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GreenLight WorldFlight - Track - Matevž Lenarčič on his flight around the world!
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Petra Draskovic   24.01.2012  16:13:34 GMT
Dear friends of Matevž and his fligth! Two days of rest now, but this doesn't mean we won+t give you some interesting information or photos! Come and check again, but for now enjoy Matevž's report and thoughts about the last three days! All the best to you all!
Matevž Lenarčič   24.01.2012  14:31:55 GMT
"Hi guys, don’t worry, everything is OK. The reason that the tracking stopped working is quite simple. It was actually the first time I remembered to switch off the spider track upon landing. Anyway, I am now in Ecuador in the good hands of Julio Vizuete, a Pipistrel dealer. Unfortunately we haven’t actually seen each other, because he was waiting for me in the highlands close to Cotopaxi, where I was supposed to land. The reason I didn’t is related to weather - I was in the clouds two hours before the landing was planed and got information from Domen and Julio about thunder cumulus clouds around destination. I would pay a fortune to have a working Stormscope. In the end I did a 180 turn and flew out of the hell back to Esmeralda airport. The airport was closed for visual approach, so I had to change into IFR and ILS for runway 18. Julio organised everything so I didn’t have any problems. I hope we will have better weather tomorrow so that I would be able to make a short flight to the highlands. Let me also share a couple of thoughts about the previous stages. One minute after I left Calexico, California, I was already in the Mexican airspace and was able to talk to friendly Mexican controllers, who spoke English fluently. The flight was smooth and I flew close to the ground and made some nice photos. Later on, the haze came round so I couldn’t really use the camera and I decided to climb up to 5500 ft and remained there for the rest of the flight. Just an hour before landing, the haze got even thicker, so the airport only became visible once I was right above it. After landing, I asked the controller about the tie-downs and fuel, but they asked me if I need a shower first. I said to myself: “OK, another shit with decontamination,” and answered that I agreed with the shower. But than I saw two firefighting vehicles and realized that this was Hugo’s job and they gave the Virus a good wash. When I stepped out of the plane it was like a dream. Many people came to greet me and wanted to take a closer look at Pipistrel’s dream machine. Hugo Herrera helped me with everything that I needed - fuel, hotel, different fees, so I couldn't spend even a peso, much less a dollar. So dear Hugo, thank you, this was an enormous surprise. I won’t forget what you’ve done for me and the Greenlight WorldFlight project. With only a slight delay I was back in the air, but the air around the cost was hazy and I didn’t get a chance to take photos. The flight was a bit uncertain as it was Sunday and the airport in Costarica didn’t operate 24/7 and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to land. Apart from that, we didn’t get permission to land in Nikaragua. In the end it was all down to Domen and his organisational skills and he managed to arrange everything in just a couple of hours. Thank you, Domen, the flight would not be possible without you! During the flight the light got better so I was flying up and down to take some good shots. Then the head wind picked up and I became quite slow. The ETA in my Garmin showed that I would have to approach Managua in the dark. The weather report was not perfect so I would have to decide between visual or instrumental approach, but in the end, everything went smooth, mainly because of the weather was way better than forcasted. A bunch of airport guys got around the aircraft before I even managed to get my legs out of it. Customs, police and three police dogs examined the plane, but they were all very friendly. So this is Managua. Great, life really is a gift. In the morning the departure was slightly delayed and I flew into the turbulent sky which calmed down above the clouds. Costarica lies quite high, and has big cities almost at the top of high volcanoes. I had to climb up to 14000 ft to see clear mountains and rising clouds. I was late and expected bad weather at destination and I discussed different landing options with Domen. He suggested that I land in Bogota, Columbia, but I decided to fly directly across the sea to Esmeralda where I expected the conditions would be good enough to land, even in bad weather. I remained at 11500 ft deep in the clouds, despite the rain. It is quite funny, how the rain slows the aircraft down. Light rain takes 5-10 kts of the speed, heavy rain even more than 20 kts. But there was no turbulence at all and Trutrack autopilot did all the work for me. You would never guess which is my favourite instrument on board – the Spidertrack. The red and yellow dots and threads make me feel like I am not alone.”
