ljubljančan 10.05.2013 18:05:55 GMT
Bravo Matevž. Še malo pa bomo leteli proti deželi svetega Patrika :) ramolov 10.05.2013 17:50:53 GMT
Do 16.24 UCT je [e kazalo da gremo na St. Johns, nato je pri[lo do spremembe in lasje dvigajo;ega kroga nad Havre St. Pierre - hvala ya iyjemen u\itek in velike ;estitke Matev\u in ekipi!! LindberG bo pa [e malo po;akal / ali pa tudi ne/ Klemen 10.05.2013 17:50:08 GMT
Vesel sem varnega pristanka, bal sem se, da je kaj narobe. marjeta 10.05.2013 17:24:04 GMT
Bravo, bravo fanta! Čestitke Matevžu in ekipi - Domen, kot si napovedal, se je dogajalo:-). Finale je dvigoval pritisk! Upam, da se vreme izboljša in še danes Matevžu uspe poleteti kakšno uro bližje domu. Vse dobro in srečno naprej! m+m S5-IVAN 10.05.2013 17:16:10 GMT
Cestitam! Janez 10.05.2013 17:15:42 GMT
Matevžu in GLWF ekipi ČESTITKE za skupno opravljeno dolgo, naporno etapo. Zadnje minute so bile dolge in negotove. Zopet so bili v zraku moji redki lasje. Hvala vsem, da se je varno in srečno izteklo ČESTITAM !!! Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 17:14:36 GMT
OK, Bravo. Congrats. S5-IVAN 10.05.2013 17:00:36 GMT
Zakaj pa ni pristal? Morda nadaljuje drugam? Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 16:42:44 GMT
Del fronte, ki se pomika SSE se pocasi premika, temperature so ravno okoli 4 - 5 stopinj in napovedane so zaledenitve, zato bo pristal na letaliscu CYGV ter pocakal izboljsanje. Morda nadaljujemo se danes? Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 16:39:19 GMT
Pristal bo na letaliscu CYGV - Havre St-Piere Airport. ramolov 10.05.2013 16:34:33 GMT
Torej se počasi spuščamo in le gremo na St Johns! Nato "samo" naravnost po sledi Lidberga in smo kmalu doma!!Bravissimo! Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 16:23:01 GMT
Sedaj se je najprej namenil na letalisce CYJT, ki je bilo v planu leta prijavljeno kot alternacija. V kolikor se vreme se izboljsa na CYYT bo vsekakor poizkusil zakljuciti let na zeljenem cilju. GLWF Team Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 15:59:13 GMT
@IgorG: destinacija je bilo letalisce CYZV, ker se ostanek fronte nad CYYT zadrzuje se sedaj. Se vedno je cilj CYYT. Janko 10.05.2013 15:51:44 GMT
Smer je za Sept-Iles (CYZV). IgorG 10.05.2013 15:44:04 GMT
Izgleda da ne leti na St.Jonns.....? GLWF team? S5-IVAN 10.05.2013 15:25:31 GMT
Spet zelo zanimiv polet! Ve kdo mogoce, zakaj ni rezal direktno cez provinco Labradorja? Martina 10.05.2013 14:54:01 GMT
Tudi današnjo etapo spremljamo, Matevž srečno do konca, čim ugodnejše vreme in varen pristane. Velika ekipa velikih ljudi, čudovito :) Martn 10.05.2013 14:45:09 GMT
Vse manj Labradorja je pod tabo Matevž, Nova Foundlandija te čaka. Srečno v vseh pogledih, s teboj smo. LP izpod Triglava! Janez 10.05.2013 14:34:45 GMT
Upajmo,da vse poteka vsaj približno tako, kot lahko opazujemo - brez stresnih situacij. Vedno težko čakam, na kratko poročilo opravljene trase, ki ga v svoji skromnosti poda valiki Matevž z malo lupinico in šele takrat lahko sestavim skromno sliko. Ko bo to vse na papirju pa bomo lahko še enkrat podoživljali. Ray 10.05.2013 14:32:27 GMT
There is another possibility to the Mary Ellen incident. To post a comment here you must give a name. Any name will do. I choose to believe that the person who posted here as Mary Ellen was not her self. If there were 'serious' questions on this subject, posting on a forum is not the appropriate place to get an answer. That type of comment was the best way for anyone to vandalize this great and important adventure. Denis 10.05.2013 13:11:50 GMT
Bravo Janko, zelo slikovito povedano. Janko 10.05.2013 13:02:31 GMT
Matevž, letite srečno, sebi v veselje, vsem nam v navdih! Čestitke celotni ekipi, ki nam kaže kako daleč pripelje predanost skupnemu cilju. Janko 10.05.2013 12:58:30 GMT
Mary Ellen initiated an interesting debate. We (humans) are funny. Everything is just a matter of terminology. If you call it research you will need a permit. If you call it perhaps measurement (as you measure altitude, position, speed, temperature, ...) than you can do it without additional documents. Denis 10.05.2013 11:41:50 GMT
Jaz pa upam, da je Mary Ellen zelela samo povedat kaksna pravila pri njih veljajo in da je lepo ce se to spostuje. Seveda nam se zdi to "rahlo" cudno. Ne glede na vse skupaj pa Matevz uspesno nadaljuje pot pa ce je to Mary Elen vsec ali ne. Stane 10.05.2013 10:56:13 GMT
