IvoB & Pipistrel Team 28.04.2013 09:12:13 GMT
Congratulations on the successful landing, Matevž!
Make sure you secure your aircraft and protect it from polar bears, apparently they roam freely on streets up there... HP 28.04.2013 09:01:30 GMT
Congratulations! Bravo! step again on to way you planned. Good luck and clear sky! ljubljancan 28.04.2013 08:22:55 GMT
Polepsal si nam dan Matevz.
Long-year ? Saj tam je ze en dan zelo dolg :) marjeta 28.04.2013 07:34:41 GMT
Čestitke! Super, Matevž. Si prinesel sonce v turobno deževno jutro. Srečno. Skaleras Benjamin 28.04.2013 07:21:31 GMT
Bravo, Bravo! David 28.04.2013 07:21:10 GMT
Bravo Matevž. Domen Grauf 28.04.2013 07:15:46 GMT
Bravo! Odlicno! Congrats. Miran 28.04.2013 07:13:54 GMT
Še nekaj metrov in uspešno zaključena etapa. Po trackerju je izgledalo brez problema in upam, da je bilo tudi v resnici tako. Čestitke ! ljubljančan 28.04.2013 06:20:08 GMT
oh Matevž, s tabo smo ! sedaj obžalujem, ker sem tako dolgo spal. No pa vseeno sem pravočasno pogledal, da bom lahko opazoval pristanek. Vso srečo Domen Grauf 28.04.2013 06:14:46 GMT
@viam: vreme je vredu. Modeli vremena se precej ujemajo z realnostjo. viam 28.04.2013 06:07:45 GMT
Domen, kakšno je vreme na poti Dejan 28.04.2013 05:44:11 GMT
Srečno Matevž IvoB & Pipistrel Team 28.04.2013 05:15:55 GMT
Good luck dear Matevz from the Pipistrel team in Friedricshaffen. A lot of visitors at the AERO 2013 asked informations regarding you and the actual position. All are keeping the fingers crossed for you and wish you good luck! SAMO 28.04.2013 05:13:51 GMT
Looking good , the Wx forecast is holding , God speed.
http://en.allmetsat.com/metar-taf/arctic.php?icao=ENSB Janez 28.04.2013 05:02:20 GMT
Matevž SREČNO !! na novi zopet zahtevnejši etapi. viam 28.04.2013 04:49:59 GMT
lep je videt, da je zopet acija Michael 28.04.2013 04:31:39 GMT
Go, go, go Matevz....... Fingers are crossed Domen Grauf 28.04.2013 04:04:44 GMT
Borealis Livecame Longyearbyen http://longyearbyen.livecam360.com/flash/main.php Domen Grauf 28.04.2013 03:40:47 GMT
Here we go! Franzgo (France) 27.04.2013 19:36:40 GMT
Hello Matevz,
I am really fan of all your fantastic challenges. I also think they should be more promoted by medias, but here in France ambient "conservatism" prevents from projects like yours... Is it because only other pilots can appreciate the exact value of your adventures ?
Moreover, like on your customized Virus ultralight, I have a monowheel Europa powered with a same Rotax 914, so what happened to you last year above Namibia is technically very interesting. You already know that this engine does not like AVGAS at all (Rotax states it) and should only be runned with unleaded gas, or at least as often as possible. The turbo waste-gate tends to stick with lead residues from exhaust gases. And I had noticed that during your fantastic flight around the world sometimes you had no alternative to Avgas, maybe this is an explanation of oil burning with turbine overspeed due to closed wastegate.
I wish you the best for the following legs, a better weather and of course a lot of pleasure flying your remarkable aircraft over the Norh Pole ! Maybe one day I will fly to visit you in Slovenia with my Europa aircraft ! S5-IVAN 27.04.2013 18:23:22 GMT
Trenutno sem v Oslu, prestolnici Norveske, kjer vlada lepo in soncno vreme. Upam, da ga bo kaj prineslo tudi tja na sever v Tromso! otro 27.04.2013 15:17:50 GMT
Matevž, želim vam ugodno vreme in da bi vam tehnika dobro služila. ljubljančan 27.04.2013 10:36:09 GMT
Matevž hvala za lep video. Veseli bi bili, če bi še več tega objavil.
