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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight around the world!
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pjb   03.02.2012  17:47:59 GMT
tle pa rabi že dodatni kisik?
Rene   03.02.2012  17:46:07 GMT
Ta Matevž je kapaci pristat gor :)
Primož Sev   03.02.2012  17:34:40 GMT
Kar precej visoko 22,841 ft / 6,962 m. Bravo Matevž, pa ne pozabi na kisik
Domen Grauf   03.02.2012  17:31:55 GMT
Gre na goro Aconcaguo
pjb   03.02.2012  17:30:42 GMT
kam pa gre
Bogdan   03.02.2012  17:25:12 GMT
Dajmo, Matevž, je že 6 km višine!!! To bodo fotke!!!
mac0014   03.02.2012  17:21:55 GMT
se že dviga v smeri Aconcague
MarkoC   03.02.2012  17:18:54 GMT
Tole bo pa visoko :)
Denis   03.02.2012  14:27:18 GMT
Nice pics, it looks like he has to had lecture in the classroom :-) / Kakor je razvidno iz slik, je moral imet pravo predavanje v učilnici :-)
Domen Grauf   03.02.2012  13:58:00 GMT
@Denis: dodali smo slike iz sprejema v Buenos Airesu. Najdete jih v rubriki NEWS / IN BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA / We added pictures from the reception in Buenos Aires.
Denis   03.02.2012  12:59:11 GMT
No pa so ga le spustil :)
Gheorghe   03.02.2012  12:55:57 GMT
@Domen, @Denis: Thank you. El Plumerillo International Airport, IATA: MDZ, ICAO: SAME.
Denis   03.02.2012  12:53:43 GMT
Domen: problem ICAO oznak je, da se podvajajo (ZDA, Argentina).
Anonymous   03.02.2012  12:52:24 GMT
Live webcam from Mendoza, Live webcam under Aconcagua
Domen Grauf   03.02.2012  12:48:56 GMT
Here we go ;)
Denis   03.02.2012  12:46:24 GMT
@Gheorghe: El Plumerillo (MDZ) Argentina
Janez Bs. As.   03.02.2012  12:39:25 GMT
Vceraj popoldne smo imeli priloznost za ogled zelo lepega avioncka v letaliscu San Fernando. lepo organizirana novinarska konferenca je zelo lepo potekla. Matevz je bil vesel velike udelezbe. Srecno naprej
Gheorghe   03.02.2012  12:36:43 GMT
@Domen: Hi Domen, could you confirm please the ICAO designator code for Mendoza Airport, Argentina. Is it KMDZ as written in you previous message?
Pilot99ster   03.02.2012  12:34:04 GMT
Congratulations, nice and wonderfull proyect, you have good trip and better landings.
Domen Grauf   03.02.2012  12:26:40 GMT
Danasnjo etapo do mesta Mendoze bo Matevz zacel pozneje, kot je bilo planirano, okoli 9: 30 zjutraj po lokalnem času (12: 30 UTC) v San Fernando, Argentina. Etapa je dolga 970 km in bo trajala bribljizno 4 ure. Mendoza je atraktivno mesto, ki se nahaja v zahodnem delu Argentine, in sicer na vstopu gorovja Andov in meji z drzavo Cile. Ker Matevz pri tem projektu nacrtuje oblet najvisjih gora na svetu, bo v primeru ugodnega vremena danes obletel goro Aconcague.
Domen Grauf   03.02.2012  12:11:32 GMT
Today Matevz will start later, around 9:30 a.m. local time (12:30 UTC) in San Fernando, Argentina. The flight is about 4 hours long and distance to Mendoza (KMDZ) is 970 km. Mendoza is located in central-western Argentina, at the foot of the Andes Mountains on the border with Chile. Mendoza is an attractive city built on the wealth of the bodegas that surround it. Beyond the city you have the choice of spectacular scenery with the highest mountain outside of the Himalayas on its doorstep. Matevz's global project included fly over the world's highest mountains, ...In case of good weather in the evening, he will fly around Aconcagua, which was planned for tomorrow.
Denis   03.02.2012  11:46:05 GMT
Danes je Matevz na valu202 ze tretjic - skoraj v vsakih porocilih, ta hip pa intervju iz BA.
Denis   03.02.2012  09:36:50 GMT
Petra&Domen please try to get some media links from BA.
Gheorghe   03.02.2012  09:35:57 GMT
Hello Matevž, thank you so much for your detailed account of your flight from Foz do Iguaçu to Buenos Aires - the City of the Most Holy Trinity and Port of Saint Mary of the Fair Winds. Congratulations Matevž! Hmmm... 35 degrees Celsius at Foz do Iguaçu? We had minus -22 degrees Celsius in Bucharest, Romania, yesterday in the morning :) Glad to know that you had to do some hard work :) with TV teams, journalists, officials but also aviators and Slovenians living in Argentina. Wish you to have a safe and enjoyable flight to Mendoza/Argentina. All the best from a still freezing Bucharest.
Petra Draskovic   03.02.2012  08:56:33 GMT
Še novička na strani Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve s povezavo do reportaže, ki je bila narejena v Braziliji.
