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GreenLight WorldFlight | North Pole - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight to the North Pole!
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10. 07 2013


Matevžev projekt za "Svet, kot ti je všeč, s podnebjem, kot ti je všeč"

Projekt merjenja koncentracij črnega ogljika v ozračju na letu okoli sveta konkurira na razpisu Generalnega direktorata za podnebno politiko pri Evropski komisiji

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1. 07 2013




V petek je v Portorož v formaciji 5 portoroških letal, ki so ga pričakala na Črnem kalu, na Aerodrom Portorož priletel Matevž Lenarčič - svetovni pilot leta 2013.

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Matevž's “Aerial view” books



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France   01.05.2013  06:04:08 GMT
Neverjetno! Fantastično! Zgodovinsko! Hvala,Matevž! Slovenija leta zdaj še višje in Pipistrel z Ivom Boscarolom sanja svoje življenske sanje!Hvala Bogu in Svetem Duhu in super Virusu z Rotaxom in Domnu Graifu za Matevža, ki ste ga varno prileteli nazaj med ljudi! Enkratno in nepozabno!
France   01.05.2013  05:58:25 GMT
Unbeleivable! Fantastic! Historical event! Thank you, Matevž! Slovenija is flying high and Pipistrel & Boscarol Ivo are dreaming their life dreams with you, certainly! Thanks, holly God and Spiritus Sanctus for Matevž comming safe and very alive back to safe airport!
Matevž Lenarčič   01.05.2013  02:01:00 GMT
Eureka! Weather on Svalbard was good in the morning, but forecast was snow in the afternoon. The low system north of Svalbard gradually disappear so the way toward North Pole looked quite good. The problem was Canada. Low was coming north to Resolute, but forecast was still acceptable. Decision was not easy. Over Svalbard was clear, but without GPS coverage I was a bit uncertain where I should go. After 20 minutes GPS came back and lined my way North. Most of the time I flew FL100 except when avoiding cloud layers. Open water soon became ice with pools, rivers. To my surprise the air is worming to the North. Over Svalbard it was about 19 below, but wormed up to -9 over the pole. Right on the top was clear and I was able to look down on disappearing ice. When I riched the pole I made another two Round the world flights and after headed south or according to GPS to the west towards Resolute bay. Strong tail wind of 35 kts gave 180 ground speed. But further south gradually disappeared. For almost two hours I flew in the clouds and felt very lonely like being lost in the space. The temperature again drop to minus 18 so was not afraid of ice. Than weather again improved and remained clear all the way down to Elesmere island. Then I got a call from Domen that weather at Resolute deteriorate faster than expected. Icing, strong turbulence and wind blowing snow, low clouds, so no way to land there. Eureka was my alternate although this is not an airport of entry. But safety first everything else can be solved one way or another. It is still winter up here, frozen sea, snowy mountains. I overflew runway low level to checked conditions and after landed on snowy gravel airstrip. Eureka is actually weather station with 8 people and some military which are coming only during the summer. Two guys brought fuel drums to fix the little one safely to the snowy ground and took me "downtown" to the weather station where I was warmly greeted. Thanks a lot also to my friend Samo from Yellowknife, Polar Pilot Bert Rose from Iqaluit and mny others. It looks the weather at Resolute is really bad, as two Ken Borak pilots also diverted to Eureka with Twin Otter. Bad weather is moving north to Eureka so might stay here for a day or two. My only concern is my little one lonely outside on freezing cold wind and many wolfs hanging around. The batteries will die for sure. Greeting from 80 deg. north.
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   01.05.2013  01:13:58 GMT
For Matevz's international followers you can watch the weather along his route at Click on the nearest community to his track for the weather in that location as he crosses Nunavut Canada
BSW   30.04.2013  22:23:16 GMT
Čestitke tebi in ekipi okrog tebe, ter vsem ki ti pomagajo pri tem podvigu