Skupaj s tabo potrpežljivo čakam. Narava je taglavna, ne mi. Cuddly Maverick 27.04.2013 10:27:58 GMT
Matevz, z mislijo nate sem se malo poigral z usodo in rezultata sta spodaj, upam, da bo objavilo linka. Upam, da ti bosta v pomoc... Srecno.
http://tinyurl.com/matevz-jutri KAPnikFZ 27.04.2013 09:54:24 GMT
Najboljše želje za Vreme (z veliko začetnico!) in srečno,zlasti varno!!! pot proti NP. Edino majico lahko naročim. Mogoče bo pomagalo ;) Matevž Lenarčič 27.04.2013 09:05:51 GMT
Hi everybody,
although I was quite sure I will fly today up to Svalbard the weather changed rapidly. We got evening and night snow in Tromso and forecast for Longyear is not good anymore. It look a bit better for tomorrow morning.
Jeff I am glad you have found a place in FirstAir Hangar for my little one. Thanks a lot. Look forward meeting you, hopefully this year:-)
Ljubljancan thanks a lot for valuable contact in Longyearbyen.
Tony great to here from BC, I believe we are all related somehow.
Joze, for polar flight we use the same aircraft like last year. The engine was not damaged during turbo failure over Namibia thank god, but Rotax has provided us with new turbo for free, so I am quite relax now.
Hope we are off again tomorrow morning.
All the very best Matevz Jože 27.04.2013 07:43:09 GMT
Nisem našel podatka, zanima me pa: ali ste strukturo "ta-malega" letala po lanskoletnem poletu (in pred letošnjo polarno ekspedicijo) kaj bistveno popravljali-obnavljali-spreminjali. Ali je sedaj v "ta-malem" letalu isti Rotax kot lani, ali ste ga verjetno nadomestili z novim (po odisejadah v južni Afriki) ...
Hvala za dodatna pojasnila, Jože Tony Lenarcic....Canada 27.04.2013 05:38:45 GMT
Hello Matevz, I first reaad about you by googling the sir name Lenarcic and I learned about your previous accomplishments with flight. I have to say that I was very impressed and am just as impressed with what you are currently trying to accomplish. I am a resident of Canada and I noticed that in one of your previous flights that you had landed in a town (Vernon, BC, Canada) which is close to where I live. I am not sure if we are related but I just wanted to wish you the best in your present and future endeavors. ljubljančan 26.04.2013 15:29:42 GMT
Ekipa poslal sem vam email z lokalnimi kontakti v Longyearbyenu. Prijatelji mojih prijateljev. YFB JEFF 26.04.2013 13:41:54 GMT
We have a spot in our Hanger for you in Iqaluit when you arrive . Best of luck Jeff at First Air Petra Draskovic 26.04.2013 11:49:32 GMT
Slabo vreme na Svalbardu še vztraja; rahlo sneženje, dež, ki zmrzuje in nizka oblačnost pa onemogočajo pristanek. Vremenska napoved za vikend se nekoliko svetli in resnično upam na odlet, saj v Kanadi prihaja iz juga nov vremenski sistem, ki bo dosegel Resolute nekje v drugi polovici ponedeljka. To pomeni višje temperature, okrog ničle, in zopet veliko problemov z zaledenitvami.
Čeprav sem vedel, da je letenje tu zgoraj na Arktiki povezano s čakanjem, vsak dan na novo upam na vremenske čudeže.
Poklical me je Zvonko Mitrovic, ki živi s svojo kakšnih 40 km iz Tromso. Njegov tast, ki je pilot in član aerokluba Tromso je bil zelo presenečen, da ni bilo od kluba nobenega odziva. Povabili so me na letalisce, razkazali svojo floto večinoma starih GA letal, Cessne in Piperje. Kot vsepovsod drugod po svetu, se tudi tukaj ubadajo z zmanjšanim zanimanjem za letenje, predvsem zaradi birokracije in posledično višjih cen. Zavedajo se, da je prihodnost v kategoriji letal, ki jih izdeluje tudi Pipistrel, in da bodo morali slej kot prej zamenjati svojo floto. Tudi v letalstvu, kot tudi na vseh drugih področjih bivanja človeka, je prihodnost v spremembi miselnosti v MAJHNO LAHKO IN ZELENO. Petra Draskovic 26.04.2013 11:48:26 GMT
Bad weather in Svalbard is still persisting; while light snow, freezing rain, and low clouds are preventing the landing. The weather forecast for the weekend seems slightly brigher and I really hope to fly out, because in Kanda there is a new weather system coming up and will reach Resolute somewhere in the second half of Monday. This means higher temperature around zero degrees Celsius and again a lot of problems with icing. Althought I knew that flying in the Arctic is associated with waiting, every day I still wait for new weather miracles.
