Lukasz Grochal 16.02.2012 19:14:14 GMT
@Poul Brandrup: that's correct. As Domen Grauf explained at 17:28:25 GMT today, Marambio Base was covered with fog, so Mr. Lenarcic was forced to use the alternate - Teniente R. Marsh Airport located on King George's Island. S5 KBR 16.02.2012 19:13:31 GMT
SREÄŒNO NAPREJ. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.02.2012 19:06:57 GMT
Am I wrong - have I misunderstood something? Matevz did not land at Base Marambio in Argentinian Antarctic (South of Ross Island), but on the Chilean Base Presidente on Bridgemann Islands. I trust Matevz and/or the GLWF team will help clarify .... Augusto Barrozo - Brazil 16.02.2012 19:01:55 GMT
Congratulations Matevz,GLWF and Pipistrel for this fantastic flight. The success of this epic adventure is a result of the comand of one special and very good pilot, a well prepared and dedicated team ,and last but not least, the best aircraft and strong determination. Cic 16.02.2012 19:01:42 GMT
Super, Äestitam!!! Simon 16.02.2012 18:57:22 GMT
Bravo!!! Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.02.2012 18:54:55 GMT
Congratulations Matevz. Well done. I almost got a little concerned when you started your big circle flight at 16:25UTC. Has no clue you were going for an extra sightseeing. Have a good rest. Looking forward to your own account of and some photos from your flight today ...... KAPnikFZ 16.02.2012 18:51:59 GMT
SreÄno,Matevž! Leti hitro,a Äisto malo poÄasneje,kot zmore tvoj AV (Angel Varuh). Simon (Vesolje.net) 16.02.2012 18:51:21 GMT
Čestitke Matevžu za uspešen prelet in pristanek na Antarktiki! Spremljal v živo preko spidertracka in spletne kamere v Marshu. Bogdan 16.02.2012 18:43:01 GMT
Matevž na webkameri iz Marsha - pri hangarju: http://www.aipchile.gob.cl/camara/ftp/ANTARTICA/S-Este/C1_00015.jpg Tomas Kuzmickas (AEROSHOP.EU) 16.02.2012 18:38:51 GMT
Amazing scenery! Super pilot & superb plane! Keep flying Matevz!!! crossing fingers for your success!!! Regards to penguins! France 16.02.2012 18:35:58 GMT
Bravo,Matevž, vidimo, da ste že na parkirni ploÅ¡Äadi v Marshu.Cik-cak tik pred pristankom - ali je bilo slabo vreme? Upamo, da ne.Hvala Bogu, lepo, da ste na varnem.
Samo Äakamo naslednjih novic,spoÄijte si.Upamo,da so m ožnosti za spanje- na Googlu ni videti ravno na pretek stavbarstva na Antarktiki.Želim lepo vreme in lepih slik
v naslednjih dneh,SreÄno! Roly (Ushuaia airport) 16.02.2012 18:34:29 GMT
Well done!! you are landing in SCRM Teniente R Marsh Martin Antarctica) island 25 of may or island Rey Jorge. your alternative airport on flight. good flight my friend!! Roly (Ushuaia airport) 16.02.2012 18:34:28 GMT
Well done!! you are landing in SCRM Teniente R Marsh Martin Antarctica) island 25 of may or island Rey Jorge. your alternative airport on flight. good flight my friend!! stojc 16.02.2012 18:31:14 GMT
Matevž Äestitke, tudi na SLO1 so ob koncu dnevnika omenili tvoj podvig na Antariki.. Rojak (Beograd) 16.02.2012 18:30:03 GMT
Bravo Matevž, Pipistrel in Huston Sl. Jože 16.02.2012 18:27:13 GMT
Ekipi in Matevžu: Bravo! Bravo! Tale pristanek je z mnogo vidikov nekaj posebnega. Za Matevža in ekipo; za Pipistrel, za Rotax, za letenje kot naÄin življenja ... George 16.02.2012 18:24:30 GMT
Houston, it seems the Eagle landed. matic 16.02.2012 18:23:54 GMT
Čestitke vsem, ki so sodelovali pri tem projektu. Matevžu in seveda zemelski ekipi in seveda Pipistrelu. Uspešno tudi naprej!!! Tom from FL 16.02.2012 18:23:36 GMT
What a moment and fantastic accomplishment! Absolutely thrilling. What a pilot! gp bartoli trieste 16.02.2012 18:18:12 GMT
congratulations on this wonderful day! the adventure continues.... TineT 16.02.2012 18:18:02 GMT
History was made just minutes ago! A truly remarkable moment for the pilot, Pipistrel, GLWF team, Slovenia and the aviation community... Congratulations, Matevž!