Augusto Barrozo   30.04.2013  22:00:39 GMT
Dear Matevz. I wish you a nice flight all over the route. Good luck, Augusto Barrozo from Rio de Janeiro
Petra Draskovic   30.04.2013  21:01:14 GMT
Zjutraj se je Matevž vendarle odločil in poletel proti severu ter uspešno preletel severni pol, nato pa je zaradi slabega vremena v Resolute Bayu pristal v Eureki. Z njim je vse dobro, sicer je precej sam in daleč proč od vsake civilizacije, tako rekoč skoraj dobesedno "na koncu sveta". Avion je tudi pritrjen, čeprav ni v hangarju. Za vso pomoč se ekipa GLWF zahvaljuje tudi Samo Čebulu iz Yellowknifa, ki je kontaktiral in posredoval pri hitri organizaciji v Eureki. Za nadaljevanje poti bo potrebno počakat, dokler se ne izboljša vreme! Ampak lahko smo veseli in ponosni! Bravo, Matevž!
Petra Draskovic   30.04.2013  20:59:53 GMT
n the morning Matevž has decided and flew towards North and successfully overflown North Pole, but due to bad weather in Resolute Bay he landed in Eureka. He is well, a bit isolated and far away from every civilization, literally at the "end of the world". The plane is not in hangar but tided down and safe. We would like to thank for all the support and help to Samo Cebul from Yellowknife, for fast contacts and urgent help in Eureka. To proceed further, Matevž will need to wait till weather improves. But we should be happy and proud today. Congratulations, Matevž.
SAR man   30.04.2013  20:35:40 GMT
hope to see you in Iqaluit
KAPnikFZ   30.04.2013  19:49:22 GMT
Iskrene čestitke za prelet NP!!! Mercatorjeva zmeda s pikicami nas je koristno spomnila na teorijo projekcij. Važno je,da je sedaj smer S. SREČNO!
SAMO A.   30.04.2013  19:24:22 GMT
Bravo, iskrene čestitke, srečen povratek !!!
stojc   30.04.2013  19:13:27 GMT
Bravo Matevž, vse čestitke. Upam,da bo povratek iz severne Kanade manj leden... Srečno.
Moravčan   30.04.2013  18:58:34 GMT
Nekaj neverjetnega si nam podaril za 1.maj Matevž. Čestitke k uspehu in želim ti skupaj z Domenom da še naprej uspešno predstavljata Pipistrel in vso Slovenijo.Naj motor vzdrži in angel varuh naj te spremlja na vsej herojski poti.
J Polenec Aopa Slo   30.04.2013  18:47:27 GMT
Matevž Bavo - vse čestitke- premagal severni tečaj in srečno v Kanadi Bravo- vsem in Pipistrelu in Domnu-Alenki dobro ste to speljali - vseo srečo tudi na poti po Knadi in čez Atlantik - Janez Kranj
SAMO   30.04.2013  18:24:54 GMT
Spoke to John from Eureka Weather Station, Matevz is working on tying down his plane and will then go trough the Customs formalities once he gets down to the station. From my experience,they take real good care of visitors at YEU
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  18:22:06 GMT
I just spoke to an operator at the Eureka weather station who confirmed Matevz landed without incident Great call Matevz on stopping there and congratulations on an historic flight
Rado L.   30.04.2013  17:36:36 GMT
Matevz, cestitke tebi in Domnu. Sem ponosen. Rado
Jonas Boll   30.04.2013  17:31:14 GMT
Welcome to Canada! Enjoy the non stop daylight!
Tomaž in Albatross Fly team   30.04.2013  17:27:58 GMT
Matevž 300% si. Malo je takih. Čestitamo. Pozdrav in srečno do doma.
Alenka A   30.04.2013  17:26:34 GMT
Matevž, bravo! Vse čestitke tebi in tudi celi ekipi :)
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  17:11:30 GMT
There appears to be a discrepancy between the Spidertracks position and the actual position.Eureka is located at 80.2167° N, 86.1833° W
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  17:03:31 GMT
Is the aircraft on the ground at Eureka - the message that the flight plan is closed suggests it is - please confirm Email sent directly to Matevz's email address
Petra Draskovic   30.04.2013  16:51:05 GMT
Thank you, Samo!
SAMO   30.04.2013  16:42:27 GMT
I've closed the Flight Plan with Arctic Radio for you Matevz .
Cuddly Maverick   30.04.2013  16:39:34 GMT
congrats, audentes fortuna iuvat!
Janez ( Buenos Aires )   30.04.2013  16:08:04 GMT
Cestitke !! Srecno naprej.
viam   30.04.2013  16:06:24 GMT
bravooo matevž
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  16:04:12 GMT
For weather conditions at the stations ahead please go to
AZ   30.04.2013  16:03:55 GMT
Čestitke Matevž in še naprej velik pamet in sreče - kot do sedaj.
Dejan   30.04.2013  16:03:41 GMT