Zvonko Mitrovic, who lives with his wife some 40 km from Tromso, called me recently. His father-in-law, who is a pilot and a member of the flying club Tromso, was very surprised that there was no response from the club. They invited me to the airport, showed me their fleet of mostly older GA aircraft, Cessna and Piper. Like everywhere else in the world, here too, they are facing reduced interest in flying, mainly due to bureaucracy and consequently higher prices. They know that the future is in the category of aircraft manufactured also by the Pipistrel and will have to sooner or later replace its fleet. Even in aviation, as well as in all aspect of human living, the future lies in a paradigm shift in the SMALL, LIGHT AND GREEN. IvoB & Pipistrel Team 26.04.2013 05:03:27 GMT
Pozdravljen Matevž!
Čeprav je tukaj na AERO Expo prava norišnica, še vedno vsi mislimo nate in ti želimo lepega vremena in srečnega poleta! France 26.04.2013 04:43:08 GMT
Ne leti, še, Matevž. Lepo. Življenje je lepo.Vidimo, da imaš enkratno, močno in luškano podporo tam zgoraj v Tromsoju (Če so že Norvežani, na žalost, zmrznjeno gostoljubni).
Želim reći, da ni stvar samo v vremenskih prognozah in v napovedih.Nikar ne pozabi na glas, ki ti vedno, če le povprašaš, jasno in čisto odgovori ali je dobro iti na pot ali ne.Doklej ni kristalno jasnega odgovora, da se boš vrnil s poti, nikakor ne kreni na pot.Ostal boš naš Princ in heroj, če se vrneš zdrav domov, če tokrat ostane okno zaprto.Čni ogljikovi in še ne vem kakšni delci bodo tako ali tako še vedno tam.Arktika se nepovratno, za te čase, ki tečejo spreminja nazaj v tekočo vodo."Kdo sploh trzne", ob jasnih dolgoletnih napovedih, da gre Manhattan z Bronxom vred, Bangladeš in krasna otočja Tihega oceana in tudi Piranski zaliv, če hočemo ali ne za 1 ali pa sedem metrov pod vodo!
Vsi trgovci sveta komaj čakajo, da se odprejo severne trgovske poti in že švasajo vrtalne ploščadi in masovne pumpe za sesanje nafte in plina iz nederji deviškega severnega polja in Grenlandije, severa Kanade! To je "pomembno zdaj"! Na žalost.
Ja, sprejeli smo- vaša hčer na fotografiji krasno in jasno sporoča : Življenje je lepo!
Hvala obema! Imejta lepe dneve in Bog vaju blagoslovi! France 26.04.2013 04:27:27 GMT
Please, do not go,Matevž,yet.
Grande.Life is beautiful!
You have a great & nice support upthere while waiting your weather window.
It's not only about weather repports and prognoses.
Please,never forget your deepest inside voice receiver
saying to you that it's acceptable and safe to go and fly.If not having the total crystal clear answer about comming back home, do not go ever,please.You'll be our hero if you come back home if there is no open weather window this time.
Black carbon is there anyway.The Arctica's ice shell is changing into water irreversible and the world doesn't care if the Manhattan&Bronx and Bangladesh are going under water for 1 or for 7 meters!
All traders of the world instead are waiting on opening of Polar water "roads" and preparing the drilling platforms for oil pumpings at North pole and Greenlandia!Unfortunately.
Yes,Matevž,as your daughter is repporting to all of us- Life is beautiful.
Thank to both a lot!Have a nice day & God bless you! Anonymous 25.04.2013 19:23:14 GMT
go matevž Ratty 25.04.2013 16:06:39 GMT
Go Matevz,Go!! Best wishes on your adventure from Belize, Central America. Petra Draskovic 25.04.2013 13:53:58 GMT
Vreme je še vedno bolj ali manj nespremenjeno, Ciklon še vedno vztraja na območju Svalbarda, tako da zaenkrat težko povem kaj, kdaj in kako.
Kljub temu, da Tromso leži severno od polarnega kroga (skoraj na 70. geografski širini) ima zaradi toplega zalivskega toka precej milo klimo. Morje redkokdaj zmrzne, snežne padavine pa so obilne. Še prejšnji teden je bilo meter snega, ki se sedaj pospešeno topi. Tromso je poleg Murmanska v Rusiji drugo največje mesto nad polarnim krogom in idealni kraj za opazovanje polarnega sija, seveda v zimskem casu.