S5-Ivan   24.01.2012  11:28:21 GMT
Uf, se dobro da je vse OK! Zdaj pa viruska v hangar, in pocivat :)
marko-mb   24.01.2012  10:58:37 GMT
Če že vsakodnevno spremljamo, pa se še tu oglasimo: Z navdihom spremljamo vsakodnevne podvige, občudujemo in smo z mislih v kabini :) čestitke celotni ekipi in lepe lete še naprej!
MŠajn   24.01.2012  08:58:00 GMT
kirnvevce   24.01.2012  08:28:02 GMT
Iskrene čestitke GLWF teamu,za odlično opravljeno delo. S5 KBR
Janez   24.01.2012  07:32:56 GMT
Ta forum je res odlična stvar... Zdaj vidim, kako je bilo dobro, da sem šel spat, ko sem videl, da je Matevž prvič preletel Esmeraldo... Bravo Matevž za še eno uspešno etapo! Zdaj pa zaslužen počitek. Južna Amerika je pravi kraj za kaj takega. Prijazni ljudje. Tudi Slovenski Houston center si bo morda malo oddahnil, kaj! Domen, Petra in drugi letalci, hvala za vse zanimive informacije in komentarje, ki nam laikom približajo skrivnostni svet letenja. Samo tako naprej!
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   24.01.2012  06:38:41 GMT
Hi Matevz, Once again congratulations. And once again full respect for a prudent decision not to negotiate the low hanging clouds and thunderstorms in the Equadorian Andes. Suggest you take your time to relax and enjoy the magnificent seafood (not least the grilled lobsters) and magnificent beaches of Esmaraldas. All the best from a Copenhagen in deep winter with temperatures well below the freezing point (wish I was in Esmaraldas!) ........
MarkoC   24.01.2012  06:15:25 GMT
Bravo Matevž! Sedaj pa počitek ;))
pjb   24.01.2012  05:46:37 GMT
bravo in pejt mal laufat
Andrej   24.01.2012  03:56:42 GMT
Hvala Bogu, da je vse OK! Te minute do Matevževega javljanja so bile pa neskončno dolge. Tista zadnja točka na njegovem tracku (locirana sredi piste in kaže še 65 vozlov) je bila resnično skrb vzbujajoča. Srečno in vse dobro še naprej!
Ismail Ashaari   24.01.2012  03:52:59 GMT
We will like to welcome Mr. Matevz to Malaysia. Our hangar is at Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport WMSA. We will take him flying around our Twin Towers and host him. Good break for him.
A   24.01.2012  01:15:13 GMT
Lepe sanje vsem in lahko noč.
S5 - PIR   24.01.2012  01:04:06 GMT
Novih sporočil ni upajmo, da je vse OK. Stojc: vezano na - crknu stormdetect, ne nisem Matevžu nič javljal, ker ima v SLO Houston-u teamu zanesljive, odgovorne in kompetentene osebe. Si predstavljaš kako bi zgledalo, da bi vsak iz ZDA malo "driskal" , ko je bil APOLO 13 v težavah? Bravo SLO Houston Team, well done, vsi smo z vami vsemi(naj vas tole ne zvede in uspava). Imam še eno za vas: "Svakoga dana v svakom pogledu sve više napredujem (motiv iz filma Dolly Bell). Petra D.: Oreh,ne ni koda, ne šifra, ne skrivnost. Matevž rad pristane pri meni na RANČ-u in tudi rad posedi pod mojim (res košatim) orehom, ki daje poleti "debelo" senco. Na Brniku pred odhodom sem mu stisnil v pest en plod tega oreha, oreh z besedami: Če misliš, da si kjerkoli na svetu, kjer boš, še kdo zasluži takšno bogastvo narave, takšno senco, mu ga posadi! Vsi smo nekoč izrekli zgodovinske besede :-) Nazadnje sem slišal. What a beautifull day
S5-Ivan   24.01.2012  00:54:56 GMT
Ja, tudi jaz se ne grem spat. Upam da je use OK.
Andro   24.01.2012  00:30:52 GMT
Fantje, kaj se dogaja. Še spat ne morm jet.
S5-Ivan   24.01.2012  00:14:04 GMT
@Jože Tudi jaz upam in verjamem, da je tako.
