and self realization that sometimes we should just believe without reason. Clouds and ice got higher so climbed to FL155 all the way to the coast, where Domen got me infos that the weather in Concepcion is clearing. Evening landing in Concepcion which was striked by earthquake and Tsunami just months ago was a huge relief. MITJA S5-PIR: tvoje oreha seveda nisem pojedel, pac pa sem ga posadil na Antarktiki v blizini kontrolnega stolpa. Fantje so izrazili zeljo, da bi imeli taksno sencko, kot jo imas ti.
George   19.02.2012  13:10:46 GMT
Edo Potočnik: I think, the next step is: SantoDomingo/Chile- Easter Island / Chile. After it: Easter Island / Chile- Totegegie /F Polynesi. And: Totegegie /F Polynesi- Tahiti / F Polynesia. And: Tahiti / F Polynesia- Cook Island. And finally: Cook Island- Auckland / NZ. These informations are from this link:
Edo Potočnik   19.02.2012  12:50:19 GMT
Domen, bolj ko gledam tole karto manj mi je jasno, kako bo Matevž preletel Pacifik, jaz ne najdem nikjer nobenega otoka na karti,nisem še nikjer zasledil, da bi o tem kaj pisali,takšnega doleta in takšne kondicije pa tudi Matevž in njegov Virus ne moreta imeti, Čeprav nas Matevž kar naprej preseneča z novimi neverjetnimi podvigi.
Petra Draskovic   19.02.2012  12:23:32 GMT
Yesterday, after 7h and about 40 minutes Matevž successfully finished the long flight from Punta Arenas to Concepcion, Chile! The flight was very demanding and quite stressful but Matevž successfully made it to the landing. Today is the day for service of the Rotax engine. It should work properly and double check before the Pacific crossing would be good. Enjoy our recent news and wishing you a nice Sunday! WGLF team
Petra Draskovic   19.02.2012  12:22:51 GMT
Matevž je včeraj uspešno zaključil še eno etapo in po 7 urah in 40 minutah zaključil dolg polet iz Punta Arenas v Concepcion v Čilu. Polet je bil precej zahteven in stresen, a je Matevž uspešno navigiral do konca. Danes je dan za počitek in servis Rotax motorja. Pred poletom čez Pacifik, dober pregled zagotovo ne more škoditi. Želimo vam obilo užitkov ob spremljanju naših novic ter prijetno nedeljo!
pimi   19.02.2012  11:50:17 GMT
Anonymous! Prisrčen pozdrav in HVALA
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   19.02.2012  11:31:49 GMT
Hi Petra and Bogdan, Many thanks for the feed backs. I will look for one of Matevz' books in English on Amazon (Around the Only world sounds interesting). And thanks for the link to the itinerary - I had not seen that. Have a nice Sunday ...
Anonymous   19.02.2012  10:51:24 GMT
Primi uporabi kode SCIR in prilit na SCIP S5 KBR
zarko rovscek   19.02.2012  10:16:33 GMT
Matevž! Spomin na tvoj obisk - predstavitev v Tolminu je še živ. Spremljam tvoj polet z velikim zanimanjem. Prve fotografije kažejo, da že pripravljaš novo lepo publikacijo. Kljub dolgotrajnim in napornim uram poleta upam, da ti je vsaj malo tudi lepo. Želim ti srečen polet in naklonjeno vreme tudi naprej. Žarko Rovšček.
pimi   19.02.2012  10:11:19 GMT
s flight simulatorjem in s časom realnega vremena letim za teboj in žal nikakor ne najdem prvega pacifiškega otoka kjer boš pristal. Kratice letališč bi olajšale letenje za teboj. Vetrovi ti pa res nagajajo! Matevž srčno s teboj!
Petra Draskovic   19.02.2012  09:21:47 GMT
@France: The Alps is available in English already, also in Italian and German
BSW   19.02.2012  08:59:47 GMT
France   19.02.2012  08:19:36 GMT
Velike čestitke,Matevž.Pričakovanje je bilo, da boste napolnil predvsem svoje baterije in šele potem letel naprej.Neverjetno.Kako velika Ljubezen vas poganja, bo za nas ostalo večna uganka.Petra s svojim trudom razkriva delček skrivnosti iz vaše knjige izpred 26 let. Hvala ji za to. Great congratulation for the tour to Conception as well,Matevž.The expectation was that you'll take a day of rest at least and recharge.Unbeleivable. How big is the Love which is leading you? Shall we ever be capable to know or even understand? For Petra and Poul-Matevž's book, The Alps should be soon avail. in English as well according to what i have reead lately.Best is to send a request question to it's web site i think.
SAMO   19.02.2012  07:11:04 GMT
Čestitke Matevž, štajerci smo s tabo.