Tukaj je zacel svojo kariero polarnega raziskovalca tudi Roald Amundsen, ki mu je kot prvemu uspelo doseči Južni tečaj, prvi je v nekaj letih preplul SZ prehod, SV prehod in z Italijanskim raziskovalcem Nobilom preletel severni tečaj z zračno ladjo (air ship) Norge. Kljub temu, da sta bila z Nobilom velika tekmeca, se je leta 1926 nemudoma odpravil reševat ponesrečeno Nobilovo zračno avanturo z zračno ladjo Italia. Iz Tromso so odleteli z dvomotornim letalom Latham 47 z dvema pilotoma ter še dvema članoma posadke in za vedno izginili nekje na poti do Svalbarda.
Legendarne arkticne raziskovalne odprave, ki so jih ob koncu 19. in začetku 20. stoletja načrtno podpirale vlade gospodarskih velesil so predstavljene tudi v tukajsnjem Polarnem muzeju. Petra Draskovic 25.04.2013 13:53:24 GMT
The weather hasn't changed much and cyclone is still insisting on the Svalbard zone, so it is still difficult to say anything about proceeding, like what, when and how.
Tromso is situated north of the Arctic Circle (near the latitudes of 70) but has fairly mild climate due to the warm Gulf Stream. Sea rarely freezes and snowfalls are abundant. Last week there was still about a meter of snow, which is now rapidly melting. Tromso is, like Murmansk in Russia, the second largest city above the polar circle and the ideal place to observe aurora borealis or northern lights, in the wintertime of course.
Famous polar researcher Roald Amundsen started his career here. He was the first to achieve the South Pole, the first who sailed the Northwestern passage, northeastern passage and together with Italian researchers Nobilo flew over the North Pole by airship Norge. Nobilo and Amudsen were great rivals, but this didn't stop Amudsen to help Nobilo. In 1926 Amudsen immediately went by air airship Italia to rescue failed Nobilos's adventure. From Tromso a twin-engine plane Latham 47 flew with two pilots and two crew members and forever disappeared somewhere along the way to Svalbard.
Legendary Arctic research expeditions, that were systematically supported by governmental economic powers in the end of the 19th and early 20th century, are presented also here in the local Polar museum in Tromso. Colin rotax New Zealand 25.04.2013 07:45:35 GMT
Hi Matevz. Norma and I wish you and your "little one" safe flying and fair weather. We will watch your progress with great interest. All the very best. TyiT-Finn 25.04.2013 05:45:41 GMT
Have a safe and nice flight. Be careful at those difficult conditions. France 24.04.2013 12:19:13 GMT
Tule delamo na vrtu med cvetjem in se sončkamo pri 25 stopinjah in si sploh ne predstavljamo dobro, česa se je lotil Matevž.Tam zgoraj ni ne čas, ne kraj za štose
Zato, Matevž, poooočasi in vaaarno.Bolje, da narediš kak lep izlet čez krasna hribovja do Nord kappa in poslikaš tisti veliki kovinski globus, ki ga imajo čisto na koncu velike skalne štrline visoko nad morjem.Hiti počasi,Gospod Matevž! S5-PIR 24.04.2013 10:55:25 GMT
Mtevž po pameti. Z glavo skozi zid se ne da. Jutri boš pa v steni odkril vrata :-). lp mitja Petra Draskovic 24.04.2013 09:50:07 GMT
Vreme res sicer ni najbolj spodbudno, kot pravi Matevž, je pa lepo spet prebirati vaše pozitivne spodbude in veselje nad novim projektom! // The weather is not really promising,as Matevž says, but your comments are encouraging and your enthusiasm about our new project too! :-) Petra Draskovic 24.04.2013 09:49:21 GMT
Although the weather in Tromso is quite fine, there is an area of low pressure building north towards Svalbard and moving almost nowhere. Huge layer of clouds almost to the ground, snow and rain, which is freezing, there are the most unconvinient combination of weather for such a small plane, that has no real "medicine" against ice. Meteorology is pretty well developed scinece, but weather forecast in Arctic still depends much on models, which are not so accurate. For this reason there is such a difference between mine and Domen's information, and local reality.
I spent half of the day yesterday on the airport preparing the plane, who is patiently waiting on dusty platform. The wind is blowing constantly the dust, which has been gathered through the winter. There is much more fuel in the plane as needed for the flight to Svalbard, but as there is no fuel at Longyear airport, we will need to transfer it from petrol station in Longyearbyen. In wind and low temperature this for sure will be long and not pleasant thing to do.