MarkoC   03.02.2012  08:38:52 GMT
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   03.02.2012  08:03:03 GMT
Hi Matevz, I am sure we are many that really appreciate the time and effort you put into giving us these excellent accounts on a daily basis of your flights. It is as close to being there ourselves as it gets! You have every right to ask to be given time to rest - I am sure that will be understood and accepted by all. Have a good rest and a good and safe flight ........
Matevž Lenarčič   03.02.2012  06:13:33 GMT
Hi everybody, Finally Buenos Aires and famous Rio De la Plata. After exceptionally well organizet reception with number of journalists TV teams, friends, officials, aviators, slovenians living in Argentina I am quite down. This is a hard work not flying. A big thanks go to Slovenian embassy in BA, with Tomaz Mancin, ambassador and number of supporters from all over Argentina. Flight from Rio started in hot sunny morning in formation with Alan Sinus accompanied by Augusto. We flew along the famous beaches then climbed up to the statue, did few bypasses but I did not felt good as there were other helicopters around and very bad broken communication with Alan so I soon decided to turn nose south along the cost all the way down to Sao Paulo. Max altitude in that part was 3000 ft, hot humid day, so not much efficiency from my turbo. Low stratus clouds hanging around and soon lost site when I got in. A lot of IFR traffic around just prevented me to go higher. When finally got Sao Paulo controllers on frequency I was soon cleared to climb above the clouds and remained there for next hours. Band oc quite high CB rising on right but in my direction remained low enough to overflew them on FL125. Interior has no communication so Domen again provided me important weather info for destination Foz De Iguasu. Just before landing I was granted to fly over as much I wanted and just went down for landing at 35 celsius. Morning was again clear, expected delay due paperwork did not realize as I found extremely helpful gys everywhere from ARO, METEO to police and Custom, immigration. I was out on apron just an hour after. Weather forecast was not what I wished but this is reality of world flight. Sometimes you have to have hard times.First part was smooth like flying over the oil, than turned gray and dark gray, around Concordia heavy rain and no visibility at FL055. I did not expect TCB that early so I remained in the clouds. Also Domen will for sure send me warning if he got something red on his sat. pictures. Bt than cleared a bit and went down below the last layer of clouds, got some nice shots over Urugvay river and before landing where weather improved also big La Plata river. San Fernando airport looks like GA heaven, with many small aircrafts and friendly people all around. A big thanks goes also to Andy Hediger Swiss aviator living in Argentina and now also pipistrel representative. A lot of help, coordination wit our embassy authorities and beside covering my expenses. So many help and positive thoughts all around is almost to much for me. Tomorrow Mendoza. Weather looks good.
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   02.02.2012  23:28:41 GMT
Hi Matevz, Good to read that you were well received in Buenos Aires. Looking forward to reading your account of the flight to Buenos Aires. I could wish for you that you had time to enjoy the city. The center is magnificent and resembles Milano to some degree. Best wishes for your flight Friday. Be safe ......
Ljubljančan   02.02.2012  22:13:58 GMT
Mr. Morrison thanks for beautifull video from Rio.
Ljubljančan   02.02.2012  22:13:08 GMT
Čestitam Matevž. Od uspeha k uspehu. Pa veliko trpljenja je potrebnega zato, vem.
Roki   02.02.2012  20:57:17 GMT
Hvala ti za slike slapov Iguazu in srečno naprej!   02.02.2012  19:28:42 GMT
Matevž šiba preko državnih meja Južne Amerike kot S5-PIR preko občinskih v Sloveniji, kadar je v formi. Na svidenje v soboto. Peter
S5-RAČKA   02.02.2012  18:18:52 GMT
Bravo. kar tako naprej. =)
stojc   02.02.2012  17:23:37 GMT
Matevž, upam, da te bodo povavili ne eno "orng" kosilo :)
stojc   02.02.2012  17:08:57 GMT
Matevž, čestitke.
pjb   02.02.2012  17:08:02 GMT
bravo, sedaj pa fešta
S5-Ivan   02.02.2012  17:06:04 GMT
matic   02.02.2012  17:05:55 GMT
Super!!! Čestitke
Janez SLO   02.02.2012  17:05:13 GMT
Bravo Matevž! Verjamem, da bo sprejem v BsAs veličasten. S5-Ivan: Verjamem, da se iz zraka svet vidi drugače. Verjetno pa postanejo tudi smešne stvari, ki se nam na tleh zdijo takoooo pomembne...
gp bartoli   02.02.2012  17:04:28 GMT
bravo! bravi!
TineT   02.02.2012  17:03:48 GMT
Čestitke, Matevž!
Domen Grauf   02.02.2012  17:02:21 GMT
Congratulations, Moatevz! Bravo !