Srečno, Matevž... Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 10:52:57 GMT
Matevz was flying across North Canada in the last week. For today's flight toward St. John's International Airport (CYYT) we expect more or less fine weather. The only question is if he will reach the St. John's airport or he will to divert to alternate airport CYZV or CYJT. GLWF Team IvoB & Pipistrel Team 10.05.2013 10:50:47 GMT
Srecno Srecno! Janez 10.05.2013 10:31:59 GMT
Matevž nekaj se premika, lahko vam zaželim samo SREČNO !!!! Domen Grauf 10.05.2013 10:30:42 GMT
Here we go! Srecno! spyDer 10.05.2013 09:26:10 GMT
Mary Ellen Thomas 09.05.2013 15:32:38 GMT
If you were collecting scientific data while flying over Nunavut, then you should have had a research permit /////////////////////////////////
Totally agree with Michael. I feel ashamed that somebody from Nunavut Research Institute has such words for Matevz, who is trully doing a great job.
Complete details available at:
Nunavut Research Institute
Box 1720, Iqaluit, NU
Building 959
Phone: 867-979-7280 / Fax: 867-979-7109
Mary Ellen Thomas
Senior Research Officer
Tel: 867 979-7202
Cel: 867-222-2864
e-mail: Maryellen.thomas@arcticcollege.ca ljubljančan 10.05.2013 08:43:50 GMT
@ MET :) HP 10.05.2013 07:17:55 GMT
When is the book Over Blue Planet planned to be published? And say hello to Gulf Stream, which has a
heavy task. ramolov 10.05.2013 06:09:38 GMT
bravo Michael - nekaj je očitno narobe s to damo! Ti Matevž pa kar srečno naprej!! 88 viam 10.05.2013 04:52:52 GMT
Greetings Michael Michael 10.05.2013 00:04:51 GMT
Mary Ellen Thomas 09.05.2013 15:32:38 GMT
If you were collecting scientific data while flying over Nunavut, then you should have had a research permit >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
What rubbish is this.... the plane flies along and collect's air samples, there is no pollution caused, no affect the environment and certainly no effect to anybody on the ground.. The aircraft is operating legally in Federal airspace and therefore you have no control whatsoever regardless of whatever agenda is behind your comments. This is the 1st time where these type of measurements have been taken in the region at these altitudes, you should be embracing the fact that somebody is collecting scientific data which could go part way to explaining why your winters are colder or hotter, it is raining more or less, why the crops are not growing or anything else which is an environmental influence. Without accurate data we blame everything on global warming but at least with the research done by this Aviator we can start with a very accurate baseline. His travels throughout the world identify which countries are most affected by black carbon in the atmosphere, Matevz is doing this research at no charge to you, your local community or country. Instead of being negative you should be positive about somebody doing this research for free, the same research would cost the community or your government millions of dollars if you had to pay to do it yourself, JUSTINA OLIVOS ARG. 09.05.2013 23:22:13 GMT
Cestitam ! Kdo to zmore? Samo Matevz Lenarcic!!! Matevž Lenarčič 09.05.2013 19:05:59 GMT
Greetings form cold and snowy Iqaluit. Yesterday was a really bad day so also big guys remained on the apron. Horizontal snow all day. Morning was brighter, possible to fly but the new front came in to Labrador from west wit temperatures around zero, freezing rain, turbulence, so worst possible scenario for light aircrafts. It looks to be a bit better tomorrow but almost no chance for direct flight to St John's because of bad weather. Wait and see as many times before. Greetings matevz Matevž Lenarčič 09.05.2013 18:57:31 GMT
Although we all know that our only world is over regulated specially for the projects we have all benefits from, I must say that this time we did it by the book, and really got great support from Canadian authorities. All details are certainly available, but only to the persons with full address. Samo 09.05.2013 18:41:28 GMT
Hello Mary Ellen Thomas ,
time to head south for some R&R - eh ! Mary Ellen Thomas 09.05.2013 15:32:38 GMT
If you were collecting scientific data while flying over Nunavut, then you should have had a research permit HP 09.05.2013 14:25:10 GMT
Thank You, Patrick and Bert for the news information.