Petra Draskovic   19.02.2012  06:17:09 GMT
@Mamo and Bogdan: About the itinerary, Bogdan explained well.THere you will find most up-to-date version.
Petra Draskovic   19.02.2012  06:15:10 GMT
@Paul. Like Bogdan said, thank you, the book AROUND THE ONLY WORLD is also in English, also the book THE ALPS (this one is in German, Itailan, too) But the mentioned book - SMISEL IN SPOZNANJE - PATAGONIJA, is unfortenutelly available only in Slovene language.
Bogdan   19.02.2012  04:20:12 GMT
@Paul - I just checked out at - There are at least two of his books available in English. Try to search with his name 'MAtevz Lenarcic' or with book titles 'Alps' and 'Around the Only World'. I'm sure someone from GLWF team will know better.
Bogdan   19.02.2012  04:12:06 GMT
@Mamo: Re: 'When and where is the next step'. Matevž is trying to follow the itinerary you will find on the first (home) page - just below thos two globe images - ITINERARY GLWF. It is constantly updated, here is the link to the most up-to-date version so far:
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   19.02.2012  00:26:02 GMT
Hi Matevz, First of all, once again congratulations for a long and demanding leg of your around the world tour being accomplished. Secondly thanks for the amazing photos showing us the beauty of a part of the world that not many have visited. Thirdly welcome to Conception, hard hit by the recent earthquake but already back at its feet. I trust you will have a nice stay there preparing for the next challenging legs of your tour. And a big thanks to Petra for her overview of the history of the Antarctic. I wish that Matevz' book from 20+ years ago would be available in English or is it?   18.02.2012  23:44:08 GMT
Matevzu, Pipistrelu in GLWF teamu iskrene cestitke
Rojak (Beograd)   18.02.2012  23:20:45 GMT
Let je končan u letelišču Camel,concepcion. Bravo Matevž.
Mamo   18.02.2012  23:17:33 GMT
Congratulations Matevz, good many miles more. Every mile is one less mile to go. Petra. Thanks for information about Concepcion. I know Matevz is there now. When and where is the next step. I hope Matevz has a good chance to relax and reload his body. Congratulations to all the GLWF Team.
Pilot-Novo mesto   18.02.2012  22:56:59 GMT
Congratulations for another 1000 miles. Čestitke za novih 1000 milj.
gp bartoli trieste   18.02.2012  22:51:53 GMT
Matevz a good step faster.! Sweet dreams: the pacific awaits!
Andrej   18.02.2012  22:51:32 GMT
Danes je bila pa dolga tura. Čestitam in vse dobro še naprej!
Domen Grauf   18.02.2012  22:50:24 GMT
Congratulations / Cestitam!!!!
Denis   18.02.2012  22:49:42 GMT
Bravo Matevz, spet moram kapo dol dat, ...
Mamo   18.02.2012  22:33:29 GMT
Petra. Are you talking about Concepcion in Chile, or Argentina? There are many Concepcion cities in South America.
Justina   18.02.2012  22:33:06 GMT
cestitam g. Hatevzu, pomosna semna pogummega slovenca in mu zelim se naprej srecen let!!
Mamo   18.02.2012  22:25:49 GMT
Petra. Thank you very much for your reply. I wonder, why is so intensive the challenge. Why he has to fly so many hrs., per day. Is necesary to fly so many hrs. I am sure is also kind of risky to fly and cover so many kms. per day. Is it not better to take it a little bit easier?.I know he is by himself, how he manage to keep himself awake ??? This is kind of double challenge?? I do not understand.
Denis   18.02.2012  22:21:03 GMT
Domen hvala, he, he majo malo zmede, v zgornjem stolpcu je status landed, potem imajo pa spodaj airborne ...
lojze   18.02.2012  22:18:59 GMT
Predstavljam si z desnega sedeža na eni strani Ande, na drugi Pacifik. Spominjam se tudi časa brez digitalne fotografije. Lep pozdrav iz pustne Ljubljane.
Domen Grauf   18.02.2012  22:07:07 GMT
Poglejte tole, uradna najava Matevza S5-PEZ
Domen Grauf   18.02.2012  21:57:46 GMT
Denis   18.02.2012  21:52:52 GMT
Petra, trenutno leti z 250/h in je 250 km od cilja. Ce se ne motim, bo Matevz malo pred 23:00 UTC na cilju. Only webcam, which I find
BSW   18.02.2012  21:37:45 GMT
Hvala za informacijo
Petra Draskovic   18.02.2012  21:29:14 GMT
@Mamo:Thank you for your feedback. I thought this might be interested to others as well. Regarding the time of flying for today. We expect him to land in Concepcion around 24.00 UTC. Still some hours to go.