S5-Ivan   02.02.2012  16:43:11 GMT
@Domen Se sreca, tako ne bo nepotrebnih stroskov in izgubljanja casa. Cas je denar... @Petra Eh vem ja, upamo pa bo danes dopustil, ker je tako zgodaj ze tam. Letenje je umetnost, razvita iz gole znanosti. Tudi sam sem pilot, in svet je iz zraka drugacen... Opazijo se stvari, ki jih z zemlje ni videti
Domen Grauf   02.02.2012  16:42:55 GMT
Veleposlanistva Republike Slovenije v Buenos Airesu se je izjemno angaziralo in so povabili na sprejem Matevza: RTV Slovenija in Reuters bosta snemala, La Nación je največji dnevni časnik, Pagina 12 prav tako zelo bran dnevnik, Muy Interesante je poljudno znanstvena revija, s katero je zmenjeno za foto reportažo o projektu, TELAM je argentinski STA, Canal 7 je kot naš RTV, TN je televizijska oddaja, ki 24h na dan projecira novice (snemala bo za oddajo TN Ecologia), potem sta še dve televiziji Canal 26 in 360TV, ATLAS je letalsko-potovalna revija od ANAC (argentinske letalske kontrole), nekaj je tudi neodvisnih novinarjev. Od slovensko-argentinskih medijev bosta dva radija, ki jih poslušajo tudi Argentinci. Zahvala gre g. Tomažu Mencin Veleposlaniku in ga. Petri Kežman III. sekretarka Veleposlanistva RS v Buenos Airesu
Petra Draskovic   02.02.2012  16:37:54 GMT
@ S5-Ivan; Veste, koliko je takšnih lepih mest in parkov,gora tekom poleta, ki bi jih rad Matevž tudi prehodil? Žal vedno čas ne dopušča v tej smeri... A pogled iz zraka je zato toliko drugačen, odpira povsem nove dimenzije, ki jih s tal nikoli ne moremo dojeti povsem. Ni tako?
Domen Grauf   02.02.2012  16:36:48 GMT
@S5-Ivan: Tokrat pa lahko recem, da ne pricakujemo birokratskih zapletov, ker je bilo s pomocjo Veleposlanistva Republike Slovenije v Buenos Airesu vse predhodno urejeno.
S5-Ivan   02.02.2012  16:35:04 GMT
@Petra Sem slisal ja, upam da so mu pripravili kaksen sprejem :) Ce bo imel cas in ne bo utrujen, bi bilo skoda, da si ne ogleda mesta, ce je ze tam
Petra Draskovic   02.02.2012  16:32:48 GMT
S5-Ivan: V Buenos AIresu bo Matevža pričakalo precej ljudi, po dosedanjih napovedih od 70 -80, predstavnikov iz veleposlaništva, prijateljev, ljubiteljev letenja! Veliko spremljevalcev in občudovalcev ima! Lepo!
S5-Ivan   02.02.2012  16:29:12 GMT
Se 150 km in se bo S5-PEZ dotaknil asfaltne piste letalisca San Fernando. Upam, da birokracija ne bo vzela prevec casa in denarja, tako da bo pilotu ostalo veliko casa za pocitek in ogled mesta!
Petra Draskovic   02.02.2012  16:28:59 GMT
Getting closer... To Buenos Aires! Good luck, MAtevž!
IvoB in ekipa Pipistrela   02.02.2012  15:47:49 GMT
Tudi tu na službeni poti v Azerbaijanu te spremljamo in držimo pesti! Lep pozdrav iz zasneženega vetrovnega in mrzlega Bakuja!
Petra Draskovic   02.02.2012  15:38:43 GMT
Denis: preveč vode tudi vedno ni dobro. :-) To much water is not good always.
Denis   02.02.2012  15:10:14 GMT
Matevz is going into bad weather, at least plane will be showered-polished with soft water :( // Matevz obilno skrbi za higieno letala, spet bo opral-spoliral letalo z mehko vodo :(
Denis   02.02.2012  15:04:12 GMT
Beautiful movie, Mr. Morrison Thank You. // Čudovit film, zahvala gospodu Morrisonu
Domen Grauf   02.02.2012  14:00:22 GMT
Please find below a link to a video, which is showing Matevz arrival and departure from Rio de Janeiro. ( Source Mr. Morrison. Thank you! )
S5-Ivan   02.02.2012  13:51:04 GMT
Srecen let, Matevz! Skoda, da me ni v Buenos Airesu. Upam, da ti bodo pripravili odlicen asado
Domen Grauf   02.02.2012  12:56:49 GMT
V Buenos Airesu bo Matevza po napovedih pricakalo 70 - 80 ljudi.
Domen Grauf   02.02.2012  12:52:38 GMT
Flight plan for today / Plan letenja za danes: Departure aerodrom / ETD (ICAO) SBFI / 13.30 UTC Route of Flight SATD MCS GUA Destination aerodrome / ETA (ICAO) SADF / 17.45 UTC
S5 - PIR   02.02.2012  12:48:31 GMT
JaniS A. Si ti vidu ta štart? 1,8 sek do 100tke. Bravo Matevž. Pazi zdaj na marakani, tam je vedno najbolj "gusto"! Taktično naprej, goriva imaš, gum pa ne potrebuješ vmes menjavat. Vsi Savinjčani sedimo pred TV in gledamo - navijamo!

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