Fine day for you! RCpilot1968 09.05.2013 14:06:00 GMT
Lahko rečem samo kapo dol. Sam sicer letim samo z modeli letal in mi je letenje fenomelna stvar, ampak tole si sploh ne predstavljamo, kako moraš bito cool, da izvedeš nekaj takega. Čestitke, uspešno pot naprej. Rudi IgorG 09.05.2013 12:08:36 GMT
Dober dan Matevž,ter dober tek,pa kar je da je.Veselimo se z vami, lepših pogojev bivanja za"OBA". Bradica vam `paše´,izgledate kot na kakšnem izletu "do Bleda pa nazaj".....ne pa na tem ledenem koncu sveta,čez drn in strn Severnega Pola. Hvala tudi g.Patric Naglu za koristni cbc.ca./player....,kjer je sicer na Inuktitut news,daljši posnetek! Stabilno vreme in srečn domov vam želimo. p.s.za SLO in linkse "narode"ali glasujete? Lučka Kaligarič 09.05.2013 11:39:53 GMT
dober dan dragi letalec! :DD smo učenci 7.b. razreda OŠ duplek. Redno spremljamo tvoje letalske podvige in ti želimo srečno ter varno pot domov! Srečko Kalaba 09.05.2013 10:07:55 GMT
želimo ti vso srečo pri zaključevanju svoje poti.
OŠ Duplek Polar Pilots (Bert Rose) 09.05.2013 04:58:27 GMT
The news story about Matevz starts at 26:03 of the news broadcast Patrick Nagle 09.05.2013 02:39:30 GMT
Story about the flight landing in Iqaluit on CBC North TV News in Inuktitut and English at http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/North/ID/2384093601/ S5-IVAN 08.05.2013 22:11:37 GMT
Se enkrat cestitam. Po radiu pa ima Matevz tak glas kot piloti kaksnega Boeinga 747 s 25000 urami!!! Koliko jih pa ima Matevz, ce ni skrivnost? HP 08.05.2013 19:57:11 GMT
Is there a link or podcast for that radiointerview or else, would be interesting to hear? Petra Draskovic 08.05.2013 18:40:39 GMT
Oglejte si tudi nove fotografije, ki smo jih dodali. In sledite našemu pilotu še do doma! // You are also welcome to check the new photos we have added. And track as again! Matevž Lenarčič 08.05.2013 18:39:00 GMT
Včeraj vreme niti ni bilo tako slabo v Iqaluitu, kot so sprva napovedali zjutraj, ampak to je realnost tu zgoraj na severu. Spremembe so zelo hitre in včasih nepričakovane. Nizek pritisk iznad Resolut Baya se je pomaknil jugovzhodno in izboljšal vidljivost. Tako sem vsaj malo videl, kje to, pretežno eskimsko naselje sploh leži.
Domen mi pošlje še vremenske podatke iz svojih virov, tako da je odločitev lažja.
V Resolutu je bilo letalo varno spravljeno v hangarju Ken Borek. Temperatura v hangarju je bila pod minus 20, vendar je bilo letalo zaščiteno pred vetrom in snegom, ki je neprestano naletaval. V veliko pomoč mi je bil Andre Martineau, da sva motor predhodno ogrela s Herman Nelson grelcem in ga potem porinila na svež sneg. Hvala Ken Booreku za gostoljubje in pomoč ter Samu, ki je vse skupaj organiziral.
Nekaj časa po odletu iz Resoluta je bilo lepo vreme, potem se je pokvarilo in je bilo slabi dve uri letenja v oblakih. temperatura je bila k sreči okrog 23 pod ničlo, dovolj mrzlo da ni bilo zaledenitev. V drugi polovici
leta se je zjasnilo vedndar je spodaj ostala nizka oblačnost, tako da ni bilo možnosti za fotografiranje. Šele kakšnih 100 milj pred Iqaluitom se je popolnoma zjasnilo in prizori so bil resnično fantastični. Na moje veliko
presenečenje je tudi morje pri Iqaluitu še vedno globoko zamrznjeno.