Petra Draskovic   18.02.2012  21:26:37 GMT
@Denis: ja, to je letališče SCIE / Carriel Sur Internationa.
Mamo.   18.02.2012  21:25:14 GMT
Is there any place I can find in advance the itinerary that Matevz is following ??? How many Hrs. Is he flying today ???
Denis   18.02.2012  21:24:28 GMT
A je to letalisce SCIE ?
Mamo   18.02.2012  21:22:14 GMT
Petra. Thank you for giving us some of the thinking and writing of Mathevz many years ago. I am sure that this way of thinking is the reason for him doing what he is achiving today. I am glad to know a little bit about this natural hero. Thanks Petra and if you write some thing else it is very welcome by me and I am sure that by many more.
Petra Draskovic   18.02.2012  21:07:22 GMT
BSW: Predvidoma bo pristanek v Concepcion/Chile in ne v Santo Domingo, kot smo napovedali. Okoli 24.00 UTC.// The expected landing will be in Concepcion/Chile and not in Santo Domingo as we said before. Please note the change. The expected landing is about 24.00 UTC
Denis   18.02.2012  21:07:09 GMT
@BSW: poglej post Petra Draskovic 18.02.2012 12:20:03 GMT
BSW   18.02.2012  20:50:39 GMT
Zanima me do kje gre Matevž danes
VMK   18.02.2012  20:49:46 GMT
Petra hvala, Matevžu pa srečno pot naprej: »Nič na svetu ni čudovitejšega od radosti pričakovanja. Povsod, pri vsaki želji je podobno. Močno si želiš, z veliko ihto pričakuješ, pravzaprav si želiš le pričakovanj. Izpolnitev želje pomeni konec skrivnosti strasti.«
gerbera   18.02.2012  20:12:05 GMT
Pogumno,občudovanja vredno!Svet mi je bližji po vaši zaslugi .Želim vam ,da uresničite vaše želje in dosežete cilj.
Denis   18.02.2012  20:07:19 GMT
Petra, lep izbor, hvala.
S5-Ivan   18.02.2012  19:59:41 GMT
Krasne misli, danasnja etapa je neke vrste potovanje skozi cas... V takih trenutkih se clovek zave, ce se je z leti spremenil ali je ostal enak. Srecno pot!
Petra Draskovic   18.02.2012  19:54:11 GMT
Medtem ko čakamo uspešen pristanek še ene zaključene etape, boste morda radi prebrali sledeče misli. Pred mnogimi leti sem prebrala Matevževo prvo knjigo, "Smisel in spoznanje" , kjer piše o svojem plezanju v Patagoniji in doživljanju življenja. Po 26. letih je sedaj ponovno tukaj, na gore, ki jih je preplezal gleda s povsem druge perspektive. Dovolite, da z vami podelim nekaj misli iz te knjige. Že pred mnogimi leti sem si izpisala nekaj misli, a so danes še kako žive in aktualne »Kdor največ tvega, najbolj hrepeni po življenju.« »Umetnost vsakega dejanja je v njegovem začetku.« »Zame je cilj vedno to, da človek, za stvar, za katero živi, iztisne iz sebe zadnjo sled volje in moči. Nikoli ne bi smel biti cilj vnaprej določen, ker je včasih nedosegljiv. Želja po njem pa prehuda. Takrat lahko človek da od sebe več, kot je sposoben dati, meja življenja postane zelo ozka. Najbolje je, da gojimo gorečo željo do neke stvari, za cilj pa si postavimo lastno moč in sposobnost.« »Vendar pa je prvi plezati zelo lepo. ženejo te misel in hotenja raziskovalcev, zavest, da še nikogar pred teboj ni bilo tu, da je za vsakim metrom nova neznanka. Imaš občutek velikega zadoščenja.« »Človek z načinom življenja določa čas. Kakšna je razlika med plitvim življenjem enega leta in eno tako nočjo, ko se vsako sekundo posebej zavedaš samega sebe, zavedaš se, da obstajaš in veš, da ne boš večno obstajal, da lahko prav hitro nehaš obstajati.« »Nič na svetu ni čudovitejšega od radosti pričakovanja. Povsod, pri vsaki želji je podobno. Močno si želiš, z veliko ihto pričakuješ, pravzaprav si želiš le pričakovanj. Izpolnitev želje pomeni konec skrivnosti strasti.« »če bi vse življenje tako jasno vedel, kaj si želim, katera izmed množice poti je prava, kot to vem na začetku potovanja ali plezarije, potem bi bilo moje srce vedno tako lahko in veselo.« »Vse se konča kot v sanjah, zato se splača živeti.« Sprašujem se, če Matevž med tem ko leti okoli teh velikih gora kot sta Fitz Roy in Cerro Torre, pomisli kaj na to, kar je napisal in doživel pred 20 in več leti? Prepričana sem, da se utrinki spominov sprehodijo skozi misli. Petra
Dejan   18.02.2012  19:47:43 GMT
Hvala za čudovite slike. Matevž je ravno preletel čudovito goro Melimoyu.