Čestitke Matevž!!!
Janez   30.04.2013  16:03:09 GMT
Matevž BRAVO! ČESTITAM ! Še teh par redkih las mi je stalo pokonci. Čestitke tudi ekipi GLWF.
IvoB & Pipistrel Team   30.04.2013  16:01:51 GMT
Bravo Matevz! Tudi Arkticni ocean je premagan! Cestitke za prelet Severnega tecaja in za zahteven let! Kar zavidam nasemu pticu kaj vse je videl in dozivel s tabo!
marjeta   30.04.2013  16:00:51 GMT
Car si!!! Čestitke Matevž! kapo dol! Upam, na kakšno besedo (priznam:-))) Vse dobro. Domen, bravo!!!
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  15:58:03 GMT
Matevz,that was smart decision I think. Congrats. Bravo !
Michael   30.04.2013  15:57:58 GMT
YEAH..... Made it !
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  15:47:12 GMT
I just tried to call Eureka - got the telephone answering machine - Weather is -19 winds wnw at 11 - skies partially overscast
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  15:45:16 GMT
Thank you all, we solved the problem. GLWF team
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  15:42:41 GMT
To telephone Eurka - please dial 204 984 6376 wait for a dial tone and then dial 4460
Michael   30.04.2013  15:39:40 GMT
For more information on where he is headed .....,_Nunavut
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  15:36:46 GMT
Great SAMO, thank you.
SAMO   30.04.2013  15:30:30 GMT
Spoke to Tim in YRB , Eureka is fine 15 SM 20k scatered , he will give them a heads up . They have mogas but no avgas.
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  15:23:45 GMT
SAMO   30.04.2013  15:20:18 GMT
Ja bom
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  15:16:16 GMT
Anyone here which has a contact at Eureca CYEU airport for ground support.
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  15:11:54 GMT
SAMO, ce spremljas forum sem ti v imenu Matevza poslal mail, nujno.
Domen Grauf   30.04.2013  14:53:12 GMT
Zaradi slabih razmer na letaliscu Resolute, bo Matevz uporabil alternacijo in pristal na letaliscu Eureka CYEU.
Rok   30.04.2013  14:42:43 GMT
Matevž, cestitke. Srecno pot v juzne kurze.
marjeta   30.04.2013  14:15:35 GMT
Bravo,bravo! Čestitke, Matevž! Izjemno! Naj bo takšno tudi nadaljevanje. Vse pohvale tudi Domnu! Veselim se novice o srečnem pristanku. Srečno
viam   30.04.2013  14:05:57 GMT
pa smo spet na karti.Vreme še služi??
Cuddly Maverick   30.04.2013  13:53:21 GMT
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. When you go out of your comfort zone and it works there's nothing more satisfying.
David   30.04.2013  13:52:51 GMT
Čstitke za osvojitev Severnega pola.
S5-PIR   30.04.2013  13:51:14 GMT
Bravo Matevž. Čestitke. Srečno na poti domov.
stojc   30.04.2013  13:02:29 GMT
Petra, hvala za odgovor. Vendar adrenalin deluje v trenutku dogajanja... vse ostalo je zgodovina :)
Petra Draskovic   30.04.2013  12:26:11 GMT
Čestitke Matevžu! Po končanem poletu bomo rekunstruirali te točke, tako da bo tudi lažja predstava, kod je letel. Congratulations, Matevž! AFter finishing the flight we will show on a special map the flight oute.
stojc   30.04.2013  12:22:47 GMT
Domen, ali se ne bi dalo Matevžev polet predstaviti na Google Earth. Tukaj si je težko predstavljati kod je letel v ti "sivi coni"? Vsekakor vse čestitke in občudovanje Matevžu. Bravo ...   30.04.2013  12:08:37 GMT
Čestitke, neverjetno zanimivo, nekaj trenutkov nejasno in zdaj srečno nazaj!
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  12:02:39 GMT
Weather at Eureka is looking very good
Polar Pilots (Bert Rose)   30.04.2013  11:59:04 GMT
Congratulations - you have made the North Pole ! That is something only a handful of men and women have done. You are now headed south according to your spider track.
BL   30.04.2013  11:57:45 GMT
Vseh težav s pikicami pa je kriv 'najboljši sosed', gospod Mercator, ki si je izmislil to vrsto projekcije krogle v dve dimenziji. Nekatere stvari, kakšen tangens, pač odletijo v neskončnost in jih je treba za praktično uporabo nekje obrezati.
BL   30.04.2013  11:57:44 GMT
Vseh težav s pikicami pa je kriv 'najboljši sosed', gospod Mercator, ki si je izmislil to vrsto projekcije krogle v dve dimenziji. Nekatere stvari, kakšen tangens, pač odletijo v neskončnost in jih je treba za praktično uporabo nekje obrezati.

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