Matevž Petra Draskovic 24.04.2013 09:28:26 GMT
Ceprav je vreme v Tromso kar v redu, se je severno proti Svalbardu zgradilo obmocje nizkega pritiska, ki se skoraj nikamor ne premakne. Debel sloj oblakov skoraj do tal, sneg in dez, ki zmrzuje je najbolj neugodna kombinacija za tako majhno letalo, ki nima prav nobenega "zdravila" proti zaledenitvam. kljub temu, da je meteorologija dobro razvita znanost, vremenske napovedi na Arktiki se vedno bazirajo na bolj ali manj tocnih modelih. Zato ni cudno, da prihaja velikokrat do razlik med mojimi in Domnovimi informacijami, ter lokalno realnostjo.
Vceraj sem prvi del dneva prezivel na letaliscu, pripravil letalo, ki potrpezljivo caka na zapraseni ploscadi. Veter namrec nenehno piha in nosi okrog prah, ki se je nabral preko zime. Na letalu je precej vec goriva, kot ga je potrebno za let do Svalbarda, vendar ga na letaliscu Longyear nimajo, zato ga bo potrebno pripeljati z bencinske crpalke v v Longyearbyenu. V vetru in nizkih temperaturah bo to gotovo dolgotrajno in neprijetno opravilo. France 24.04.2013 06:09:52 GMT
Nice to read about yours first dynamic leg upwards to Tromso.Interesting to switch back into winter images.
Yes,you're correct.It's sometimes not easy to understand the extras about northern mentality.I've been working with them for many years and it's still difficult to accept or understand many things.Try to be with your goal and stay fully positive.We're staying with your wishes and expectations!Good Luck!
Lepo je brati o prvem živahnem delu poti do Tromsoja.
Zanimivo je preiti nazaj na zimske slike.Ja, ni enostavno razumeti severnjakov.Z njimi sem delal dolga leta in še vedno ne razumem, kaj šele, da bi sprejel nekatere posebnosti.Koncentriraj se na svoj
zelo zahtevni cilj in ostani krasno pozitiven.
Z mislimi smo s teboj in želim samo Srečno naprej! LB 24.04.2013 05:42:43 GMT
Kako kaže kaj za nadaljevanje za danes? Vreme? UC-Pak@ICAO 23.04.2013 22:48:22 GMT
Best Wishes and Good Luck! BL 23.04.2013 20:33:52 GMT
@Chalete - for details about each stage, please check out the ITINERARY NORTH POLE link - it's on the main page and on almost all subpages Vuk 23.04.2013 19:23:52 GMT
Matevz.....Imaj lepo vreme i ugodnih letova......pozdrav iz Makedonije.....AK Skopje je uz tebe... :) :) :) Edvard iz Trsta 23.04.2013 19:15:11 GMT
Sreca stoji vedno na strani pogumnih. Tvoji uspehi so uspehi vseh nas Slovencev raztreseih po vsem svetu. Srecno naprej!! Davorin 23.04.2013 18:41:25 GMT
Vso srečo vam želim. Hvala bogu, da je sreča vedno na strani pogumnih ljudi. Chalete 23.04.2013 16:54:10 GMT
Go man, go, power to you. Could you ask Control Center to tell us the distance in kilometers and time aloft of each stage. Happy fling and happy landings S5-IVAN 23.04.2013 15:41:12 GMT
Zanima me, zakaj na Virusu ni ADS-B transponderja, ki omogoca oddajanje digitalnih podatkov. Taka letala se vidijo tudi na spletnih straneh kot flightradar24.com.
Vecina jih je sicer potniskih airlinerjev, najdejo se pa tudi jadralna in ultralahka letala, celo Boscarolov I-8600 je med njimi ;) Cuddly Maverick 23.04.2013 14:46:16 GMT
Od noci s cetrtka na petek in dalje se bodo obzorja in energije zbistrili v vseh pomenih besede, potem pa samo gasa... (wink :) Sausage 23.04.2013 13:40:20 GMT
Everything happens for a reason. Be strong and follow your goal. Have a nice fly and take care yourself as you can and know in these different weather circumstances which could be on the way. All the best. Janja 23.04.2013 12:21:46 GMT
Prosim, da popravite vozlje (knots) v VOZLE. Hvala. Petra Draskovic 23.04.2013 08:28:12 GMT
Nedelja ponoči in ponedeljek zjutraj sta bila še deževna z nekaj nevihtami, saj se je fronta iz juga pomikala hitreje kot so napovedovali, a vendarle se je le odprlo manjše "vremensko" okno, ki je omogočilo varen vzlet.