Petra Draskovic   18.02.2012  19:46:44 GMT
While waiting for happy landing, you might be interested to read this... Many years ago, I read Matevž first book, "Smisel in spoznanje" (The Meaning and the Comprehension) where he writes about his climbing in Patogonia. After 26 years he is there again, looking on these mountains from different perspective. Let me share some of his thoughts from his book here. They were taken from a book many years ago, but still very alive today. “One who risks most, craves the most for life.” “The art of every act is in its beginning.” “For me the goal is always this, that man for a thing for which he lives, always tries to squeeze from himself every single trace of will and power. The goal should never be determined in advances, as it is sometimes not accessible. The will to reach it is too hard, too strong. Then the man can give from himself more than he is capable, the thin line of life become very very thin. Usually the best way is to grow the eager to do something, but for goal we set our own strength and capabilities.“ “But to climb first is very beautiful. The thoughts and desires of researchers keep you moving on, the consciousness, that nobody was there before you, that every new meter is the mystery for itself. You have the feeling of great satisfaction.” "Man with his way of live determines the time. What is the difference between shallow life of one year and one night like this, where you are aware of yourself, every single second of your life. You are aware that you exist and you know that you might not exist forever and that quite soon you might stop existing." “Nothing in this world is greater than the joy of expectation. Everywhere, with every single desire is the same. You wish something very strongly, in great haste you expect it, well, in fact you only wish for expectation. The realization of the wish means the end of the secret passion.” “If I would know all my life so well, what I want, which of the many paths is the right one, as I know this on the beginning of the travel or climbing, then my heart would always be so light and happy.” “Everything ends like in dreams; this is the reason why it is worth living it. I wonder if Matevž flying around these big mountains like Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre ever thinks about what he wrote 20 and more years ago? I am sure some memories pass through his thoughts.
bikec   18.02.2012  19:32:16 GMT
ja kaksne sanje nekateri uresnicujejo. In premikajo meje mogocega. Bravo in Srecno pot.
Slovenec   18.02.2012  19:09:09 GMT
Glede na to, da je "preizkusnja" tudi psihicno naporna, vam za sprostitev posiljam en vic. :-) A beautiful, sexy, good looking lady was sitting next to a guy in a plane...... The lady said to him ' Can you help me remove something from my breast please? ‘The exciting young man replied, 'Wow! It will be my pleasure....... So what is it?' "Your Eyes, idiot!"
PJ   18.02.2012  18:58:30 GMT
Congratulations on Antarctica and for the flown path behind you
Denis   18.02.2012  18:05:51 GMT
France, zakaj pa pises po Svedsko, ce je Poul iz Danske ?
France   18.02.2012  17:55:31 GMT
Hi,Poul! Jag kan se att du foeljer med gaska stor interes vora pilot Matevž faktisk fran borjan av hans adventur. Trevligt,jatte trevligt. For mig det ar ganska interesant att bara nagonting pa Svenska och jag ar sekert att du forstor ganska bra vad jag skriver even min computar har ingen ratt a-oo med dotts..tyvarr. Jag skulle villja bara att saga hi pa dig och vellkomna pa bordet med alla av oss.Det ar javla fantastisk vad Matevž gora eller "jobba"! Jag forsaker att skriva boda, Slovensk eller Engelsk och jag forstor dig om du forsacka att saga till andra man iskor att forsacka skriva i Engelsk spraket, naturligtviss.Vi ska se om dinna onskar ska funka i framtiden.Vad Denis sager ar verkligen fakta-alla viktigt infos ar i Engels+Slovensk spraket.Om du har problem-bara skriva till mig "Hi-France" och jag ska gora det basta och oversatta vad du vill. Ha det bra och basta halsningar till dig & Danmark-ganska trevligt landet! Hi da! vi foljer Matevž nu.
celjanka   18.02.2012  17:43:35 GMT
Užitek vas je spremljati, Hvala za prečudovit pogled skozi okna, ki nam jih odpirate!!! Zdaj nam je svet bližje.
Lojze iz Izrela   18.02.2012  17:31:06 GMT
V lepih hribih se ti sprehajas Cerro,Fitz Roy Bravo!
md 80 driver   18.02.2012  17:05:15 GMT
every stage an amazing adventure! Keep us dreaming and admire you.Tailwinds
Stane   18.02.2012  16:59:26 GMT
Tale danes bo pa dolga, srečno Matevž...

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