Jože   24.01.2012  00:11:04 GMT
Verjetno je Matevž izključil napravo za satelitsko sledenje v dveh minutah po pristanku, pa je ostala na ekranu še zadnja točka dva tri metre v zraku. Sedaj pa (zopet verjetno) razpravlja zakaj nimajo hangarja, zakaj je ravno pri njih ... malce birokracije kot vsepovsod. Tudi v naši deželi - za nekoga od daleč - ni nič bolje.
Domen Grauf   24.01.2012  00:05:26 GMT
Vcasih me Matevz poklice po pristanku, ali pa tudi ne. Trenutno se nisem prejel klica.
Andro   24.01.2012  00:02:37 GMT
S5-Ivan 24.01.2012 00:00:03 GMT @Domen @Petra je vse OK? Ivan, tud mene zanima kaj se dogaja
Matic V.   24.01.2012  00:01:31 GMT
Me, že resno skrbi, če je vse OK? Prosim,če lahko kdo odgovori!!
S5-Ivan   24.01.2012  00:00:03 GMT
@Domen @Petra je vse OK?
Andro   23.01.2012  23:38:19 GMT
BL 23.01.2012 23:30:13 GMT Je vse OK? že par minut je pozicija na stezi nespremenjena. Tud men je mal čudn, še ustavu se ni pa ni več trecka. Kaj se dogaja Domen. Upam, da je vse vredu, pa čestitke Matevžu
S5-Ivan   23.01.2012  23:36:45 GMT
Se je tracker odklopil? Ze cetrt ure kaze pozicijo 50ft nad stezo in 65 vozlov hitrosti
gp bartoli   23.01.2012  23:36:43 GMT
Adesso molim jedno pivo! Nema problema...tutto bene. Buon riposo a PILOT, COPILOT,PHOTOGRAF,TELEKOMUNICACJA,BC AETHALOMETERMAN ....Mr Matevz Lenarcic
bolkaj,lj   23.01.2012  23:34:50 GMT
Halo,Matevž: če že letaš s Pipistrelčkom v Ekvadorju,je nujno, da v enem popoldnevu vsaj dvakrat preskočiš ekvator! Drži se!
Denis   23.01.2012  23:33:40 GMT
Tale Esmeralda mu je pa dala malo mislit, se preden je pristal.
BL   23.01.2012  23:30:13 GMT
Je vse OK? že par minut je pozicija na stezi nespremenjena.
Anonymous   23.01.2012  23:30:06 GMT
Well done !
Matic   23.01.2012  23:29:30 GMT
Odlično in pravočasno si se odločil. Super, sedaj pa zaslužen počitek. Ali boš moral še kam odleteti na servis. Lahko noč
Andro   23.01.2012  23:25:34 GMT
Je bla Esmeralda nekaj let nazaj v Ljubljani, pa je rekla, da jo mora Matevž obiskat.
Domen Grauf   23.01.2012  23:24:38 GMT
Congratulations Matevž! Bravo.
Andrej J   23.01.2012  23:24:32 GMT
Insane! Fantastic job!! :)
Jože   23.01.2012  23:24:11 GMT
Evo, izgleda da je v finalu, da pristaja. To letališče je pa 2.800 metrov nižje od onega pred dvajset minutami: je na 10. metrih. BRAVO in dober počitek pred nadaljevanji.
Petra Draskovic   23.01.2012  23:24:10 GMT
Successfull finish of 11th Stage! BRAVO, Matevž!! Now, please, have enough rest to be safe in the air again!
Bogdan   23.01.2012  23:22:57 GMT
Spet na trdnih tleh. Čestitke! Zdaj pa zaslužen počitek!
Ljubljančan   23.01.2012  23:21:49 GMT
Bravo pristajamo
marko sabothy,natalija polenec   23.01.2012  23:15:43 GMT
Procuduralni zaplet, ok bo pristal v 20 RIVADNEIRA.
Poul Brandrup (Denmark)   23.01.2012  23:15:16 GMT
I can see Matevz is going round. Quito was never a good option. Very difficult approach and proned to fog (low hanging clouds). Appears he is going back to Esmeraldas? Trust all is fine. best wishes.