Čez Avstrijo sem se moral povzpeti na FL 160, da sem se umaknil fronti, ki se je pomikala v Alpe. Preko Češke so se oblaki spustili do FL100, tako da sem tudi sam letel nižje in s tem prihranil kisik.
Sprva lepo vreme nad Nemčijo se je pooblačilo, ko sem prečkal Berlin CTR, tako da sem se spustil nižje in tako preprečil, da bi se ujel v ledene pogoje.
Švedska je bila sprva lepa, kasneje pa se je vreme poslabšalo, vidljivost je padla, temperature so se spustile na okoli 0 stopinj celizija in pojavile so se snežne plohe, zato sem se umaknil na obalo, da bi preprečil nastajanje ledu na avionu.
Domen mi je poslal vremenske informacije preko satelitskega telefona, kar je nadaljevanje poleta močno olajšalo. Ko sem letel na zahodni strani hladne fronte, so močni vetrovi iz juga (okoli 40 vozljev) potisnili "ta malega" (avion) do skoraj supersonične hitrosti 190 vozljev. Proti Kiruni se je vreme ponovno poslabšalo, tako da sem bil precej nesiguren kako bo v Tromsu. Za nasvet sem prosil kontrolerja v Kiruna, namen je bil, da vseeno prečkam gore, ampak če se bo vreme poslabšalo, se bom obrnil za 180 stopinj in se vrnil v Kiruno.
Snežne plohe in nizki oblaki so preprečili, da bi letel direkt nad gorami, tako sem se spustil do fjordov, kjer je bila močna turbulenca zaradi močnih vetrov v hribih.
Pristanek v Tromsu je bil ok, čeprav so bila opozorila zaradi močnega vetra in turbulence na višini 26000 ft.
Po pristanku in ko sem poskrbel za "ta mal'ga", sem se srečal s hčero, ki trenutno študira medicino v Tromsu. Lepo je imeti nekoga tukaj, tako daleč na severu. Nisem še srečal tako hladnih, nezainteresiranih ljudi, kot tukaj. Poslal sem številna sporočila, pisma, emaile mnogim v lokalnem aeroklubu v Tromsu, da bi pridobil informacije o gorivu, hangarjih itd, pa noben odgovor ni prišel do mene.
Trenutno je vreme v Svablarno precej slabo in kot kaže bo tako ostalo še nekaj dni. Ampak,ob prvi vremenski luknji, gremo dalje!
Matevž Petra Draskovic 23.04.2013 08:27:18 GMT
Sunday night and Monday morning was rainy with some storms as front from south was moving faster then forecasted. But small window with clear weather enabled safe takeoff. Over the Austria I had to climb to FL 160 to cross the front which moved into the Alps. Over the Czech Republic the cloud tops drop down to FL 100, so I went down to save oxygen.
Nice weather over the Germany turned cloudy after I crossed Berlin CTR, so I descended below to avoid being trapped over the icy condition. Sweeden was nice at the beginning but later on the condition got worse with low visibility, temperature around 0 degrees and snow showers, so I headed to the cost to avoid ice. Domen sent me weather information through Iridium sms, that made further flying much easier. As I flew on the west side of the cold front, strong wind from the south (around 40kts) pushed "my little one" to supersonic speed up to 190kts. Toward Kiruna the weather deteriorate again so I was quite uncearten about Tromso. I adviced controller in Kiruna that I am going to try to get throught the mountains but if the weather condition get worse and closed, then I will turn 180 back to Kiruna.
Snow shovers and low clouds prevent flying direct over the mountains, so I had to go down to the fyords with very strong turbulence due to strong high winds over the mountains. Landing at Tromso was fine although there was a wind shear warning in short final due to high and turbulent wind at altitude 2600 feet. After taking care for little one I met with my daughter Ziva who is studying medicine in Tromso. Good to have somebody here far north. I have never experienced so ignorant people like here. I have sent numerous of emails to several addresses at local Tromso Aeroclub to get information about possible hangaring, fuel, etc, but nothing came back.
The current weather at Svalbard is not good and it looks it will remain bad for some days more. But in the first weather window we are off to go.
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