Z Matevževim pristankom na Antarktiki se pravkar piše zgodovina! To je neverjeten dosežek za pilota, Pipistrel, ekipo GLWF, Slovenijo in celotno letalsko skupnost... Čestitke, Matevž! Enrique 16.02.2012 18:17:11 GMT
The chief of Marambio Base and the group, send you the best wishes for a successful fligt. we are waiting for you, we will see you soon. Domen Grauf 16.02.2012 18:15:58 GMT
Bravoooooooo!!!!!!! Bogdan 16.02.2012 18:14:16 GMT
Bravo Matevž! Bravo Pipistrel, Ivo Boscarol, bravo podporna ekipa!!! Domen Grauf 16.02.2012 18:09:28 GMT
Matevz flew and landed with ultralight airplane in the Antarctic. This is really a remarkable success! We really must admit that only a few people can land on this truly special place with such a small airplane alone. Congratulations for this great success! GLWF team Domen Grauf 16.02.2012 18:08:13 GMT
Matevžu je uspel neverjeten podvig – na Antarktiko je priletel in pristal z ultralahkim letalom! Priznajmo si, da lahko le redko kdo prileti na ta resniÄno poseben kraj v tako majhnem letalu sam. Iskrene Äestitke za ta izjemen uspeh! Ekipa GLWF Mamo 16.02.2012 18:03:51 GMT
Congratulations to Matevz and GLWF Team. I wish the best. I certainly envy Matevz for such a fantastic heroic deed. Please take as many pictures as you can. I am sure we will enjoy them in the future. Flying in such a mini plane and with only one engine is heroic. A lot of confifence in Pipistrel. Also my congratulations to them. Bogdan 16.02.2012 17:59:27 GMT
Tule se vidi zgodovina posnetkov kamere na Marchu. JE že precej oblakov!! http://www.aipchile.gob.cl/camara/show/id/104 Janez Bs.As 16.02.2012 17:56:04 GMT
Domen Grauf dice : La Base Marambio esta cubierta por neblina. El piloto va a descender en la base marsh. En este momento esta sacando fotos del lado soleado Jdneves@frlp.utn.edu.ar 16.02.2012 17:53:59 GMT
Desde La PLata,a 60 km de Buenos Aires,Argentina,sigo su vuelo.FUERZA!!!! Bogdan 16.02.2012 17:52:29 GMT
MogoÄe ga opazimo na tejle kameri... mislim, da se posname na 5 minut. http://www.aipchile.gob.cl/camara/ftp/ANTARTICA/S-Este/C1_00010.jpg Osvežuj roÄno (F5 v veÄini brskalnikov) Tape 16.02.2012 17:49:25 GMT
Estoy siguiendo su vuelo desde La Plata (60 km de Buenos Aires,Argentina) y sabiendo que su destino es Base Marambio,estoy preocupado por su derrotero.Fuerza y un gran abrazo. Rojak (Beograd) 16.02.2012 17:40:45 GMT
Ali kdo ve kaj Matevž naÄrtuje.Lp. Domen Grauf 16.02.2012 17:28:25 GMT
@Bogdan in ostali. Base Marambio je v megli, zato bo izkoristil alternacijo in pristal na letaliscu Marsh. Trenutno pravi, da bo naredil se nekaj posnetkov na soncni strani in se vrnil proti letaliscu. Primož Sev 16.02.2012 17:26:19 GMT
Hello Matevž. I assume that you enjoy view to decetpion Island ( otok prevare). But you also noticed that next 240 km to Marambio is under clouds ( according to google weather) an you'll land at Marsh instead. All the best. Hope that they have petrol for you. Bogdan 16.02.2012 17:24:15 GMT
@Houston: Je cilj Äilska ali argentinska baza? Vreme dopuÅ¡Äa let v Marambio? Glede na sliko iz Äilske baze je kar sonÄno... // Which base is today's destination? Will the weather allow him to fly to Marambio? Webcam from the chilean base shows quite sunny weather. Roly (Ushuaia airport) 16.02.2012 17:21:14 GMT
Matevz, take some photos from Deception Island. best rgds Roly (Ushuaia) 16.02.2012 17:15:15 GMT
Hi Matevz!! Enjoy you flight to marambio. All the best pjb 16.02.2012 17:06:34 GMT
kakÅ¡ne info o trenutnem stanju poleta LuÄka 16.02.2012 16:59:09 GMT
Matevž, držim pesti in Vam pošiljam koš dobre energije! matic 16.02.2012 16:58:50 GMT
FantastiÄen let, Äestitam in sreÄno !!! Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.02.2012 16:56:14 GMT
Thanks Denis, I do not have the weather information and can only see the change in course, speed and altitude, but all makes sense if Matevz is seeking beautiful scenery for his photos .... Just now it seems he is making a turn back to a path that will take him to Marambia Base .... Janez SLO 16.02.2012 16:45:12 GMT