Andro   23.01.2012  23:14:01 GMT
Ja kaj čmo, tud vreme svoje nardi. Lepo pristan in se spočij.
Jože   23.01.2012  23:11:48 GMT
E Domen, povprečna višina je pa lahko zelo nevaren podatek.
Domen Grauf   23.01.2012  23:09:52 GMT
@Denis: hribi so visoki povprecno 3000 m.
Denis   23.01.2012  23:00:58 GMT
Ce sem prav zaznal, so hribi blizu 4000m.
Jože   23.01.2012  22:56:17 GMT
Vse kaže, da bi mu delujoči meteo radar zdajle bil kar potreben (nekam se obrača od Latacunde - SELT). Sicer pa je SELT 2800 metrov visoko, zdajle je 11 stopinj C, in planirajo tri dni ne-lepega vremena.
Andro   23.01.2012  22:54:46 GMT
A je zaradi oblačnosti obrnu, al mora jet na carino.
Pilot-Novo mesto   23.01.2012  22:54:30 GMT
Obračamo nazaj v Esmeraldas SETN?
marko sabothy,natalija polenec   23.01.2012  22:45:16 GMT
O, koliko milj nad morjem je neponovljivo, a ko se vrneš sem ti na razpolago za jadranje po po morju, po tvojih željah.Naj te tvoja nezadržna želja vodi do konca te poti in da srečno po cikcakaš let okoli nam edinega.Občutek imamo, da se tudi mediji odzivajo vedno pogostejše. DOBRO.
Jože   23.01.2012  22:39:36 GMT
Letališče COTOPAXI INTL (icao: SELT) je pa 2.806 metrov visoko.
Domen Grauf   23.01.2012  22:35:06 GMT
@Denis: Don't use mentioned words. We could resolve the problem anytime !
Joze   23.01.2012  22:33:15 GMT
Eden od virov podatkov o letališčih (pametno je vnesti ICAO kodo):
Denis   23.01.2012  22:31:27 GMT
Houston, we have a problem, server died for 10 min.
Domen Grauf   23.01.2012  22:24:51 GMT
Matevz se je namenil na letalisce SELT. Bo videl, ce pride iz oblakov, potem bo pristal na SELT, sicer gre nazaj proti SEGU.
Andrej J   23.01.2012  22:22:40 GMT
Feet dry. :)
Domen Grauf   23.01.2012  22:07:11 GMT
@Matic: hvala, smo ze uredili. Matevz ima prave podatke.
stojc   23.01.2012  22:05:48 GMT
Matevž je cca 50km pred obalo. Kaj naj rečem? Uspešen let v "lupinici" Virusa ...Kaj drugega kot BRAVO Matevž, enkraten si. Ponosni smo nate.
Tardus   23.01.2012  22:03:11 GMT
Še 15 minut, pa si iz vode. Super!
Matic   23.01.2012  22:02:25 GMT
METAR: SEMT 232100Z 21003KT 9999 SCT023 BKN080 25/20 Q1008 short-TAF: SEMT 231620 2318/2418 03006KT 9999 BKN020 SCT090 FM240000 18004KT 9999 BKN020 BKN100 FM241300 02006KT 9999 BKN020 BKN090 TEMPO 2415/2417 -RA TX27/2320Z TN23/2410Z long-TAF: SEMT 231620Z 2318/2418 03006KT 9999 BKN020 SCT090 FM240000 18004KT 9999 BKN020 BKN100 FM241300 02006KT 9999 BKN020 BKN090 TEMPO 2415/2417 -RA TX27/2320Z TN23/2410Z
Matic   23.01.2012  21:58:13 GMT
Domen morda probaj na ALLMETSAT letališče Manta SEMT je 170 Nm južno ob obali in po prognozi je slab dež, ne izgleda slabo.
stojc   23.01.2012  21:57:02 GMT
S5 - PIR...Glede na to, da si meteo ful notr, a si Matevžu, ko mu je crknu "Storm detect" sporočal kje so na njegovi poti nevihte?
Petra Draskovic   23.01.2012  21:54:57 GMT
S5-PIR: Hvala za dodatno informacijo o vremenu! Tako lahko tudi ostali spremljajo. Srečno do konca, Matevž!

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