Na letališču so me poiskali fantje od First Aira, Jeff in Mark, potem pa Cameron McGregor (Polar Pilots) in Daniel Gardener, ki je del otroštva preživel v Sloveniji in odlično govori po naše. Poleg njih še ekipa novinarjev televizija, radia in časopisa. Intervju, potem pa letalo porinemo v tokrat ogrevan hangar First Aira. Končno
na toplem, čeprav je zunaj še vedno minus 12. V Iqaluit prihaja nova fronta z veliko zaledenitvami, tako da en dan gotovo ostajam še v Iqaluitu.
Matevž Matevž Lenarčič 08.05.2013 18:38:01 GMT
Yesterday the weather was not really that bad in Iqauit, as they forecasted in the morning, but this is reality up here north. Changes are very rapid and sometimes unexpected. Low pressure above Resolute Bay has moved southeast and the visiability has improved. This enables me a little bit to see where this predominantly Eskimo village is located. Domen sent me the weather information from his own sources, which lead to an easier decision.
In Resolutu the aircraft was safely stored in the hangar Ken Borek. The temperature in the hangar was below minus 20 but the aircraft was protected against wind and snow, which was constantly blowing. Andre Martineau was of great help to me, we warmed up the engine with Herman Nelson heater and then pushed it on fresh snow. I am very thankful to Ken Boorek for hospitality and assistance, and Samo, who arranged everything.
Some time after flying out of Resolute, the weather was nice, later it has spoiled and I was flying for about two hours in the clouds. Temperature was fortunately around 23 below zero, cold enough that there was no icing. In the second half of the flight it has cleared up, but shill low clouds all around, so there was no possibility to photograph.
Only about 100 miles from Iqaluite it has cleared to perfection and the sigths were fantastic. To my big surprise the sea in Iqaluit is still frozen.
At the airport guys from First Air found me; this were Jeff and Mark, then Cameron McGregor (Polar Pilots) and Daniel Gardener, which has spent part of his childhood in Slovenia and talk excellent our Slovene language. Apart from them also the team of journalists for television, radio, and newspapers. First we did the interviews, then we pushed the plane in a heated hangar of First Air. Finally the plane was warm, although the outside temperature was still minus 12. A new front with lot of icing is coming to Iqaluit, so for one more day I certainly stay here.
Matevž Polar Pilots (Bert Rose) 08.05.2013 13:38:04 GMT
Heard you on the radio- sounded great1 Žiga Mulec 08.05.2013 12:43:35 GMT
zdravo Matevž. Želim ti vse naj naj da preletiš s tem ultra lahkim letalom Virusom čez Antlantik. želim ti vso srečo. S5-PIR 08.05.2013 10:18:53 GMT
Sem ža na prejšnjem podvigu rekel, da smo "50 i neke" rostfrei generacija. Bravo stari. Šibaj, pa srečno! KAPnikFZ 08.05.2013 08:03:40 GMT
Pardon, tale anonymous sem jaz. France 08.05.2013 08:03:13 GMT
Holly Jesus,thanks a lot!
Matevž, wellcome back to civilization,safe heaven.
Grande,thank you very much, your majesty, Mr.AWACS - Mr.Domen Grauf, for the most safe leadershipping of our Little Prince Matevž!Bravo Virus & Rotax team! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Sveti Jezus,hvala!Dobrodošel Matevž nazaj v civilizaciji, spet malo bolj na varnem!Zelo velika hvala za najbolj varno vodenje našega Matevža, g.AWACSu, Domnu Graufu, mojstru vseh mojstrov!
Hvala vam vsem za čudovito dogajanje ob Matevževem mojstrstvu brez primere!Bravo Virus & Rotax ! Anonymous 08.05.2013 07:58:20 GMT
Očitno je lupinica res odlična-tako kot Matevž in ekipa. Čestitke in kar tako naprej. Malo normalnega počitka vam privoščim(če temu lahko rečemo počitek ;) SREČNO! Griša and the Aerosol team 08.05.2013 07:50:59 GMT
Hip, hip, hura! Čestitke! Dejan 08.05.2013 07:07:34 GMT
Matevž čestitke!
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