Tale let vzdolž otokov razumem kot znak ugodnih razmer. Matevžu se oÄitno ne mudi na vso moÄ v Marambio. SreÄno Matevž! Denis 16.02.2012 16:44:58 GMT
Just in the edge of frontal system, maybe good sight for taking photos. Denis 16.02.2012 16:42:55 GMT
Evo, tudi vreme deluje z Matevzem - postaja "vroce" je ze 3 stopinje :-) Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.02.2012 16:42:39 GMT
Hi GLWF Team, Any explanation to the detours that Matevz seems to make as he still has a little less than 250km to the Base? Denis 16.02.2012 16:35:29 GMT
2. stopinji na letaliscu jurij 16.02.2012 16:32:49 GMT
Bravo, Å¡e kakÅ¡no uro, me pa že mene zebe, kaj je Å¡ele z Matevžem? Imate kakÅ¡en podatek o temperaturi? SreÄno! S5-Ivan 16.02.2012 16:27:05 GMT
Antartic in sight :) Zoran Crevar CYSN 16.02.2012 16:22:03 GMT
Thanks for the link! Hvala i Petri Draskovic za great article. Pozdrav iz St. Catharines, Ontario S5-Ivan 16.02.2012 16:18:45 GMT
Dajmo Matevz, eden izmed glavnih ciljev te odprave bo cez nekaj casa osvojen!
Rotax, ti pa lepo poj in grej sebe in Matevza Petra Draskovic 16.02.2012 15:16:51 GMT
BenjaminS: Super, hvala za link! Petra Draskovic 16.02.2012 15:16:19 GMT
To make long flight shorter, here we have some information about Antarctic for you. This is where Matevž is flying now. Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent, encapsulating the South Pole and the 5th biggest continent, but its area changes depending on season. Antarctica is divided in two by the Transantarctic Mountains, into bigger East Antarctica and West Antarctica.
It is interesting to know that about 99% of Antarctica is covered by ice that averages at least 1 mile in thickness, and this represents over 70% of all fresh water on Earth.
It was 1820 when the first people put their feet on the ground of Antarctica.
What else can we tell? Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm (8 inches) along the coast and far less inland.
There are no trees among vegetation, only about 350 species of lichens, algae and moss. There are no chances for vertebrata to live on the continent, only those who feed in sea and with the winter lives the place. The biggest animals living there are small invertebrate that freeze in ice during the winter and their body function stop for a while. But the sea, surrounding Antarctica is different. There is plenty of food for whales, seals, birds and among them the most known and famous for Antarctica – the Penguins
Antarctica host several scientists here each year that work on their experiments. Among them you can find biologists, geologists, oceanographers, physics, astrophysics, glaciologist, meteorologist… About 4000 of them can be found there through the year; in winter slightly less, only about 1000 the most strenuous one. George 16.02.2012 15:07:38 GMT
Petra: Yes, I known. It's a very exciting mission with a single engine ultralight. Good luck once again. BenjaminS 16.02.2012 15:01:47 GMT
ObÄudovanja vreden podvig. Držim pesti da bo vreme zdržalo tja in nazaj.
Najin mali prispevek h medijem:
Matevž, sreÄno Å¡e naprej.. Mate 16.02.2012 15:00:46 GMT
Hello Matevž, I just read your article on an Argentinean newspaper and I would like to send you my best wishes for a safe and successful flight. I myself was a naval fighter pilot in Argentina many years ago, but I currently live in Vancouver, Canada.
Mate (the name after the popular tea-like tradition in South America) Denis 16.02.2012 14:48:25 GMT
Petra, lepa hvala za prispevek, zelim si se vec tovrstnih prispevkov, za tiste ki moramo tudi "malo" delat, pa nimamo casa za tovrstne raziskave. Poul Brandrup (Denmark) 16.02.2012 14:38:09 GMT
Hi Matevz and the entire GLWF team, I cannot get my eyes off the screen - it is so exciting. 161 knots at 14:34UTC heading 153 degrees true. Congratulations and take care Matevz ...... Petra Draskovic 16.02.2012 14:35:50 GMT
George: He is trying to reach Antarctic
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